
Multiversal gods:War of pantheons

follow Nyxar on his journey to building the omniverses strongest pantheon in a universe ruled by the gods using his ability to turn fictional character from his past lives into Gods. think jack sparrow as the god of piracy and luffy as the god of freedom and slaves. raven as the goddess of darkness and empathy. ancient one as the goddess of magic. he just needs to convince them to leave their original worlds to go to a far more dangerous and chaotic one where they will face devils, abyssal creatures and most importantly other far more powerful pantheons -(I'd like to clarify that the picture used is not mine at all and I found it on Pinterest. I don't own the characters I take from marvel, DC, DreamWorks and the like.) anyway let's get into it

Narciss84 · 漫画同人
18 Chs

The fall of a god

Klaruth charged toward Nyxar, his voice resonating with the invocation of [DIVINE DOMAIN, FALL OF INSECTS]. The very essence of his attack seemed to drain Nyxar's strength, an ability that aimed to reduce his power to a level comparable to Klaruth's own narcissistic perception. It appeared to be a potent support ability, but Nyxar could only regard it as a reflection of Klaruth's self-absorbed nature. With a fluid motion, Nyxar sidestepped the attack effortlessly, evading Klaruth's assault. In response, Nyxar's form became enshrouded in a wispy, shadowy aura, reminiscent of the veil that obscured the malevolent realm of the God of Vanity. An unexpected transformation left Klaruth in shock as his domain's influence failed to have any effect on Nyxar, the God of Shadows, Mirrors, and Mutation.

[Nyxar POV] A smug smile curved my lips as I observed Klaruth's bewildered expression. I decided to indulge in a bit of mockery, relishing in the moment. The instant he emerged from the confines of his divine kingdom, his fate had already been sealed. A god's divine realm acted as a pocket dimension that, within its borders, could bolster its owner's strength while sapping the vigor of intruders. Even deities at the lofty divine realm of 9 would hesitate before venturing into the domain of a realm 3 god, let alone myself at realm 7, targeting a realm 5 deity. It was precisely his role as a god of vanity that had made him my chosen mark – his likely lack of allies and his self-absorbed nature would surely lead him to fall for such a straightforward trap, a blunder that most gods would never make.

I chuckled, the sound carrying an undercurrent of amusement. "Oh, my dear Klaruth, you've made a most unfortunate choice," I taunted, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Creating a mere clone using your other divinity and then launching an attack with a single godhead? Did you bother to check my realm level? Though you might not have been aware of my exact divinities, a cursory estimation of my strength should have given you a hint. But I suppose vanity clouded your judgment, didn't it?" My words only seemed to fuel his anger further, his blue eyes blazing with fury that matched his reddened face.

My, my, such a display of anger. Had you possessed the anger divinity of the minotaur god from the beast man pantheon, your strength might have indeed surged. Alas, it remains a shame – your vanity seems to have taken precedence over wisdom." I maintained a demeanor that was both charming and mockingly amused, further stoking the flames of his rage. The veins on his face seemed to multiply as he seethed, his emotions reaching their boiling point.

And then, it happened. A brilliant and blinding golden light burst forth from Klaruth, a glaring testament to his unleashed divine energy, as he attempted to engulf me in a searing wave of energy. Lethal lasers of pure divine force formed within the radiance, all converging on me with ominous intent. However, my reaction was far from one of panic – instead, I released a laugh that dripped with derision. With a deft wave of my hands, I conjured a multitude of mirrors, each one strategically positioned to capture and absorb the intense light.

Klaruth's realization hit him almost immediately, his divine domain surging with renewed vigor as he sought to manipulate the effects of the light he had unleashed. The mirrors responded with equal intensity, refracting the brilliant lights back toward their source, an eerie dance of luminescence and shadows playing out in our domain. Yet, the fervor of the light slowly dimmed as the mirrors absorbed its energy, preventing it from reaching Klaruth's hidden form. Seizing the advantage gained from the diminished light, he concealed himself while preparing a deadly strike, a calculated retaliation that was anything but trivial.

And then, his voice rang out, a torrent of rage encapsulated in a single word. "DIE, INSECT!!!" Accompanying his ferocious scream, he swung a golden sword, a weapon adorned with vivid red and blue gems that gleamed with malice. The blade cleaved through the air with deadly intent, aimed at me with a vehemence that seemed to embody his every ounce of loathing and arrogance.

I stood there, my smile unyielding as his golden sword cleaved through my form, a theatrical act that belied my divine nature. To his horror, as his blade sliced through my body, the flesh behind the weapon knitted itself back together with preternatural speed. The process unfolded almost in slow motion, every strand of muscle and tissue coalescing seamlessly. A gasp escaped him, a mix of disbelief and mounting dread as he witnessed the impossible occurring before his very eyes.

Gods were indeed immortal, capable of regenerating from most wounds. Yet, this was no ordinary weapon he wielded – it was a divine creation, and such artifacts were intended to transcend the limits of mere mortals. His voice trembled with shock as he stumbled back, his weapon slipping from his grasp to clatter onto the ground. "But this... This is a divine weapon. It can't be," the blond man muttered, his features contorted with a blend of confusion and terror.

A chuckle danced upon my lips as I continued to observe his spiraling emotions. "Oh, but it is," I responded, my tone teasingly savoring his bewilderment. I relished in the moment, the twisting transformations of anger, disbelief, and now the clear-cut manifestation of fear. It was an intoxicating cocktail of emotions that surged within him, providing me with an exhilarating rush that resonated through my very being.

With a sly grin, I continued, "Allow me to educate you. This is an ability bestowed upon me by the divinity of mutation, a concept that I dare say few gods in these realms would be acquainted with. Biokenesis, as I call it – the manipulation of one's own biology at the very fundamental level. Such a power is beyond the realm of comprehension for mere vanity and royalty." My words bore an edge of mocking amusement, a direct challenge to his sense of superiority and a gleeful taunt of his limited understanding of the universe's intricacies.

The divine domain he wielded began to wane drastically, its once imposing aura shrinking until it barely encompassed his own form. Such fluctuations were a fundamental weakness of divine abilities – they grew and thrived based on a delicate balance of factors: godhead percentage, the faith they commanded, and the profound understanding of the core concept their divinity embodied.

The notion struck me with an undeniable truth: one could not ascend to the mantle of a god without possessing an intimate connection to the essence of their domain. A god of love must truly understand and feel love; a god of life must cherish and embrace it. In Klaruth's case, his domain of vanity and royalty hinged upon his genuine belief that he stood superior to others in some facet. His "something" was strength and superiority, an identity he clung to with fervor. But when confronted with a power greater than his own, when faced with undeniable might, his grip on that divinity faltered, slipping through his fingers like sand escaping a tightened fist.

The revelation was a testament to his very nature, a mirror reflecting his inner doubts and insecurities. His divinity's potency was intrinsically tied to his perceived supremacy, an existence fueled by hubris and nurtured by a distorted sense of worth. As that façade began to crumble in the wake of his encounter with my power, I could almost taste the bitterness of his realization – the bitter irony that a god of vanity could be brought low by the very force he championed.

Walking purposefully toward him, my arm underwent a swift transformation, shifting from a shadowy form to one adorned with sharp, claw-like appendages – another manifestation of my potent biokenesis. I met Klaruth's gaze with a mix of resolve and detachment, the weight of his actions mingling with my own objective understanding of his plight.

"Your kingdom has already fallen, your rule usurped by my followers," I spoke calmly, my words cutting through the tension-laden air. As much as your egotism repulses me, I can acknowledge your achievement of ascending to godhood – a feat that eludes many." Despite the discord between us, a note of begrudging respect crept into my voice. "I am here to ensure that the lands you once controlled will thrive in the wake of your defeat."

His triumphant grin remained, undeterred by the dire circumstances he faced. "It baffles me how your pantheon managed to form under the radar of other divine beings. You hold secrets – of that I am certain." His sweeping gesture encompassed the array of divine artifacts strewn across the battleground, a testament to our power and resourcefulness. "Your insatiable greed for strength has led to this confrontation. You have exposed yourself to the attention of the gods, inviting their covetous desires."

His words hung in the air, resonating with a weight that foretold impending challenges. Yet, despite the gravity of the situation, Klaruth's demeanor shifted as he seemed to embrace his fate. "I offer you my worst wishes of luck, Nyxar..." His final words trailed off, his eyes closing as if he was resigned to what lay ahead – a surrender to the inevitable. In response, I acted swiftly, ending his existence by driving my hand into his chest. Extracting a golden crystal that radiated with a peculiar energy, I held in my palm a tangible representation of his mid-tier godhood – a symbol of his former dominance, now reduced to a mere tool in my hands.

Just as I contemplated the multiple possibilities this acquired crystal held, my introspective thoughts were abruptly shattered by a jarring scene unfolding before me. Kaguya, my steadfast companion, had taken the initiative, her actions capturing my attention like a sudden lightning strike.

Her pitch-black rod, juxtaposed against a regal golden crown held by none other than Klaruth's clone, conveyed a duel of contrasting forces. The significance of the situation rushed back to me – I had momentarily underestimated the resilient nature of Klaruth's divinity-infused presence.

In an instant, Kaguya's swift movements were accompanied by a hand sign, the precursor to her potent jutsu. Bones, eerily dark and animated by her power, emerged from her body, extending towards the clone with an almost eerie grace. It was an exhibition of her mastery over her unique abilities, the very essence of her godly domain at play.

But the clone was no mere puppet, responding to this looming threat with a defiant invocation – [Divine King's Knight]. The chorus of his words reverberated, and from the lifeless forms of the fallen demons beneath him, figures encased in armor arose. These warriors, imbued with a semblance of divine might, interposed themselves between Kaguya's onslaught and the clone.

However, the defense was futile. The very bones that Kaguya wielded, an extension of her dominion over life and death, acted as agents of decay. The encroaching bones corroded the borrowed strength of the knights, reducing them to ephemeral specters crumbling before her power. The clone's disbelief was palpable, a realization of his own vulnerability gripping him like a vice.

Amidst the chaotic spectacle, Klaruth's clone could only sputter in astonishment, words stumbling over one another as he grappled with the inexplicable force arrayed against him. "What... What in heavens is that?

The echoing words [DIVINE DOMAIN-KING'S WILL] reverberated through the air, like an incantation charged with authority and latent power. A second divinity, a fragment of royalty, surged forth from the clone's form. It was an intriguing revelation, hinting at the complex tapestry of abilities woven within him. This secondary aspect of his divinity held immense promise, a testament to the potency that lay hidden within his domain of influence.

This aspect of royalty, though a mere fragment, bore the potential to shape and manipulate circumstances. It seemed that this godly power held dominion over the intricate web of authority, a quality Klaruth himself had wielded with his self-aggrandizing vanity. The notion of controlling not just his followers but the very circumstances of his surroundings spoke volumes about the untapped strength he possessed.

As the bones under Kaguya's command surged forward, the clone's domain came into play. The resounding command – "STOP!!!" – was an odd choice, a directive one wouldn't expect from a combatant in the throes of battle. Yet, it was a testament to the intricate mechanics of divinity. Kaguya's body froze, an involuntary paralysis born from the resonating power of the clone's incomplete divinity. It was as if the very air around her had solidified, halting her movements against her will.

For a brief moment, the battlefield existed in a state of suspended animation, Kaguya ensnared by the unseen tendrils of the clone's dominion. Her efforts to overcome the divinity's hold were palpable, an exertion of her godly energy that gradually shattered the constricting bonds. In this divine struggle, her strength emerged as a radiant force, breaking the clone's control and allowing her freedom once more.

But as Kaguya's movements resumed, Klaruth had taken full advantage of the opening. He had nimbly retreated, evading any attack she might have launched during her momentary constraint. The intricate dance of power and counter-power continued, a testament to the complexity of godly confrontation. It was a reminder that even in the realm of divinities, battles were not mere clashes of brute strength, but a delicate interplay of tactics, abilities, and understanding of one's dominion.

I watched the unfolding struggle with a curious mixture of intrigue and detached observation. Kaguya's involvement in this confrontation with Klaruth was indeed a unique learning experience for her, one that was quite distinct from the trials and battles she had previously encountered. As her position within the pantheon was elevated above the rest, she carried a certain burden of responsibility, both as a leader and a warrior. This encounter, however, seemed to be her baptism by fire against a foe that harbored genuine intent to end her existence.

Kaguya's features tightened in a frown, an expression that held within it the weight of her history, her struggles, and the countless years spent in her lunar prison. The sensation of being constrained was an unsettling reminder of her own past, an emotional scar that even her godly form could not entirely heal. However, she seized the moment to harness her abilities, her divine domain invoking the name [DIVINE DOMAIN-INFINITE TSUKUYOMI].

In an instant, the environment shifted. The opulent palace that had been Klaruth's manifestation crumbled away, replaced by an inscrutable realm of illusion. Kaguya and Klaruth found themselves ensnared in an inescapable world, woven from the threads of the divine illusion she cast. In this ethereal expanse, Klaruth's imposing form was bound by phantom chains, a visual metaphor for the anguish he was about to endure.

The illusion played upon his deepest fears and anxieties, dragging him through millions upon millions of years of torture within mere moments. His countenance transformed into a grotesque reflection of terror, his features etched with the horrors he was experiencing. The torment within this realm transcended the limits of physical pain, delving into the realm of his psyche and exploiting his own vulnerability – his vanity, his royalty, his own self-image.

As Kaguya's mastery of the divine domain took hold, it was evident that this technique was not just a manifestation of her power, but also a manifestation of her resolve and her capacity to inflict a kind of suffering that only a god could conjure. The psychological scars left behind by this experience would undoubtedly resonate, leaving Klaruth shaken to his core.

As Klaruth's consciousness became ensnared within the nightmarish confines of Kaguya's illusion, the layers of his vanity, his sense of superiority, and his regal self-image were laid bare. The agonies he experienced transcended the boundaries of mere physical pain, delving into the deepest corners of his psyche. This was a suffering that only gods could comprehend, an exquisite blend of his own worst fears and insecurities.

In his state of vulnerability, Kaguya seized the opportunity presented by her divine domain. Following Nyxar's example, she drove her own power through the psychic and spiritual chaos that held Klaruth's consciousness captive. With precision honed by countless eons of existence, she pierced through the heart of his psychological torment, much like she would with a physical foe, and retrieved a crystal.

This crystal was markedly different from the one Nyxar had acquired. It was smaller in size but radiated a brilliant, intense light that spoke not of godhead but of untapped potential.

As Kaguya's actions concluded, and the phantasmal realm began to crumble, the transformation within Klaruth's mental landscape was evident. The ordeal had left its mark on him, an indelible reminder of the weaknesses he harbored beneath his vanity and pride. It was a poignant portrayal of the power gods held, not just in their mastery of the physical and divine realms, but in their ability to delve into the realms of the mind and spirit, creating suffering that far surpassed physical harm.

[Meanwhile on other parts of the battlefield]

the other pantheon members stood together against the 3 summoners without he support of the 2 most experienced gods of their pantheon

[ good the fuck night, goddamn, i was studying all day, i didn't think i would finish this but here we are. and i know my fights are trash but i'll get better eventually, just stick with me]