
Multiverse : start in Naruto as uchiha shisui

mc got reincarnated as shisui with gacha powers but lost his memory's, loses his eyes and clan then when his memory returns what will happen ? it involves multiverse traveling. mc travels to boruto verse from his world and vise versa mc world is au so some changes may happen this is a fanfiction , everything used belongs to their original owner

gacha927 · 漫画同人
16 Chs

you still have much to learn

One and a Half Weeks Later

I observed her movements closely. As she attacked me with a kunai, her improvement was evident, though still below the level I demanded. The gap highlighted a crucial issue in peacetime: without immediate threats, even the most talented individuals struggle to realize their full potential. In contrast, those involved in conflict grow rapidly, pushing their limits in ways that peaceful training cannot replicate.

A Chunin with real combat experience can be far more dangerous than a Special Jonin who has only trained in peacetime. This isn't to say I'm against peace; I deeply value it. However, even during peacetime, individuals must be prepared for potential dangers. Peace doesn't eliminate threats, and readiness is essential.

Achieving Kage-level status isn't solely about possessing a powerful bloodline. Many notable shinobi, such as Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, the Third Raikage, and White Fang, attained Kage-level strength through rigorous training and innate talent. Even Hiruzen Sarutobi, though difficult for me to respect, reached his position through mastery of all five elements and their combinations. His skill and intellect are significant.

Similarly, Orochimaru, despite being defeated by Itachi Uchiha, was renowned for his intelligence and was Voldemort of Naruto verse. Jiraiya, with his mastery of Sage Art, rose from civilian origins to become formidable. White Fang surpassed most of his peers in strength, and the Third Raikage's remarkable power and resilience were evident in his fierce battle against the Eight-Tails. His death came not from defeat but from exhaustion after a prolonged fight.

None of these figures had Kekkei Genkai, but they reached Kage-level through practice and dedication. That's the standard I expect from her.

"Okay, that's enough," I said, signaling a shift in focus. "Next, we will work on improving your battle skills." She paused, understanding the implication: she would face rogue ninjas and would have to kill them. I aimed to shift her perspective, showing her the stark differences between our worlds.

Two Days Later

As we traversed a remote forest, anticipation built with every step. After two days without encountering any targets, I finally broke the silence. "Get ready; your targets have appeared, also no sharingan" I said, leaving her to prepare while I concealed myself.

She wore her usual attire, her black cloak concealing the ANBU sword I had given her. I was training her to use it effectively while imparting Uchiha-style techniques and other strategies. The forest was quiet except for the rustling leaves and her measured breathing as she prepared for the confrontation.

Ahead, four robbers and a rogue Chunin made their way through the dense forest. The robbers, dressed in mismatched gear and armed with crude weapons, chatted loudly, oblivious to the danger. The Chunin, a stark contrast, moved with a confident, calculating demeanor.

She crouched behind a thick tree, her heart racing. The robbers were relatively easy to handle, but the Chunin posed a significant threat. His experience and skill far exceeded what she had faced before. Defeating him would require more than brute strength; it demanded strategy, precision, and quick reflexes.

The Chunin's presence was imposing, his forehead protector marked with the symbol of a village he had long since abandoned. He surveyed the surroundings with an unsettling calm, his eyes sharp and observant.

Her plan was to neutralize the robbers first to reduce the number of adversaries and then focus on the Chunin. Moving silently, she launched a barrage of kunai, catching the robbers off-guard. Two fell immediately, their cries of pain piercing the forest. The remaining robbers scrambled for their weapons, panic evident in their eyes.

She advanced with her sword drawn, confronting the first robber who charged with a rusty sword. His attack was wild and uncoordinated, leaving him vulnerable. She sidestepped effortlessly, spinning to deliver a precise counter-strike that disarmed him. The second robber, wielding a makeshift club, lunged at her. She deflected the blow with a swift movement and incapacitated him with a decisive strike.

With the robbers subdued, her focus shifted to the Chunin. The air was tense as she drew a deep breath, preparing for the real challenge. The Chunin stepped forward, his movements smooth and deliberate. He drew his kunai with a poised, menacing grace.

She pressed on, her attacks a blur of kunai strikes and powerful jutsu. Her Taijutsu was fluid and aggressive, with precise kicks and punches aimed at exploiting any weaknesses. She used Earth-style techniques to form walls and traps, but the Chunin remained one step ahead. He dodged with agile movements and countered with skill, exploiting every opening she left.

The battle transformed the clearing into a chaotic battleground of swirling dust and shattered foliage. Fatigue began to set in as her movements grew sluggish. The Chunin's experience was evident in his every move. He anticipated her actions and countered them with ruthless precision. His Taijutsu was formidable, his strikes delivering crushing blows, his footwork impeccable.

He charged with blinding speed, his kunai aimed for a decisive strike. She barely reacted in time, blocking his attack with her sword. The force of the strike sent her stumbling backward, her breath ragged and energy almost depleted. The Chunin's eyes, though filled with respect, remained cold and calculating.

"You have potential," he said, his voice carrying grudging admiration. "But you need to push yourself further if you want to survive."

Determined, she readied herself for the final phase of the battle. The Chunin raised his hands, causing the ground to tremble violently. Massive stone pillars erupted from the earth, crashing toward her with lethal force. She leaped aside, narrowly avoiding being crushed. The Chunin's mastery of Earth-style jutsu was evident; he manipulated the terrain with deadly precision, each attack designed to overwhelm her.

Summoning her remaining strength, she activated Chidori , charging at him with all her might. The air crackled with electricity as she launched herself forward. The Chunin met her assault head-on, forming seals that caused the ground to rise in a jagged wave. The clash was explosive, sending shockwaves through the clearing.

Both combatants were momentarily thrown by the impact. The Chunin recovered swiftly, advancing with a decisive, powerful strike aimed at her chest. She parried with her sword, but the force of the strike pushed her back, crashing into a fallen tree. Exhausted and battered, she lay on the ground, the Chunin standing over her with his kunai poised for the final blow. His voice was cold yet carried a hint of respect.

"You fought well," he said. "But you still have much to learn. This is the reality of battle—unforgiving and brutal."

As she lay there, her strength nearly spent, the Chunin's words echoed in her mind. The fight had pushed her to her limits, revealing the harsh reality of combat. Without sharingar its difficult to win.Exhausted but resolute, she struggled to her feet, knowing she had to continue her training. She understood now more than ever that she needed to push herself further and face whatever challenges lay ahead with renewed determination. The path to becoming stronger was just beginning, and she was ready to walk it, no matter how arduous it might be if she wants to take her revenge.