
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · 漫画同人
200 Chs


With unwavering determination and an elevated state of focus, I harnessed the full extent of my mental skills, taking on the role of a divine creator. Donning my titles of [Creator], [Rune Master: DanMachi], and [Master Blacksmith], I channeled the powers within me and activated [Mastery of Natural Creation] and [Overhaul].

My mind became a cauldron of swirling patterns, both molecular and magical, as I harnessed the power of [Optimize] to refine and enhance every aspect. The air crackled with energy, and a mesmerizing display of mana coalesced above my palm. It was a delicate dance of alchemy-like manipulation, transmuting and rearranging the very fabric of matter itself.

With my hands held before me, a mesmerizing display of mana gathered and coalesced, forming an ethereal canvas upon which my creation would take shape. The alchemy-like manipulation began, transmuting and rearranging the very essence of matter at its most fundamental level.

I directed mana to condense and shape the building blocks of the universe—protons, neutrons, and electrons—all under my precise command. Guiding their intricate arrangement, I wove together atoms with a masterful touch, ensuring they bonded harmoniously in a symphony of chemical connections.

As I continued this intricate dance of craftsmanship, complex molecular structures emerged, each one a testament to my meticulous artistry. It was an awe-inspiring sight to behold—the birth of a new creation from the raw essence of the cosmos.

A burst of radiant light flooded the room as my masterpiece began to take its final form. Nestled gently in the palm of my hand, an earring of extraordinary beauty materialized. Its delicate petals, crafted from mithril and void ingot alloy, bore countless intricate carvings that seemed to come alive under the shimmering light.

But the true marvel lay at its core—a mesmerizing sapphire blue crystal, an optimized mana stone with a perfected crystalline structure. This gem contained a boundless reservoir of energy, waiting to be unleashed upon the world.

As I beheld the completed earring, a mixture of pride and caution swelled within me. It was a testament to my overzealous creativity, a creation of immense power that could sway the tides of nations or bring about untold devastation if it fell into the wrong hands.

With the first earring complete, its counterpart began to take shape in my other hand. As the twin creations materialized, they seemed to resonate with each other, their combined potential almost tangible. Together, they held the power to shape destinies and influence the course of history—a responsibility Eri should not take lightly.

In this world devoid of natural mana, the enchantments on the earring required a remarkable feat of magical engineering. To achieve this, I etched intricate alchemical mana conversion magical circles onto the surface of the newly improved mana stone. These circles were so minuscule that they were almost imperceptible to the naked eye, yet they held immense power.

The primary objective of these magical circles was to harness and convert various forms of energy into usable mana. Whether it was ambient light, heat from the surroundings, kinetic energy from movement, or any other energy source, the alchemical circles intercepted and swiftly transformed it into pure mana. This mana was then efficiently stored within the mana stone, while any surplus mana that couldn't be contained was released harmlessly into the atmosphere. The result was a formidable shield of magical energy, capable of deflecting even the most formidable attacks. To penetrate this defense would require nothing less than the might of divine authority.

The traditional crystalline structure of a mana stone was inherently flawed, leading to occasional mana dissipation and limited storage capacity. However, employing the power of [Optimize] in tandem with [Overhaul], I meticulously restructured the molecular arrangement of the refined mana stone. By leaving just enough space between the molecules, the stone could now capture mana particles with optimal efficiency, vastly increasing its overall mana capacity. Despite its small size, the earring's crystal now possessed a mana storage capacity equivalent to that of a tier ten mana stone, which was the epitome of power in the DanMachi world.

This breakthrough represented a significant leap in magical understanding and provided a promising foundation for future advancements in mana capacitors and conductors. It was a crucial step towards enhancing Mai's anchor, making it more stable and potent. However, despite the success of [Overhaul], I recognized that this was only the beginning of a grander journey.

To fully realize my ambitious plans for my dimension and unlock its true potential, further exploration and development would be necessary. The path ahead was riddled with mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and I eagerly embraced the challenges that lay ahead.

[Overhaul LVL: 1/100]

- Grants the user the ability to disassemble and reassemble objects or living beings on a molecular level.

- Allows the user to break down objects or living beings into their individual components, rearranging or modifying them as desired.

- Enhances the user's understanding of the composition and structure of objects or living beings, enabling precise manipulation and alteration.

With Eri's earrings now complete, I held the delicate creations in my hands, prepared to infuse them with the spark of life. Gently channeling a small sliver of mana into the earrings, I ignited the complex mana conversion process. As if responding to a long-awaited call, the earrings came alive with magical energy.

As the mana coursed through the intricate channels etched onto the surface, the ambient lights in the room dimmed, casting a mesmerizing subdued radiance. In perfect harmony, the temperature gradually dropped, and the enchantments worked their magic to create a cooling effect in the surrounding air.

The centerpiece crystal, now brimming with mana, exuded a soft, enchanting glow, the stored energy pulsing like a heartbeat within. Guided by the meticulously crafted mana channels, the magical energy began to disperse from the crystal, traveling gracefully along the delicate petals of the earring. It was a mesmerizing sight—the earring itself seemed to come alive as the enchantments stirred to life, their latent powers awakening like a dormant beast roused from slumber.

With each passing moment, the enchantments adorned on the surface of the earring shimmered with newfound vitality, their potential now ready to be harnessed by their destined owner.

A profound sense of satisfaction and pride washed over me as I beheld the culmination of my craftsmanship. The mana within the channels reached the very tips of the petals, its radiance diminishing to a gentle glow. It was a sign that the enchantments had successfully integrated with the earring, and the transformation was complete.

At that moment, a pleasant chime resonated within my mind, accompanied by a notification, indicating the acquisition of significant profession experience.

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 25,000 XP]

Surprised by the substantial amount of experience earned, my curiosity was piqued, prompting me to activate my [Appraise] skill to closely examine the intricacies of the earrings.

[Starflower Earrings] (Set Item)

{Rarity: Uncommon}

{Bonus Parameters: None}

{Enchantments: Reinforced Durability, Sticky, Mana Saturation, Augmented Growth, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Vitality, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Perception, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Regeneration, Poison Resistance, Disease Resistance, Auto Healing, Auto Shielding, Mind Shield, Temperature Regulation, Air Filter, Danger Sense, Universal Translation, Telepathy, Verdant Harmony, Whispering Grove, Universal Energy Conversion, Mana Battery, Inheritance, Bloodbound, Everbound, Dimensional Anchor}

{Requirements: Both Earrings, Blood Binding}

As I delved into the item's detailed description, a realization struck me. "Well, it seems I may have gone a bit overboard," I chuckled to myself, acknowledging the extent of my craftsmanship with a mixture of amusement and self-awareness.

The earrings boasted an intricate array of enchantments, each bestowing unique benefits upon the wearer. Some enchantments bolstered the user's physical prowess, enhancing attributes such as reflexes, vitality, strength, agility, and perception by a consistent percentage. Defensive capabilities were also woven into the enchantments, providing auto-healing, auto-shielding, mind-shielding, and resistance against poison and disease. The earrings even regulated the wearer's body temperature, ensuring optimal comfort in any environment.

Among the enchantments, there were those that granted extraordinary abilities. Verdant Harmony deepened the wearer's connection to nature, evoking a sense of love and acceptance from the natural world. Whispering Grove expanded upon Eri's initial desire to communicate with animals, allowing her to establish a connection not only with creatures but with nature itself. Inspired by my [Mastery of Natural Creation], this enchantment granted her the ability to communicate with plants, animals, insects, and even microorganisms.

Universal Translation provided a remarkable ability to interpret and translate different words, employing an innovative approach by conveying meanings through emotions when direct translation was not possible.

Inheritance ensured that the user received an instant understanding of how to utilize the earrings, with the user manual seamlessly uploaded to their mind. Over time, it also granted them basic knowledge in various fields such as physics, math, biology, chemistry, and engineering.

The Bloodbound enchantment bestowed the item's exclusive use upon a single individual while allowing it to be inherited by anyone who carried the blood of the original users. And finally, Everbound ensured the earrings would never be lost or misplaced.

Yet, there was one enchantment that remained secret to the user, even undocumented in the user manual - Dimensional Anchor. Its purpose was to enable me to pinpoint this particular dimension from any time and place, providing me with an easier way to travel to this dimension in the future.

A fleeting thought crossed my mind, considering the possibility of imbuing the earrings with a concept using [Mystery]. However, I swiftly dismissed the idea, realizing that the item was already incredibly powerful for this world. "It's best to leave it at that. I wonder what path she will choose with so much power in her hands," I mumbled to myself, a smile playing on my lips.

I refocused my attention on the descriptions and as my eyes lingered on the intriguing lines of Bonus Parameters and Rarity, I felt a surge of curiosity welling within me.

The concept of items bestowing bonus parameters to their users was not entirely foreign to me, but it appeared to be distinct from the conventional enchanting methods I had encountered. Memories of my past explorations through various worlds raced through my mind, but I could not recall encountering this particular feature.

The notion of crafting items that could enhance the user's parameters ignited a spark of excitement within me. Perhaps it was time to venture into game-based worlds, where such mechanics might be prevalent. The prospect of uncovering new possibilities and expanding my knowledge beckoned, but for now, there were other tasks at hand.

A grimace etched itself upon my face as my attention honed in on the Rarity designation. "What in the world is this? Uncommon Rarity?" I muttered, my frustration evident in my tone. The amalgamation of precious materials, intricate crafting techniques, and powerful enchantments warranted a higher classification. "It should have been at least Rare!" I exclaimed, my annoyance growing more pronounced.

A sudden realization struck me, tinged with apprehension. With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, I retrieved my trusty old sword from my inventory and subjected it to the scrutiny of [Appraise].


{Rarity: Uncommon}

{Bonus Parameters: None}

{Enchantments: Durability, Sharpness, Rustbane, Sanguine Ward, Repair}

{Bonus Abilities: Hunger, Absorb, Blood Drinker, Recoil Resistance}

{Requirements: None}

As I analyzed the appraisal results, disbelief washed over me. This sword, one of my most formidable creations, was classified as nothing more than an uncommon item. The revelation left me stunned, but upon reflection, I understood the reasoning behind its classification. While the materials I used in its crafting may have been considered rare, maybe even legendary, in the world of DanMachi, however, on a multiversal scale, they were nothing more than insignificant remnants.

This realization fueled my determination to push the boundaries of my crafting mastery even further. With a frustrated groan, I carefully stored both the sword and the earrings into my inventory, resolute in my pursuit of perfection.

I shifted my attention back to the task at hand, crafting accessories for Olivia and Sky. Activating [Focus], [Master of Natural Creation], and [Overhaul], I delved deep into the intricate world of creation and crafting, ready to challenge myself.

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 15,000 XP]

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 11,000 XP]

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 27,000 XP]

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 18,000 XP]

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 5,000 XP]

Countless hours passed, and with each attempt, my frustration grew at the inability to craft anything above Uncommon rarity. During this time, the 'poor' little mess of wiggling flesh became my stress relief ball, requiring me to use [Rewind] one too many times, to restore it to life.

[Rewind LVL: 1/100]

- Grants the user the ability to reverse time for objects, living beings, or specific events.

- Grants the user the ability to selectively erase or undo specific events or actions in the past, effectively erasing their consequences on the present timeline.

- Enhances the user's knowledge and understanding of temporal mechanics, allowing for more precise and controlled rewinding abilities.

The profession experience kept accumulating as I created trinkets, only to disassemble them when they didn't meet my new standards. I abandoned the use of [Master of Natural Creation] and returned to my roots, employing a blacksmithing hammer to shape materials with care, engraving enchantments by hand, and utilizing alchemy to combine materials in intricate ways. I even dared to infuse items with complex concepts, but the results still never surpassed Uncommon rarity.

[Profession: [Artificer] Received 35,000 XP]

Despite the frustration, my skills were leveling at an unprecedented pace, rapidly approaching and surpassing their next evolutionary thresholds. The journey toward crafting mastery continued, and I remained undeterred in my quest for greater heights.

[Skill Evolutions IMG]

From time to time, I would use spatial gates to check on the oblivious little miss in the living room. She was engrossed in mind-numbing cartoons, completely unaware of her magically refilling snacks.

However, after spending half the day confined to the study, I realized I couldn't progress in crafting beyond this rarity despite gaining a lot of skill and profession levels. It became evident that my current techniques and available materials wouldn't allow me to create anything of higher rarity. With a sigh of resignation, I stored my last creations—a pair of intricate earrings and an exquisite dog tag that allowed Olivia and Sky to communicate regardless of distance—into my inventory. Then, I left the study and returned to the living room.

My arrival prompted Eri to tear her gaze away from the TV, and she gave me a curious glance. "Hey, Eri, would you like to go to the park?" I asked her. Excitement immediately lit up her face, and I continued, "I need some fresh air, and we can grab some ice cream on our-."

Before I could finish my sentence, she cut in, "YES!" Her reply was loud and enthusiastic as she jumped off the sofa and hugged me tightly. Chuckling, I patted her head gently and said, "Alright. Go put on a jacket and your shoes."

With her hands flailing in excitement, she hurried off, shouting with joy. I couldn't help but roll my eyes affectionately. "Kids," I mumbled to myself, shaking my head, and then followed her to help with her shoes.

Before we left the apartment, I paused and retrieved the earrings I had crafted for her from my inventory. With a gentle touch, I used [Overhaul] to extract a single drop of her blood, ensuring it caused her no harm, and allowed it to drip onto the earrings, activating the Bloodbound enchantment. The sapphire blue mana stone glowed brightly, transforming into a beautiful crimson shade that perfectly matched Eri's eyes. "I made this for you," I said, presenting them with a warm smile.

"They are so pretty!" she exclaimed, reaching for them eagerly.

Playfully, I pulled back my hands and added, "Wait, let Uncle put them on you."

Piercing her ears wasn't necessary; simply putting them on would suffice, and the sticky enchantment on the earrings would take care of the rest. As I placed the earrings on her, Eri froze, her eyes clouding over as the information from the Inheritance enchantment flooded her mind.

It took her a moment to gather her bearings, and with wide eyes and brimming excitement on her face, she looked up at me and squealed, "THANK YOU, UNCLE ANDY!" Before dashing off to the bathroom to check them out in the mirror.

It took a moment for the ringing in my ears to subside, but when it finally did, I couldn't help but shake my head, a small smile blooming on my face. I mumbled under my breath, "This might be the riskiest experiment I've ever done; it's better if I don't get too attached."

"Hurry up, or I'm leaving without you!" I shouted, opening the front door and stepping outside. My smile widened as I heard the hurried tippy taps of small feet hitting the floor, and Eri bolted through the apartment with the earrings' passive agility enchantment, moving at speeds a preschooler shouldn't be capable of.

"You should work on your reflexes," I teased, grabbing her by her jacket just before she ran into a wall. Her shields would have protected her, converting the kinetic energy into mana, but it was important for her to learn how to use her newfound abilities rather than relying solely on the shield. She grumbled, crossing her arms, as I lifted her up and placed her on my shoulders. "Let's go get some ice cream."

This little walk in the park served multiple purposes. Firstly, I needed to clear my head and calm down after the frustrating crafting session. It wasn't the first time I hadn't achieved what I wanted, but it was the first time on this journey that I failed in something I knew I excelled at, and it bothered me immensely.

Secondly, it was the perfect time and excuse to collect genetic data from various people with different quirks. The three gene sequencers in the study had already completed their tasks, analyzing samples from Eri, Overhaul, and AFO. Now, the medical computer awaited my analysis of the data.

And lastly, Ice Cream... Was there a need to explain?

On our way to the park, we stumbled upon a charming ice cream parlor, its colorful signage beckoning us to indulge in frozen delights. Eri's eyes widened with anticipation, but to her dismay, I settled for just two scoops of ice cream. Little did she know that my focus was not solely on satisfying our sweet tooth.

As we waited for our ice cream, I activated [Mental Domain], honing my mental abilities to delve into the minds of the passersby. Thoughts and fragments of their lives drifted through my consciousness as I sifted through the sea of thoughts, seeking out individuals with intriguing and unique abilities.

When I finally discovered someone with a captivating power, a spark of curiosity ignited within me. Acting discreetly, I maneuvered their path to intersect with mine, allowing our paths to briefly cross. With deft precision, I employed [Overhaul] to draw a single, minuscule droplet of blood from their unsuspecting form.

To ensure the preservation of this precious sample, I carefully encased the crimson essence within a pristine glass test tube, which materialized in my hand through the power of [Mastery of Natural Creation]. The test tube, intricately designed and flawlessly crafted, would serve as a vessel to house the essence of their extraordinary gift.

This stealthy process, hidden within the innocent act of enjoying ice cream, allowed me to collect these genetic treasures, capturing the essence of extraordinary abilities for further study and analysis. Each test tube, carefully labeled and stored, held the potential to unravel the mysteries of the meta human potential and aid in my ongoing quest for understanding and mastery.