
It's Good To Be King 1

"Why do this?" I ask the figure in front of me as he sits opposite me with a round table between us.

I couldn't even distinguish what he looked like truly as he just seemed to morph between various forms at an endless rate. But I could definitely tell that he was male, and as he morphed into Morpheus from the Matrix movies, he simply said, "Why does anyone do anything? Because we can. Think about it in your eyes: I am a being of possibly limitless power, so if I wanted to destroy a universe, I could do it. If I wanted to have an infinite harem of women, it would be so simple. The Omniverse is infinite in scale, so more often than not, most multiversal-level beings will never actually meet each other. And you asked why I am doing this for you specifically, no reason at all."

I would ask why he is refusing to elaborate, but at this point, I'm going to try my luck. So, as he smiles at me, he summons two vials in front of me, one of which seems to flow in a way that seems reminiscent of the Renaissance man diagram.

The second looked like some kind of lava lamp-type vial that held an indistinguishable being within it. As he offered it to me, I gave him a small nod of thanks and drank them both, and as I did so, I felt like I was more. It was not a filling feeling but one that brought immense contentment and rightness, as if this was meant for me.

"I see you have taken to them well. Good. Now, I am going to send you off. I hope to see you again, my friend. Do not worry about your pets; by the way, I sent them to new owners who will take great care of them." I shed a few tears at that as I was gonna miss my boys but I knew that I couldnt go back for them.

He then summoned a portal behind me and dismissed the chairs we were sitting on. 

"Thank you for this." I would say silently.

He simply smirked and said, "No need for that. I was once in your place and all some people need is a second chance. Don't waste it."

I then stepped through the portal, and darkness enveloped my vision.

(Third Person POV)

-Planet Karnach- (Earth Year 1990)

The royal place is abuzz with activity as the queen of the tieflings is now going into labor and is about to give birth to the firstborn of the new royal line. The medical center is cleared out, and guards are posted everywhere, from the windows to each wall, but are turned away to keep the queen's dignity.

Queen Karnassa is huffing in pain and exertion as her husband, King Mundus, grasps her hand and says to her, "Keep going, my love. You're almost there."

"SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME AND YOU ARE ON THE COUCH FOR A WEEK!" The queen yells as she tightens her grip on the King's right hand. You could hear each individual bone pop out of its socket as the King tried not to cry in front of all of his guards due to the pain.

Being the intelligent man that he is, he decides to remain silent. Still, he holds her hand and is very much thankful that their race has slightly heightened regeneration as his right hand is bent in a way that is not normal, but he bared with it as he looks at his wife with hopeful eyes. This was his chance to have a successor so he could one day retire and not have to do so much paperwork.

In all honesty, he didn't care if it was a male or a female. He just wanted to retire, so he held on as his wife kept pushing.

"You are almost there, my queen. I can see the head. A few more pushes and we will be done, " one of the nurses says as she prepares to receive the child.

"I KNOW! I KNOW! JUST MAKE SURE THAT THE CHILD IS ALRIGHT, OR IT IS OFF WITH MY HUSBAND'S HEAD!" The King's other hand immediately goes to his neck as he looks at the rest of the doctors and nurses.

They all gulp as the queen pushes once more and the child is taken by a nurse into a swath of blankets immediately with the King who's face has become one of utter seriousness as he asks "Nurse Avery my child."

He then gestures to give the baby to him, and as he takes his child, he looks at the baby. His heart stops as the pure radiance of the child almost blinds him as his wife breathes in and out, trying to recover her strength, but is able to ask in a heavy tone, "My love is the baby?"

The King places his ear near the baby's chest and then hears a heartbeat as the child opens his eyes, and yet again, the King is stunned by the beauty of this child's eyes as they are comparable to shining blue seas, and endless skies. But his silence has an unintended consequence as the queen begins to worry.

Her breathing becomes more rapid as the King says, "My boy, the light of my life, you shall be named soon, but for now, meet your mother, my son."

He then hands the baby to his wife, who also becomes lost in her child's eyes. The baby is utterly silent, but his eyes shine with curiosity, leaving the queen star-struck as she holds her baby close with a radiant smile on her face.

The King swears he has fallen in love once more after seeing his wife's smile, but the smile on his own face shows a similar feeling. 

The doctors and nurses, however, just breathe a sigh of relief that none of them are going to lose their heads while the guards remain ever vigilant. In fact, they seem almost too zealous. You could see them shaking as if waiting for anyone to ruin this moment.

Mundus then looks to his wife and asks, "My love, what shall be his name?"

In Tiefling culture, the woman who gives birth to the child gets to name the first child looks into her child's eyes and says, "Ansom. His name shall be Ansom."

The King thinks about it and smiles while saying, "Ansom Blackheart. A strong name. Yes! It is perfect! On this day, the first is born, Ansom Blackheart!"

As he shouts in jubilation, the room erupts in applause as the child looks around with his eyes that shine with a form of surprise while his mother bares her chest, and the baby is squeezed against it as the room falls into comfortable silence. The King is then attended to by the doctor, who wraps the King's broken hand in bandages to ensure the broken bones heal right.

Yet regardless of the pain, the King's smile never left his face as he watched his wife and his son in blissful happiness. It's a miracle that they had a child so early after their marriage and subsequent coronation as their race, while decently long-lived, has a lower birth rate than a decent amount of other races.

But what they lost in reproduction, they gained in strength as an adult tiefling could, if trained, destroy entire cities if given the opportunity. And while their technology isn't anything special, it is enough for the civilization to thrive. They have space-fairing vessels, but rarely are they able to leave the planet due to the chaotic state the galaxy is in.

In fact, their sister planet, home of the Charmians, was recently glassed by space pirates as they sought to rid the universe of the Charmians after this never-ending war was started after one of the many space fairing empires began to war with another over a Charmian they both fancied. 

It was nearly a lawless Galaxy, which is why they never focused on developing space fairing technology and mainly focused on strengthening their planet.

This world was his, and his family's. No one would take this from him. Yet as he looked at his son, he saw the spark of intellect in his son's eyes, and the King smiled, knowing that the next couple of years were going to be very interesting, to say the least. 

Especially looking at the fact that all the females in the room had not stopped looking at his son since he opened his eyes, and he knew that his boy was going to be a lady killer just like his dad. But as if his wife knew what he was thinking, she looked over to him with narrowed eyes, but he simply smiled and waved as his wife returned her attention to the now sleeping child.

Looking out to the sprawling city before him he smiles taking in his good fortune before then holding his son as this small thing rested in utter contentment.

He then sat next to his wife as her smile never left her face but she would then say "Honey I just wanted to let you know every time we have a kid you are sleeping on the couch for a week."

But to the King, he simply looked her in the eyes and kissed her deeply, making his wife moan in pleasure as he then separated. Seeing her pleasure glow on her face, he simply smirks to himself. He's still got it.

"What was that about sleeping on the couch, wife?"

She would then snap back to reality and pout to herself as the King was laughing his ass off.

He would then again look at his boy and say, "I will give you everything, my son. I only hope you can be better than me. Also, try to grow up fast. I really don't want to keep doing paperwork."

"Husband, your inner desires are sneaking out again. Don't try to force work on our child. He was just born!"

"But wife, I can already sense the stacking paperwork building in my office! Gerald Is probably going to kill me when I get back to the office."

"Honey, Gerald loves doing paperwork. You can take a day. Besides, I'm convinced that he'll one day get married to a piece of paper that comes out of the fax machine." The King would simply scoff at that, but he genuinely does fear for his royal advisor and his lack of women.

(If a reference is needed for the civilization's tech level, think of it as similar to Mass Effect in terms of when humanity had not yet fought in the First Contact War, but they did have basic space-fairing vessels.)

The King would then look to his wife and ask, "Do you wish to hold him while you rest, my love?" She would lightly nod to him as she handed the baby to her, and her eyes would close, and then her breath would become calm.

The King, making sure that his wife is all right, would then stand and look at everyone in the room with a piercing and fiery gaze while saying in a deadly tone, "I am returning to the office. All of you will stay with my wife and my child. Any threat to the child will be dealt with immediately with execution, am I clear?"

All of them would bow to their King, fearing his utter and complete bloodlust, but would respect his order as they all would do the same for their own children. 

The guards would form a wall around the bed as all the windows were closed and barred, and the King would leave to return to his work as the work of royalty is never done.

But the other present smile would never leave his face as he knew that he would need to prepare his people for the war reaching home. He had a family to protect now. And dammit, he's going to make sure that he lives to see his son get his first woman.

He only hoped that his friend Gid would make good on his grand promises.

Essences Used: Waifu Creation and Transcendent Self