
CHAPTER 2. Meeting GOD and state of the void

-----[ 3rd POV ]-----

"Enough kid". A voice boomed in the void.

Although spoken quietly, it sounded like thunderclap to the soul currently floating in the void.

"Sorry, I'll tone the volume down...." Said the voice.

"Don't worry, it's like music to my ears since I can't remember how long I've been here.

But let me guess.... you're God?." Said the soul.

'What was he expecting me to say?, shout at him?, curse?,' *Scoff* 'No way in nine hell am I doing that. I'm not like those dumb MC in dumb novels that shout at a being way stronger than them' The soul thought.


The darkness suddenly changed to an office but everything was white.

"Why so....white?." Said the soul...to the being in front of it.

The being was a man in a black suit with the appearance of a 25 years old man with no pupil nor irises in his eyes and a void black hair that seems to have no edges. {A/N: Think of a man with Vanta black color of hair}.

"I'm God with a capital G.O.D. You don't expect me to have an all black or pink office, did you?." Said GOD.

"Sorry for asking.....Anyways, why am I here?." asked the soul.

"Tell me...where did you expect to be?."

"Heaven." The soul answered immediately.

"Hahaha....why do think you were going to heaven?."

"I'm boring and my life was monotonous....I never even got the chance to commit sin.

My only known sin is masturbating and not going to church like a normal christian, that's if it is." The soul said worryingly.

"Ha... don't worry about those, I never said one has to go to church every Sunday, you just have to pay tithes and offerings and they have no literal punishment if it's not met. Missing them just means I might not bless you if I wanted to." Said GOD calming down the soul.

"Alright kid, I'm busy, let's get down to business"

"Busy doing what?." Asked the now curious soul.

"Creation and entertainment" GOD said.

The soul asked, "Alright....but before we start, can I ask a question?."

GOD replied patiently, "Go on son."

"Are you different from ROBs?."

"Why do you ask?."

"I remember you said that you're God with capital GOD, so I figured that there are other beings like you.

Also, this scene felt like a deja Vu to me, then I remembered that this particular scene appeared in novels and there were ROBs too."

"Kid, have you ever heard of the word "Before me there was nothing, after me there was nothing."" The soul nodded.

"Then you should know that with me time and space came to be, and before I started creation I was alone for however long it was that even though my perception is different from that of mortals, I felt lonely."

Seeing that the soul was entranced by the story, he continued.

"Not that kind of loneliness that feels like you need someone, but boredom. I could have used my ability to remove it but I wanted to feel something else, so I created a world called earth.

Not your earth, but everything that happened in Genesis happened on that earth. The events just echoed itself to it's parallel self.

Seeing that man was prospering, I removed my presence from interfering with them, so they became a source of entertainment for me.

And before you ask, yes, all creation became a source of entertainment.

For example, man created machines and they loved it, therefore everything that happened to the machine becomes a source of entertainment for mortals whether they like it or not.

If a mortal cares about their children, they are a source of entertainment to them. Any other emotions and actions relating to their children are entertainment.

I never said entertainment had to be joyful.

Being sorrowful and crying for a man's death becomes entertainment since it takes your time. The same applies to me.

Seeing as I wasn't lonely anymore, I created being that you call ROBs to be their own selves unknowing to them. But they suffer the same fate as me....hahaha, fate was created from me but I still fell under fate. That was funny.

Anyways ROBs started creating worlds and exchanging mortals for their entertainments.

Beings like TOAA and The Presence that have quarter of my strength created universes and their multiple parallel selves {A/N: I meant multiverse here} while restricting their omnipresence and omniscience to a low level so they won't have spoilers for the multiverse they created.

Though sometimes they interfere with mortals on the verge of reaching their levels.

Let me know if you like it.

I might or might not complete it though.

I just want to bring ideas to writers like Arokey, cornbringer, etc so they can use it. To the one reading this, you don't need my permission to take the idea.

Apathy_Personifiedcreators' thoughts