
A Second Chance 1 (WH40K Primarch SI)

"Did you have fun?" A sarcastic voice echoes across a burning world.

The question remained in the air as the person meant to answer it was choking on their own blood. Amongst an endless field of corpses and fire, the man stared into the sky as the stars began to disappear one by one.

"I know I did." The voice did not cease its condescending tone, but there was an air of almost boredom within the undertone. In the background, all that could be heard were scorching flames and storms of endless strength.

Lightning flashes across the sky as thunder rumbles louder than nuclear bombs. It was an end. But it was not the first end.

The world itself began to crack at the seams as volcanoes started to erupt and hurricanes pelted the coastlines across each continent endlessly. Yet the question remained unanswered.

The man who had been asked the question tried to speak a response, but with the multiple swords impaled in his chest, as well as the ash, making it harder and harder to breathe, all he could utter were but futile breaths.

" I know I had fun. What number is this? The thousandth, the ten thousandth, or the hundred thousandth time? Such a long game I've been able to enjoy myself with." The voice seemed to speak from everywhere and nowhere at once.

The impaled man clenched his fists in utter and complete rage. But as quickly as he did so, the strength left his hands as his body began to go slack.

" How many times have you had to watch everything burn? I must applaud you, as you almost got close this time; you managed actually to scratch me. I would reward you if I weren't practically fuming about this turn of events. But I will credit you for learning a weakness, even I could not see." A golden light began to glow in front of the impaled man as a woman walked towards him and laid her hands upon his chard face.

The man attempted to bite at her fingers, but they broke upon hitting her skin. The woman seemed almost amused at the attempt but then proceeded to break both of his arms. The pain barely even registered to the man, but the slight flinch was all the woman needed.

" To think one single mortal could keep me entertained for so long. It's as amusing as it is vexing. Even after the first couple of loops, I thought you would be broken and begging at my feet. How many times do you have to lose everything to admit defeat?" All the man could do was roll his eyes at the question, as it had not been the first time she had asked him this question.

It wouldn't be the last.

The woman then picked up the man by his neck and tossed him through multiple city blocks. Multiple buildings then crumbled as the screams of men, women, and children continued to fill the air. To them, it was the first apocalypse. They would never know that they had died thousands of times.

" What will it take to break you?" The increased frustration could not be more apparent in the woman's voice as she stood above the broken and battered man.

But then the woman began to hear whispers, and as she reached her ear down to get a better indication of what the man was saying, she growled at his response.

" If..you..shut…up." the man could not even finish the sentence as the woman had already stabbed another blade into his gut. The regeneration the man held was only prolonging his suffering, as it was not only his body that suffered, but his soul as well.

The golden woman would stab the man over 28 times, each one barely drawing more than a groan of pain . It had been hundreds of years since the man ever felt physical pain.

Blood continued to pour onto the ground, and after all of this time and after all the energy the man had taken into himself, it almost appeared that plants began to grow whenever his blood hit the ground.

After tossing him aside once more, the woman looked over the destruction she had caused and looked as if she had just swallowed. A sour grape, barely even registering the suffering, as she knew she could fix it all with a wave of her hand and have the man suffer his fate once more.

The whole reason she had even started. This game of hers was off of a dare. She had received from one of her friends how long it would take her to absolutely break someone without directly using any of her mental or spiritual torture techniques.

So she had created this world and all its people in the template of a modern cultivation novel with protagonists and antagonists, with barely anyone in this world having an IQ above room temperature.

The woman maniacally giggled to herself, remembering the almost excitement the man had on his first life learning how to cultivate internal energies. But after the 50th Loop, she could feel the hatred he had for the very energy in his veins as he knew where it came from. It came from her. After all, she was the creator of this universe.

However, the game after all of these hundreds of thousands of loops had begun to bore her. and while it would be embarrassing to admit that she had failed her fellow reincarnates, it would disappear after the next hundred years.

With but a wave of her hand, the world disappeared, and all that was left was a white void. Smiling at her efficient work, she would turn around and see the same man bleeding in the void.

" All right, it's time for you to disappear. It was fun truly, and do take solace, knowing your soul will be amazing nutrition for one of my children. " she reached her hand towards the man, intending to steal his soul, but then the void itself began to shake.

Nearly limitless emptiness began to take form as the once-white void darkened. The woman, wholly and utterly baffled at the current development, tried to spread her senses across the void, trying to understand who could manipulate her own domain like this!

" Reveal yourself, coward! I shall give you the privilege of looking upon my glorious self before I end your life!" As the shaking ceased, the woman smirked to herself, thinking that whoever was doing it ran away.

She could not have been any more wrong. as the once white void completely blackened, but from the endless darkness rose a singular figure. In the distance, it barely looked like a dot of light amongst endless darkness, but as it approached every step, it took sent out a wave of pure creation as stars were born and died in seconds with entire worlds and empires, growing and receding and equal measure.

The woman, being unable to sense the depth of the power of this being, would try to run away using her many spatial teleportation abilities, and even using divine artifacts, she found that she could do nothing.

Her eyes began to go around, looking for any means of escape. Still, before she could even take the first step, the figure was already behind her, and in comparison to the woman's barely 6-foot-tall height, she was practically dwarfed by the other being, who stood nearly 12 feet tall.

" Why?"

A single word was ordered amongst the void, and it seemed to crack reality with every syllable.

The woman could not even gather up enough bravery to even respond.

The figure then revealed ginormous golden wings of light that seemed to spread across the entire universe. " Do you know what you have done?" The tone of the question could be compared to a parent scolding his child.

At this disrespect, the female cultivator would then try to reach for her sword, and upon taking a slash that could cut the entire world in half, was caught with one finger. as the blow was stopped. The sword itself cracked to pieces and shattered.

The force behind the explosion of what was essentially a celestial-level sword caused the woman to be blown back, as the divine figure just looked with disappointment and utter contempt.

Realizing that she was beaten in terms of strength, she bowed, placing her head upon the empty ground, and did something she had not done for thousands of years: she begged for her life.

" I'm sorry, my lord! I do not know of any rules I have broken! If I could make it-!"

"SILENCE!" That one word not only made the woman cease. It also caused the entire universe to go quiet.

" Your little game has threatened not only the disability of this universe but also the nearby Multiverse, which could've caused an infestation of Eldritch horrors. The chaos you have brought by resetting time over and over again has caused multiple ruptures in space and time. Quadrillions of lives have been lost already. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" The condescension was so purposeful that a child could understand the irony of this situation.

The accused could not stop shaking in both fear and rage at this humiliation, but as she gathered the power to self-destruct in order to escape this place, knowing that she had reincarnation failsafes. The woman's smile that her body cracked at the seams with power, but with a snap of the divine figure's finger, it was stopped.

" You know you are not the first reincarnate I have had to kill for threatening the stability of the multi-verses. You believe you're so special when there are an infinite number of people just like you. The annoying thing is that it is up to me to corral the annoying children. Playtime is over. Begone." Another snap could be heard across the universe, and once, a woman regaled for her beauty and strength aged rapidly and turned to dust in milliseconds.

The figure was 13 feet tall and covered from head to toe with ornate golden armor; then, seeing the man bleeding on the ground, watching everything unfold before his life came to an end. With one wave of his hand, the bleeding ceased, and all the wounds were healed, but the light never returned to the man's eyes.

Struggling to move his broken limbs, or what was once broken, the endless void then turned to an endless grassy plain. The divine figure looked over what was once an average man. No words were said as he walked over and lifted the man in both of his arms.

"Is it over?" More weak than he had ever been, a question was uttered. The winged figure nodded his head, but instead of happiness, all that could be heard were despairing sobs.

An hour passed before any other words were said, and by that time, the man's wounds had healed, at least physically, they did, and as the winged figure placed the man on the ground, the man would look upon his savior with both intense gratitude and suspicion.

" You believe me to be an illusion?" The winged figure would ask the broken man.

" I do this has not been the first time this has happened. At any moment, I will close my eyes, and the loop will continue." The emptiness in those words would carry more weight than whatever could be known.

" You will not believe the words that come out of my mouth, but you're suffering is over. The woman who has tormented you for thousands of years is gone. She cannot hurt you anymore. But since you believe that this is an illusion if you could ask how you want to continue, what would you want?" The question weighed heavily upon the weary man.

After nearly 30 minutes of mental deliberation, a small response was all that could be heard: " Death, I want this to end. If this is truly real, I want it to be over. That woman already slayed my family right in front of me. I have nothing to go back to."

Sighing, the winged man simply shakes his head. " Your story does not end here, my friend. Your loop is over, but you're needed for what comes next. Those you have lost would not have wanted you to give up."

"What do you know?! You did not see them die over and over again! I can't even remember a time I saw them smile; I can barely even remember my own name. Just end it!" The hopelessness was ever apparent as the man lay on the ground.

Silence pervaded the plain as the winged man asked again, " If you had a choice to change your fate, would you? I am giving you a choice to live, But not here, not in this form."

Seeing the writing on the wall, the man just stopped accepting his fate. As the winged being placed a hand on the man's head, his body disappeared, leaving only a misshapen and damaged soul.

" This will not do. It seems that some upgrades are needed." The winged man would reach his hand into a portal and out came three vials. And after placing them into the man's soul, they would begin to coalesce in a shower of colors.

Seeing that the man's soul had been repaired, he placed his hand upon it and said, " I am sorry for not being there sooner, my friend. But your story does not end here. Although I do admit to being a bit curious about your reaction to your new world."

Placing the soul into a ball-like form, the wing of the man would hold it gently before sending it off into places unknown.

Before leaving, the winged man would stare out into the distance, and a glare would form upon his face as while Reincarnates were a dime a dozen, they could be as beautiful as they could be cruel. It's a wonder that the Omniverse still stands with all the reincarnations and transmigrations.

But after that, the winged being would chuckle to himself before answering a report from one of his men.

"Lord Anakim, the job is done. That woman's little group of cultivators has been eliminated. Where is the soul the woman was keeping?" Anakim simply smiled and replied.

" It's going somewhere rather interesting. Do not worry it is under control. In fact, I almost fear for the universe I sent it to, but knowing the grim darkness of the future, it can't get any worse." The silence in response was all the winged lord, needed to hear as he disappeared from the void, leaving it as empty as it began.

Essences Given: Lost Primarch, Overpowered Xianxia Protagonist Starting Kit, Tinker Of Imagination