
Waifu App In DC 6

(Neoth (MC's Name) POV)

"Okay, Neoth, this should be the last test." Black Canary says as multiple combat drones appear from the floor. They begin to fly around me, forming a circle-like pattern.

"Alright, Neoth. I need you to show me if you have access to heat vision. So, on my mark, use your heat vision against the drones." I nodded and felt that heat in my eyes. A dim red glow formed in my irises as Canary counted down.

"Three." The drones line up some practice shots.

"Two." My eyes glow brighter as I keep them closed, but I can still hear them with my enhanced hearing.

"One." The drones prime their stun shots as they charge up to maximum power.

"Fire!" I immediately open my eyes and spin around so fast that Anakin would be proud. My laser eyes slice through the flying metal drones like a hot knife through butter, and as I stop and look around, I see the charred and crackling insides of the robots. They are then sent into the ground and disappear into the floor.

"Well done, son." I hear Captain Atom say as he approaches me.

"Thank you, Captain. Is that all, or am I required to do more?" The Captain thankfully says no, which I sigh thankfully at as they wanted a full readout of my abilities and required that I beat up a lot of their test dummies for a few hours.

"Kid Flash has offered to house you for a few days so that Batman can prepare something more for your team. I assume you are okay with this?" Giving him a nod, I leave the testing area and see Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash about to leave, but before they do, they all see me and give me a wave.

I smiled and waved back before approaching them. "Thanks for allowing me to stay over. If anything else was unavailable, I was prepared to sleep in the medical center."

The kid then sped behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "No problem, my friend. My folks love to meet new people. I just hope you don't have a ravenous appetite."

"I assume you have to eat a lot of food to run at your current speeds?" Kid Flash gives an embarrassed nod while scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, just make sure to guard your food with your life. I had KF over at Gotham for a day, and we had to restock our monthly food stores. Robin says with a grin.

"That was one time! One time, and they just never let it go. You don't think badly of me, right, Superboy?" He tries to give me a pleading look as Aqualad shakes his head in slight amusement.

"I shall have to see for myself. I hope not to have any missing pieces after I wake up tomorrow. Oh, and also, you guys can call me Neoth or Neo." Robin looked oddly happy at that name.

"Superboy, I mean Neo, you haven't seen the Matrix yet, right?" I had heard of it in my previous life, but I couldn't let him know, so I shook my head.

Kid Flash then gives me a solemn look, saying, "My friend, you do not have any idea what you have. Unleashed Robin here is a major Matrix fan. The guy couldn't go more than a few seconds before commenting on each part of the movie." Robin did not even look ashamed at that.

The Flash then sped up next to us and asked, "Well, it seems you all are getting along. That's good now, Kid and Neoth. Are you guys ready to head out?" We all nodded, but Aqualad took my hand, and I returned his gesture.

"Thank you for your assistance with what happened today. I hope to see you all again soon. For now, my king has need of me elsewhere." Robin gives him a nod, and I do as well as he and Aquaman leave the Hall Of Justice. Looking rather annoyed, Batman walks past us as Robin gives us a two-finger salute and jumps into the Bat jet.

"Bats has all the cool toys," Flash says as if he wasn't blessed with a connection to the fundamental force that creates and forms motion and friction.

"So Neo, you're ready to race, my friend. The last one there has to explain this stuff to my folks." Flash, going alone with his protege's challenge, looks at me, and I nod as I begin to float in the air.

The two speedsters then get in a classic running stance as I prepare myself to fly as fast as I can, and as the Flash uses some of his lightning to ignite a small firecracker, he flocks it in front of us and with a bang, we are off. 

Flying at my max speed, which I clock at a minimum of over 800 miles an hour, I see The Flash overtake us with Kid Flash not too far behind me, and as he smiles at me, I chuckle and increase my speed.

From D.C to Central City, it would take a day to get there by car or train as it's over 1,600 miles away, but for me, this was a perfect flight test, and I assume the League thought the same thing as I knew that there were Zeta tubes in Central City, but they wanted a read on my top speed in flight.

But I am allowing this as I want to know myself. Even with the Superboy Prime template, it's incomplete and will require time to manifest its full strength. Currently, it's only improving my Kryptonian DNA to be similar to his own, and as such, it will take time to affect my other aspects.

Even so, with the template just being there, I could notice a small increase in speed with every passing second. Kid Flash had passed a few minutes ago, and I could see the Flash a few miles away from me, but I kept my pace so as not to reveal too much so soon. But during this flight, I thought of my next move as I needed a way to move about the world or someone to do it for me.

And while Match or my female clone is still at Cadmus, I would need to take some time before heading back there so as not to alert the League so soon. While the data I took from Cadmus was on that USB, I gave Batman, and it held one thing: an undetectable back door, thanks to the nanites in my tech shroud.

So, as soon as Batman even scans the USB for any possible viruses or back doors, my nanites will begin infecting his system, thus allowing me a back door into all of the leagues and Batman's systems. Thankfully, I will get more points for the Waifu App in six days, which I will use to buy a waifu for myself if needed.

It amzes me how fast I can focus multiple trains of thought with my enhanced brain. While in this body, I can fly at Mach speed and think of various scenarios in milliseconds. But it's also a very humbling experience as what I consider amazing are the true monsters lurking on the Multiverse, which I would consider basic at best.

(Feel free to recommend a waifu for our MC to buy and try to convince to work with him or under him.)

-Half an hour later-

Seeing Central City in the distance, I slowed my pace and landed in Wally's neighborhood before brushing myself off and fixing my air-blasted hair. I can see Barry staring at me from the West's porch and sipping a coffee as he waves me over.

"Good time there, Superboy; it seems I'm gonna need to work Wally harder if a new guy can beat him like this." Giving him a small nod, he rings the doorbell, and a ginger-haired woman opens the door. Seeing Flash and myself, she looks me over and nods.

"Nice to see you again, Barry. Who is this, and where is Wally?" The Flash then looks behind us and sees Kid Flash running up to us and stopping right at the porch steps.

"I'm here! You two need to learn to slow down sometimes." As he says this, he breathes heavily while I give him a hand, lifting him up.

"Hi, Mom. This is Neoth or Neo, and he needs a place to crash for a few days. Can he stay?" The abruptness of this seems to turn the woman off, but she gives me a small smile and nods.

"Any friend of these two is a friend of ours. It's nice to meet you, Neo." She extended her hand, and I did the same.

"Thank you for allowing me to stay at your home, Mrs. West." I let go, and she beckoned us inside while Wally ran to his room to change; I sat at the table.

Flash sees this and says, "Well, seeing that everything's okay here, I need to head back, as Iris will kill me if I'm late for dinner again. It was nice meeting you, Neo, and don't worry about Superman. He'll come around."

He then vanishes in a flash of red and yellow as Mary West looks at me oddly but doesn't ask and shows me to my room for the night. It was a nice room with a side window and a twin bed. As I took off the solar suit and placed it next to me, I closed my eyes and slept without fear of my mind being blasted with my education from those G-gnome gremlins.

(Batman POV)

After hopping onto the jet and taking off, I asked Robin, "Did you find anything suspicious about him?"

He shook his head and said, "No, he never lied once when we asked him any questions. And he did save us from getting podded and got us some good data."

"He was too lucid for my liking. He was a young boy but held the bearing of an adult." Robin seemed to dislike this as his eyes slightly narrowed.

"You don't agree?" An obvious question but one that needs addressing.

"I'm not disagreeing with you. I just want to give this guy a shot. Besides, you and I don't carry around that kryptonite for show. What did his power setting show?"

"He has the standard abilities that Clark has but on a toned-down level, and his weakness to kryptonite was already shown when he gave us his DNA to study. When Martian Manhunter looked into his mind, he couldn't find any other memories past the date of his creation. Everything was clean. Other than his desire to leave."

"Maybe it was an unintended side effect of the cloning process. Cadmus probably never considered that the clones would develop their own egos." Robin's point was valid, but countermeasures may still be needed.

"What about this team?"

"What about it?"

"What do you want from it?" The question left Robin silent as we arrived back at the cave.

"About Neo, he may have just been showing a front of maturity so he would be taken seriously." As I left the jet, I looked him in the eyes.

"You may be right, Robin, but keep your guard up. Our enemies are getting smarter, and these events may be set in motion for a reason. Also, you are on console duty until I prepare a base for your team."

"Why!" I had already turned away from Robin as he lamented his fate while Alfred patted him on the back.