
Multiverse: Rimuru Tempest

In the final battle against Ivaraj, Rimuru is forced to reincarnate himself in order to survive... Watch as he journeys the multiverse in an attempt to return home. ____________________________________ First World: Demon Slayer I'll probably post whenever, but this should be a pretty good story! Enjoy!

GoldenOsiris · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Rimuru Tempest

Deep into the starry galaxy…

The Cardinal World could be seen in the distance, seemingly looking similar to Earth.

But on one certain side of the world, only chaos could be seen as different colored fires spread all over the grassy fields.

The once-green grass was dyed in red blood with thousands of bodies laying lifelessly, sprawled everywhere.

Raging winds shook the red-stained grass as two beings could be seen continuously clashing their swords high up in the air, until finally stopping and standing face to face.

A long blue-haired individual could be seen wearing a simple white t-shirt, black pants, and golden embroidered onto it as he held a katana in his right hand.

Rimuru's gleaming golden eyes coldly looked toward his opponent.

His enemy had long blazing red hair, a body enveloped in crimson/silver armor while holding a scarlet-colored sword and his face held a crazed smile.

"Your end is here Ivaraj!" Rimuru exclaimed as he pointed his purple glowing katana toward him.

"Hahaha! You think you stand a chance against me Demon Lord Rimuru!? You will fall just like the rest!" Ivaraj laughed, as he condescendingly looked toward Rimuru.

Rimuru frowned as he glanced down and could see the bodies of those he cherished.

Surprisingly even his most powerful subordinates like Diablo, Benimaru, or even Shion are hanging on by a thread as they attempted to get up to assist their Lord, but unfortunately, the rest seemed to be dead.

Even the other Demon Lords were battered onto the ground, and some of them were also dead.

Rimuru was the last one left simply because he was the most passive, he attempted to analyze his enemy's powers in order to defeat them, but he could see no weakness, the enemy was simply that powerful.

He wasn't as devastated because he knew he could resurrect the majority of them but nonetheless, he was furious with himself for allowing such an event to happen.

'Ciel, is there any solution to this?' He questioned inwardly as he increased his thought process by millions.

[Master, there is one solution...] Ciel responded seemingly in a saddened tone.

Rimuru could tell it was something that would most likely endanger him, but nonetheless, he continued, "What is it?"

[The only option feasible would be for Master to sacrifice all his abilities including all his Ultimate Skills in order to create one single powerful attack.

But the individual Ivaraj will not allow himself to get hit by such an attack, so-]

Before Ciel could finish, Rimuru cut her off with a bitter smile, 'I think I get what your plan is Ciel.'

Ciel simply stayed silent once hearing her Master's words.

'Oh by the way, is it possible to copy Luminous's, [Ultimate Skill: Asmodeus]?' Rimuru questioned hopefully.

The reason Rimuru questioned if he could copy such an Ultimate Skill was that it had the ability to resurrect anyone at the cost of Magicules as long as their body/soul were available, and Rimuru had long since erected a barrier around the battlefield just for that.

It was a much better version of his own Resurrection Magic which needed thousands of bodies to die for it to work.

[I have already copied it Master.] Ciel swiftly replied.

Rimuru smirked at her response, 'As expected of Ciel-sensei... Relay the plan to the others so that they don't interfere...

Then if that's all, let's commence the plan.'

Promptly after those last thoughts, Rimuru deactivated, [Thought Acceleration], allowing time to return normal for him, as Ivaraj was still standing in front of him with a blood-thirsty expression.

"Come..." Rimuru raised his left hand up as he wiggled his fingers back and forth in a 'come here' motion.

Ivaraj simply grinned as he blasted toward Rimuru at immeasurable speeds.

Rimuru's eyes widened as he barely perceived his incoming punch, but he quickly raised his arms up as he felt Ivaraj's fist come into contact with them.

He watched as his arms slowly bent back, before being completely overpowered.


As if a bomb blasted against him, he was sent flying back in the air at blinding speeds.

'Come on! Come on!'

He inwardly exclaimed as he extended his wings out from his back in an attempt to regain his balance while doing multiple flips mid-air.

Eventually, he slowed down as he regained his balance.

'Phew finally-' As Rimuru was about to sigh in relief, he was cut off by Ciel's panicked voice.

[Warning Master!-]

But it was too late...

Ivaraj instantly appeared above him with his sword crashing down.


Another explosion went off as their figures crashed down onto the ground, creating a large crater.



Diablo finally struggled to get up as his once pristine butler suit was completely tattered.

He was missing his right arm as he held the missing stump while limping across toward a familiar red figure sprawled on the ground.

Benimaru was laying on the ground and he seemed to be missing his left leg, he struggled to get up with a defeated expression.

"Benimaru-san..." Diablo muttered as he glanced down.

Benimaru's eyes slightly brightened once noticing Diablo's presence.

"Diablo-san, mind giving some help..." Benimaru bitterly remarked as his leg refused to regenerate.

Diablo extended his left hand downward as Benimaru gripped it and finally got up as he leaned against Diablo with his arm around his neck, which would have earned a complaint, but with the current circumstances, it didn't matter.

"You can't regenerate either?" Benimaru questioned as he glanced toward Diablo's missing stump.

"Indeed, that individual Ivaraj seems to have some interesting magic that doesn't permit regeneration..." Diablo replied as they continued to walk through the corpse-riddled battlefield.

Benimaru nodded, "We need to go to Rimuru-sama in order to assist him."

Before Diablo could respond they heard some voices from behind them.

"Wait for us!"

Diablo and Benimaru glanced behind themselves as they noticed a few individuals.

Guy, an unconscious Milim on his shoulder, Shion, and even Veldora beside her.

They all seemed bruised up as one another helped each other.

Diablo simply nodded as they all saw the two figures suddenly crash down a few hundred feet ahead of them.

Quickening their pace regardless of their injuries, they all stop at the edge of the crater as they look down at the smoke-filled hole.

Once the smokey-debris disappeared, everyone's eyes could only widen...


Shion shrieked as she was about to lunge down toward Rimuru before being stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

She glanced behind her with watery eyes, "What is the meaning of this Veldora-sama!?" She shouted toward Veldora who firmly held onto her shoulder as she pointed toward the presenting situation at the bottom of the crater.

Rimuru stood there... Impaled with a sword going through his chest as Ivaraj stood in front of him with a triumphant grin.

"What did I tell you!? The only one who could ever defeat me was Veldenava, and he has long since perished!" Ivaraj exclaimed, as Rimuru bitterly smiled.

At the top of the crater, Veldora stood there with a conflicted expression as he continued to grasp Shion's shoulder, "You should have got the [Thought Communication] from Rimuru..." His expression seemed downcast as he spoke those words.

"To sacrifice himself!? I won't accept it!" Shion yelled back as she attempted to go down once again, but it seemed the grip on her shoulder was held even tighter as Veldora did not budge.

Benimaru wasn't faring much better, the color left his face as he stood there powerlessly, but nonetheless, he still spoke up.

"Shion, that's enough!" Benimaru remarked as flickers of fire started to emit off him, indicating his unstable emotional state.

"Can't you see Veldora-sama is having just as much of a hard time as you!... Don't make Rimuru-sama's sacrifice in vain!... He even said he would return to us, so believe in him!!" Benimaru exclaimed as he could feel the heat inside him flaring in anger at his own weakness.

Shion's eyes widened at his words, she noticed that while Veldora was always the playful type in any type of situation, he was currently holding a painful expression as if he couldn't believe what he was doing himself.

Rimuru did say he would return to them in time, and that this was the only option available.

Her job was to believe in her Lord no matter the situation and she was currently not doing that.

She regained her calm as she defeatedly sighed, "I understand." But her eyes still seemed sad as she looked down at the situation.

Guy frowned at the situation, he was easily defeated, and as much as he hated to admit it, he started to like the slime, or rather Rimuru.

He glanced at the body laying on his shoulder and sighed in relief, 'If Milim was awake she would have entered [Stampede] mode once again and we would have another crisis on our hands.'

Diablo himself seemed to be the only one smiling without any doubt in his eyes.

"What's there to fear?… If anyone can survive this, it's Rimuru-sama." He uttered with full confidence as he continued to watch his master's plan unfold.


Back with Rimuru...

He had a bitter expression as he looked at the impaled sword going through his chest.

But his expression soon turned strained as he started to hear Ciel's warnings.

[Warning! [Pain Nullification] has been bypassed! Attempting to re-initiate... Failed!... Failed!... Failed!]

Rimuru clenched his teeth as he felt pain for the first time in a long time.

Nonetheless, he slowly closed his eyes as he focused.

'Activate [Ultimate Skill: Asmodeus].'

[Affirmative, [Ultimate Skill: Asmodeus] has been activated.]

Suddenly a burst of magic sent off him in all directions as a multi-colored colossal magic wave passed through the entire battlefield.

Ivaraj simply raised his brow, seemingly unimpressed, "What's the point of resurrecting your allies if I'm just gonna kill them again?"

Rimuru had a strained smirk on his face as he slowly inched forward with the sword continuously going through him, "Oh, so you think you've won?...

Who decided that?"

Rimuru remarked as their faces were only inches away, both looking crazily at each other.

Prompting Ivaraj to sneer, "Give it up. No one on this earth stands a chance against me." Ivaraj had a condescending look as he looked down at Rimuru's determined golden eyes.

"No one on this Earth stands a chance against you?...

Who decided that?" Rimuru once again questioned, as he swiftly closed the distance between them.

He then unexpectedly grabbed Ivaraj and put him into a bear hug as he endured the sword that was still piercing him.

Ivaraj eyes widened in surprise as he noticed a sudden increase in Rimuru's Magicules, 'His Magicules have increased!? By 10 fold? No, 20 fold? No.... Even more!!'

He tried to break out the bear hug but it was for naught, as he struggled to even budge Rimuru's arms.

Rimuru himself glanced toward the top of the crater where his friends were watching, "Take care while I'm gone."

He muttered quietly, but he knew they heard him.

Then abruptly with a smirk, he launched himself upward as Ivaraj continued to struggle in his grip.


In a zip of light, Rimuru disappeared up into space with Ivaraj.

The surprise in Ivaraj's eyes didn't disappear as he stared at Rimuru while fervently attempting to free himself, "How!?" He exclaimed as he felt the powerful winds slowly subside while they entered space.

Rimuru had a grin as he continued to look up while flying with Ivaraj in his hands, "Well It's quite simple! I simply sacrificed almost all of my Ultimate Skills for an unimaginable power boost in Magicules!"

"How many Ultimate Skills did you have, to obtain such power!?" Ivaraj questioned seemingly alarmed, as his surroundings morphed into black with stars in the background.

"Too many..." Rimuru chuckled as he thought about how he had practically copied every Ultimate Skill he had ever encountered.

It wasn't supposed to be possible, but it seems he's just HIM.

Rimuru eventually stopped flying as they came to a halt in the empty space filled with stars in all directions.

"This is it Ivaraj!" Rimuru tightened his grip on his body as he slowly started to emit a purple hue.

He was preparing for his most powerful attack...

"Damn you! Release me you damned Demon Lord!" Ivaraj angrily shouted as he realized Rimuru's intentions.

Rimuru's purple aura continued to expand from him, becoming larger and larger, until he became a glistening purple sun with him and Ivaraj at the center.

Everyone from Earth would glance up from their homes as the sun was suddenly overshadowed by some purple light.

The sky turned into a shining violet all over the world, as people would stare up in amazement.

And at the very center of it, Rimuru muttered one last sentence, "This is what happens when you mess with the Demon Lord, Rimuru Tempest!"

His figure flashed purple as he was engulfed in his overbearing Magicules.

"Damn you Rimuruuuu!!" Ivaraj's scream could be heard as Rimuru's figure suddenly imploded with his lips tugging upward into a smile.


An explosion with no sound went off, as Rimuru and Ivaraj's figure disappeared within it.

The purple magical explosion continued to expand, further and further, destroying anything in its path.

As it neared Earth's atmosphere, it was abruptly sucked back in toward the epicenter, quickly disappearing as if it was never there.

The aftermath of the explosion caused an event similar to the Northern Lights, as all around the world, purple magical waves would glisten in the sky.

Unknown to Rimuru, this event created a holiday called Rimuru Day.

Deep into the starry cosmos, Rimuru's body could be seen but he was missing all his limbs...

Only his upper chest/head remained, as his eyes slowly fluttered open with his shimmering blue hair floating.

He had a drained smile as he quietly spoke, "Luckily I saved you for last Ciel, or I would have felt unimaginable pain just now."

Rimuru sighed in relief once sensing that Ivaraj was completely decimated, but he knew that was far from the end of him as he would reincarnate.

[Of course Master... But sadly, since I have expended too much energy, this will promptly put me into a hibernation-like state... But once you get powerful enough, you should be able to retain me.] Ciel's usual monotone voice was replaced with sadness as she spoke.

"Thanks Ciel, did you create the system we discussed?" Rimuru questioned as he realized his time was slowly coming to an end, and if he died abruptly, their plan would be for naught.

Their plan was depending on the fact that he reincarnates, and they in turn would create a system that would follow him and allow him to slowly regain his powers.

Ciel already told him she put a backup of all his skills into it, he will simply need to get powerful again in order to access them.

[Master I have finished formulating the system which should help you regain your powers and will force you to reincarnate instantly.] Ciel replied swiftly, forgetting about her previous sadness.

The reincarnation part was very important because even though most beings such as the Primordials and True Dragons can reincarnate, the process itself takes time.

But Rimuru and Ciel created a certain skill/system which would hasten the process, unlike Ivaraj which would in turn take him a much longer time.

So Rimuru simply needed to regain his powers quickly and return to meet Ivaraj.

"Thanks again partner, don't worry, I'll make sure to come back." The light in Rimuru's eyes slowly dimmed as he wearily spoke.

It was silent for a few seconds until Ciel finally replied...

[I'll be waiting master.]

The last thing he heard was Ciel's voice before everything turned black.


After an unknown amount of time, Rimuru's eyes slowly opened once again.

'That fast, huh?' He thought inwardly as he was laying down on the ground, with his blue hair sprawled out, still wearing his True Dragon outfit.

He gradually stood up as he glanced around and noticed he was in a rocky-like cave, seemingly pitch black, he glanced down and noticed his sheath katana.

'It seems this was Ciel's doing... But it feels rather weak.' Rimuru thought as he slightly unsheathed it, before sheathing it back in.

But directly in front of him was a dark purple translucent screen.


[Multiverse System]

Choose One of The Following...

[Fire Breathing]

[Wind Breathing]

[Water Breathing]

[Moon Breathing]

[Mist Breathing]

[Sun Breathing]

[Love Breathing]

[Thunder Breathing]



Rimuru watched the continuous list go on with an amused expression.

"Well this should be fun."


First chapter! If you have any thoughts, let me know!

Would you prefer honorifics in Japanese or English?

Like Rimuru-sama = Lord Rimuru, which one sounds better for the story?