
Multiverse : Sect Of Infinity

MC dies and binds himself into a system and embarks on a journey to build the strongest Sect of the multiverse. He will visit different different fictional worlds recruiting disciples for his sect. -------- This will be a multiversal Journey. Planned Worlds - 1. Demon Slayer 2. JJK 3. One-Piece 4. To be decided Atleast : 3 chs/ week Atleast 1000 words/ Chapter I do have patreon that you can check out to read extra chapters.- patreon.com/BullShiter

Bullshitter · 漫画同人
11 Chs

Healing Kanae

As the intense battle between Kanae and Doma raged on, Luke stood quietly in the distance, observing the fight with a calm yet curious demeanor. The clash of swords and the dance of icy winds filled the air, but Luke's mind was focused on something else entirely. The system notifications pinged in his consciousness, providing a detailed analysis of the techniques being used in the battle.

He watched as Doma unleashed his terrifying abilities, creating a massive ice statue with his Hoarfrost・Waterlily Bodhisattva technique, its frigid aura freezing everything in its vicinity. Kanae, battered but determined, countered with her graceful Flower Breathing techniques, her movements a blur of elegance and deadly precision.

Luke's thoughts were interrupted by the system's voice.

[ Technique learned: Grade D - Ice Buddha ]

He felt the knowledge of Doma's cryokinetic abilities flood his mind, the intricacies of controlling and creating ice becoming as natural as breathing. It was an impressive power, though Luke knew it could be refined and enhanced to a far greater degree.

"System, add recommendations—Healing."

Luke knew he would need to aid Kanae once the battle concluded. He had a feeling she would be gravely injured, and if he could enhance her abilities, she would become a valuable ally in his mission to establish the strongest sect.

[ Host, there is no need for you to heal. You have Origin Energy. Once you introduce the energy to anyone, it enhances their overall capability to the next level. ]

Luke's eyes sparkled at the possibilities. "Oh, so it's like in Fey Evolution Merchant, but I can do it for humans too?"

[ Yes. ]

A smile formed on Luke's face. This was the advantage he needed. "Then, just improve the technique to its maximum level."

He mentally entered his Library space, where he could view and enhance the techniques he had absorbed. The knowledge that any technique could be improved to the level of an Origin Technique was a revelation. Although his current limit was EX grade, it was more than sufficient to overpower almost any foe in this world.

[ Improve Technique: Descent of the Cryo Buddha ]

[ Grade: EX ]

The library worked its magic, refining and enhancing Doma's techniques to their utmost potential.

[ Cryokinesis: Can control or create Ice. (Grade EX) ]

[ Arctic Breath: Rains Ice Particles in a vast area. Particles are so tiny they are invisible to the naked eye. It freezes anything it touches. (Grade SSS) ]

[ Hoarfrost・Waterlily Bodhisattva: Creates a giant ice statue that starts the Ice Age. (Grade EX) ]

[ Technique Learned Total Concentration Breathing (Grade E)]

"Improve it like a cultivation technique so that they can cultivate improved grades by taking in natural energy,"

He had noticed the presence of natural energy in the world. But unfortunately the residents had no Idea how to use it.

[ Technique Learned: Passive Nature Breath Technique (EX) ]

Luke felt the technique imprint itself into his mind. It was a method of breathing that allowed the practitioner to absorb natural energy from their surroundings, enhancing their physical and spiritual capabilities. It was akin to a cultivation technique, gradually improving as the practitioner absorbed more natural energy over time.

"This will revolutionize their training," Luke thought, already envisioning how he could use this to create an elite group of disciples.

[ Technique Learned : Flower Breathing ( Grade E) ]

[ Technique Treaced back to Origin ]

[ Technique learned Water Breathing ( Grade E) and Sun Breathing ( Grade D) ]

"Improve Flower Breathing based on Captain Byakuya's abilities and Sun Breathing based on Yamamoto's," Luke instructed, drawing inspiration from the legendary figures of another world.

The system worked swiftly.

[ Technique Learned: Scattered Cherry Blossom Technique (EX) ]

The Scattered Cherry Blossom Technique took the principles of Flower Breathing and infused them with the elegance and lethality of Byakuya's Senbonzakura. It allowed the user to summon a flurry of cherry blossom-like blades that could be controlled with precision, overwhelming opponents with countless slashes that were as beautiful as they were deadly.

[ Technique Learned: Zanka no Tachi (EX) ]

Zanka no Tachi transformed Sun Breathing into a technique of unparalleled power, inspired by Yamamoto's legendary Bankai. The blade, when used with this technique, would burn with the heat of the sun, incinerating anything it touched. The user could also create flames that could not be extinguished until they consumed everything in their path.

Luke felt a surge of satisfaction as the new techniques settled into his consciousness. These were no longer mere abilities; they were forces of nature, capable of reshaping the battlefield and dominating any opponent.

He glanced toward the horizon, where the first rays of dawn were beginning to break through the darkness. Kanae had survived, and Doma had fled, but there was still much to be done. 

Luke vanished and arrived beside the now battered kanae and looked at her with pity, If it wasnt for the rules. He would have killed Doma with a single finger. 

He encased her in a box of ice and brought her to the rest room in the training pagoda to further heal her.

Once inside he melted the ice away as he started infusing origin energy into her body and It was doing wonders on her.

Her injuries healed at speed visible to the naked eye. Her Grade broke through from E to D.

Now completely healed she was in a coma from being mentally drained.

"System show her status"


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Yes, I have used grammrly and AI since English is my third language.

I am planning to release it in patreon. Please let me know wether is this something you guys would pay to read or not. And would be the appropriate price.