
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · 漫画同人
200 Chs

Speedrun 15

"Umm... Sir?" Mikael hesitantly inquired as we made our way toward the carriage, the wide-eyed pope standing right beside it.

"Yes?" I responded, raising an eyebrow.

"M-may I speak my mind?" He stammered.

"Sure," I replied, a hint of confusion crossing my face.

"May I ask why the esteemed hero didn't opt for something more... suitable for the occasion?" he cautiously asked.

"Ha!" I chuckled, causing him to jump back in fear. "From where I come from, these," I gestured to my extravagant neon-green Quacker costume, "are considered the most elegant ceremonial attire known to mankind," I explained, adopting a serious expression as I locked eyes with him. "Wearing anything else would have been a sign of disrespect toward both the pope and the king."

"Umm... While they do indeed appear magnificent," he forced a smile, clearly uncomfortable, "they do not seem to offer any protection against attacks or the elements. It's quite chilly during this time of the year, and it would be unfortunate if the esteemed hero were to catch a cold."

"Mickey, I appreciate your concern, but it's unnecessary," I responded with a smile. "Catching a cold is almost impossible for me, and I'm not worried about getting injured."

I smiled at him and turned my attention forward. He wasn't requesting a change out of genuine goodwill but because the pope had instructed him to get me out of my costume. The amusing part was that Ishtar was concealing his anger with a content smile, his earlier surprised expression nowhere to be found.

"Ah, Pope, even though our separation was brief, it's good to see you again," I waved at the old fart. "It seems your mission was a success."

"Yes, yes, the king was delighted to learn that Ehit had blessed us with such a splendid hero," he replied with a nod. "You must be feeling cold. Why don't you step inside the carriage while I discuss something with the guards?" He offered, opening the door with a feigned smile.

"Sure," I replied with a nod and entered the carriage, all the while attentively listening to their conversation from within.

Mikael, I specifically instructed you to have him change out of that ridiculous attire," the Pope said with evident frustration, speaking in a hushed tone.

"I apologize, your Excellency," Mikey responded, his voice wavering. "He was quite adamant about wearing it, claiming it's a traditional outfit from his homeland and that not donning it for the meeting would be seen as a grave disrespect to his king."

"I have no patience for excuses, Mikael. My orders were clear! Why have they not been obeyed?" The Pope's voice escalated, making it impossible to miss his irritation. "Julius, escort him to the pit."

"No, please! Anything but that!" Mikey pleaded in terror.

"Perhaps this experience will remind you to heed my orders in the future."

A commotion erupted on the other side of the carriage door, and as Mikey's pleas and protests gradually faded away, the carriage door swung open, and a smiling pope entered.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine," he replied as another guard helped him in.

"So, what is this 'pit'?" I asked just as he got himself comfortable, causing him to momentarily freeze.

"It's a meditation chamber," he finally replied, his smile returning.

"Huh, the way Mikey boy reacted, one would think it was a torture chamber," I mused aloud, watching as the pope's eye twitched, then shrugged. "Well, hopefully, he will have a nice spiritual session," I said with a chuckle, as the carriage jolted and the almost hypnotic clink-clank of the horseshoes reverberated through the air.

"Hopefully," added the pope with a snort, and the rest of our short journey was continued in silence, well up until Olivia contacted me through [Link].

"Hey," I greeted her telepathically, "What's up sweetheart?"

"Hi Andy, I need your advice on something," she replied swiftly. "I'm in a meeting with Han Jihan, the main character of this series, in about ten minutes. In our initial talks, he required a trade of equal value for the information on cultivation. He even said he would teach me and Sky if we required some clarifications."

"Why don't you just simply take it from him?" I asked, confused. "It's not like he could offer too much resistance if you use your [Mind Arts], or even force him to reveal his secrets with a few well-timed slaps."

"Really, that's your advice?" came through her deadpan voice, "I'd like to do this a more humane way, especially because he can offer a way to teach us."

"You're too soft," I said with a sigh, then after a brief silence I added, "Show him how your replicator works and replicate him an older version. You'll find it under the electronic equipment tab, Replicator pattern 1772." I said, remembering the id of that peculiar pattern instantly, "It's a standard household replicator, that only has food in its molecular pattern database."

"Huh, do you think he would accept that?" She asked, sounding a bit hesitant.

"He would be an idiot not to accept energy to matter technology as a payment," I replied with a snort, pulling the attention of the pope before me. I shook my head at his questioning glance and said, "Nothing, I just remembered something funny."

"Is that so, care to elaborate?" He asked, confused, and I replied with a simple "No," making a faint grimace appear on his face. But I cared not for his displeasure and returned to the discussion I was having with Olivia.

"So as I was saying, he would be an imbecile not to accept that technology as a trade. It's more valuable than you seem to realize, and I'm pretty sure he will realize it too. So wring him dry, be greedy, and use this to get as much out of him as you can, special plants, materials, techniques, and anything you deem interesting and useful. Also, don't forget to scan everything you come in contact with. That world should have a few interesting resources."

"Alright, I'll believe you," she said reluctantly, "Although, he was extremely interested in Serena."

I force-activated [Acting] not to simply burst out laughing, "Yeah... Serena could collapse his dimension if she wished to, so you can tell him he won't be getting something like that, even for his system of all things."

"She can do that?" came a swift and horrified reply.

"It is her ultimate defensive measure, albeit it's technically not a dimensional collapse in its essence, just a simple temporal manipulation. She locates the temporal position of the birth of the universe, then simply erases it from the annuls of time, retroactively collapsing the dimension you're in." I said with a grin.

"You are crazy..." came a swift response and decisive reply.

"Yeah, I am, but I'm also YOUR crazy boyfriend, who would do anything to keep you safe," I said sending her a bundle of my emotions through our connections. "Also, she is instructed to use that ability only if nothing else is possible."

A sigh resounded through our connection, and she reluctantly gave up, swiftly changing the topic and making me internally chuckle. "Alright, so what should I say to him?"

"Offer the old version of the replicator and its schematics, and tell him Serena is not up for a trade, that's all. There is no need to get into details, as this is simply a business transaction."

"Okay, thanks."

"You're welcome, I would love to chat with you but I need to go, something fun is about to start," I said as the carriage stopped right before an enormous castle.

"You're not doing anything outrageous, are you?" she asked suspiciously.

"When have I ever done something outrageous?" I replied with an internal chuckle, only for her to sigh again.

"Just don't overdo it..." She said, with a lot of reluctance, knowing me all too well.

"I'll try. Love you!"

"Love you too." She replied, her feeling of love and longing oozing through our connection before she shut down the communication spell, and I made my way out of the carriage.

The royal castle was just as extravagant as you would expect. Its intricately chiseled facade was adorned with ornamental statues and large colored glass windows that provided a vibrant and pleasing visual display. Additionally, the twelve tall, pointy towers reaching toward the heavens were a departure from the standard medieval castle design.

The interior was equally awe-inspiring. Red carpets with golden embroidery covered the floors, and the walls were adorned with tapestries depicting what appeared to be the royal family's emblem. The halls were filled with golden ornaments and crystal chandeliers that cast a warm, opulent glow.

I had expected the castle's halls to be empty, but to my surprise, they were bustling with life. Guards stood watch at every corner, ensuring the castle's security, while maids and butlers hurried about, diligently carrying out their daily tasks to keep the castle running like a well-oiled machine.

As we made our way through the castle, heading towards the reception hall, I couldn't help but notice the surprised and curious glances directed my way. The maids blushed and quickly averted their eyes when they noticed my extravagant outfit, while the guards and butlers wore expressions of displeasure. However, given that I was accompanied by the pope himself, none of them voiced their discontent.

Not that any of their concerns or displeasure would compel me to change my outfit. The Quacker costume was iconic, and it needed to be etched into their minds.

The large double doors swung open, revealing two guards wielding spears on either side as an announcer proclaimed our entrance.

"His Excellency Ishtar Langbard, the Pope, accompanied by the venerable Hero Quacker!" The announcer's voice boomed through the chamber, prompting me to wonder if he possessed a voice amplification skill.

I didn't have much time to dwell on it, as a voice of displeasure rang out from the side. "Ishtar, what is the meaning of this?" The voice belonged to a minister, and it made the pope turn to him with an irked expression. Meanwhile, I ignored their bickering and walked confidently toward the four individuals seated on the other side of the chamber.

"Yo!" I greeted the stunned King Eliheid, a brown-haired and bearded man along with his blonde, well-proportioned wife, cute fourteen-year-old daughter, and ten-year-old son. I offered a casual wave, snapping them out of their dazed state.

"Are you supposed to be the hero sent by the Lord?" Eliheid asked suspiciously, while his wife and daughter blushed rose-colored. The more experienced of the two covered their mouths with a fan and looked away, while the younger one kept her wide eyes locked on me with her mouth agape.

"As I've told the old geezer, I'm pretty sure your big boss didn't send me," I replied with a shrug. "I came here of my own volition."

"My lord!" Ishtar interrupted, dropping to his knees and attempting to pull me down with him. However, I remained steadfast, not yielding to his tugging. "Get down," he whispered urgently.

"Yeah, that's not happening," I said with a deadpan expression. "He's not my king, and I don't need to show him respect." I shrugged casually, prompting shock and disdain from those present. Guards even reached for their weapons, ready to strike me down. However, Eliheid raised his palm, halting everyone in their tracks.

"If you're not the hero, then what are you?" King Eliheid inquired.

"Just a simple visitor from a faraway land," I replied with a casual shrug.

"My lord, he is simply confused," Ishtar attempted to placate. "As you know, we received an oracle from the Lord that he will be sending heroes, and through the summoning circle, he is what appeared. I am completely certain he is the hero." Ishtar nodded confidently while still kneeling on the ground.

"There is a way to confirm it," the king said, waving his hand to summon a maid who presented me with a needle and a blank, heavily enchanted piece of paper.

"Huh, neat," I muttered as I inspected the enchanted paper. It was similar to the adventurer cards from the Konosuba world, requiring a drop of blood to form a resonance between the enchantments and the soul, allowing the card to display the person's parameters.

However, it wouldn't work as intended for me. The Soul Shield System prevented anything from viewing my soul, while the Library System blocked any direct access to it. Similar to what the Adventurer card showed, the only thing this card would display was my so-called "Arifureta Status," which, to be honest, was quite underwhelming.

"That is a status plate. Drip a drop of your blood onto it so we can see your Job and attributes," ordered the king.

I shrugged then followed his order using [Matter Manipulation], disguising it as a simple prick of a needle to draw blood and then, under the watchful gazes of those present, dripped it onto the card.

The card shone brightly, and, to the dismay of everyone in the room, displayed my Job as Synergist with all of my attributes sitting at two hundred and without a single skill to my name. I turned my attention back to the ruler of the country, who seemed to lose interest in me, while the rest of the room erupted into commotion.

"This must be a mistake!" shouted Ishtar from my side, his expression a mix of fury and shock. "The Lord doesn't make mistakes! This must be the act of the demons!" He took a step back, pointing at me.

"I told you I'm not the hero," I said with a shrug, then looked at the grimacing king and his now clearly enraged family. "So am I free to go now?"

"No," he declared, gesturing towards the guards, "Escort our 'esteemed' guest away to a more appropriate room for now, while we deliberate on his fate." His words dripped with disdain.

"As you command, sire," replied the guards in unison, drawing their weapons and advancing toward me.

I had always been intrigued by stories where the underestimated and downtrodden eventually rose to power and sought revenge. It was a clichéd concept, and these people were belittling me simply due to their limited understanding of the world.

What they considered an unquestionable truth was merely their perspective on reality and its governing laws.

I could easily erase this civilization from existence with a single thought, but I refrained, partly because of the lingering presence focused on me. A prickling sensation coursed through my skin, and for a fleeting moment, my [Spec of Divinity] alerted me to a divine presence nearby, which promptly vanished.

"Yeah, finding him could prove troublesome if I don't cooperate," I muttered internally, allowing the guards to encircle me.

"I accept your invitation with gratitude," I said to the king, wearing a bright smile, but he ignored me and turned his attention to his wife.

I was elegantly escorted out of the chamber, though by "elegant," I mean two guards prodded me with their iron blades, pushing me down a towering staircase and through several dimly lit corridors. They eventually confined me to a squalid cell covered in filth and excrement before departing. During our journey, their impoliteness led me to curse them with a lifetime of impotence.

The place they had brought me was anything but grand, featuring a fist-sized hole in one corner and straw strewn across the stone floor. A minuscule window struggled to admit light, while iron bars on one side provided no privacy whatsoever.

After the guards departed and the attention and gazes on me dissipated, I activated [Mental Domain], altering the memories of all those in the dungeon. Then, I extended my mana and employed telekinesis to unlock all the cells, releasing the imprisoned individuals. Finally, I teleported myself away from that dreadful place, arriving in the humble town of Horaud, home to the notorious Great Orcus Labyrinth.

Having meticulously scanned the memories of the ruling class and their guards, then synthesized the information to create a detailed mental map of the continent, I compared this knowledge to what I had gathered from the novels. Using this information, I marked the estimated locations of the six remaining labyrinths on the map. The first one before me was my destination, teeming with monsters to be harvested and a young vampire girl in need of rescue.

"Fluffy, you're in for a feast today," I declared with a grin, my outfit shifting into something less flashy, while the shadow beneath my feet quivered, and a thin, bony tail, accompanied by a sad whimper, affectionately wrapped around my leg. "Yes, yes, once we're done here, you can go and have your fill of the bad people," I chuckled, shaking my head at her request. Satisfied with my response, she happily released her grip on my leg and withdrew back into my shadow.

One might assume that adding Voidborn blood to an already deadly genetic mix would result in a mindless creature driven solely by consumption. However, here she was—a cute but lethal creature with a genuine desire for my well-being.

Contrary to her name, Fluffy was anything but fluffy. Olivia had yet to meet her, and that might be for the best. While the Voidborn DNA had subtly altered her form, making her slightly plumper, she still resembled her ancestor, the Neomorph-Godzilla hybrid, albeit in a miniature, canine-sized version.

However, her current form didn't diminish her danger; it enhanced it. Thanks to my ability [Master of Natural Creation], I had the ability to grant anything I created a magical affinity, and I had given Fluffy an affinity for darkness. Predictably, she had mastered it exceptionally well, allowing her to become intangible and conceal herself within shadows.

But that wasn't the only modification I had made. To avoid inadvertently disrupting an entire ecosystem if she were injured, I had removed the Voidborn's ability to infect and propagate through blood, while retaining her ability to consume and adapt to various forms of matter.

This unique adaptation was one of the primary reasons I had chosen to explore this labyrinth—anticipating that Fluffy would acquire a vast array of skills by consuming the creatures dwelling within.

"Alright, Fluffy, let's hunt some monsters," I said with a smile, finally stepping into the dungeon.