
Multiversal Adventure?

A life of mediocrity. Dying normally and fading after the passing of a long time. It always bothered me whenever I thought about it. I want to be remembered, to leave a mark in history and not fade due to the passage of time. I died once and in this life it will be different. PS: The cover is not mine, don't sue me.

VerzVerx · 漫画同人
23 Chs

C8 *Crack* WTF?


In a peaceful orphanage, a sudden pained scream woke up it's residents from lala land. Two women wearing white sleeping wears rushed to the room and went pale at the sight inside.

A little girl was screaming while bashing her head to the table, her room looked like a storm passed by. You can see even see a hole in her closet that looked like something smashed it.

"It hurts! Go away! Aaaaaahhhhh—!"

The two immediately rushed to her and held her in place as the girl struggled. With scarlet blood flowing from her head and unkempt look, she looked like a demon possessed her.

"Alexia, calm down! What's wrong?" One of them held the girl tried to calm her down.

"My head hurts! *Sob* Sister, make it stop..." After saying that, the girl fainted and shocked the two women. They looked at her with a worried gaze.

"What happened to her?" The woman who tried to calm the girl down asked the other.

"She didn't have any sort of illness or disease in the past, Sister Helena. This is the first time this happened," the woman replied to her.

Helena looked at the girl's, Alexia, face that still had a pained expression. She then came out of the room and said, "Let's take her to the hospital first, Beatrice. We need to treat her injuries."

The two came out of the orphanage and rode in a carriage while carrying the girl to the hospital. Along the stone path, the carriage went on along with other carriages.

. . .

"Urgh! Fuck my head hurts," the little girl earlier, which is Alexia, woke up and clutched her head in pain.

After a few seconds, the pain slowly subsided and she remembered what she did earlier.

"Fuck, am I so crazy? I looked like a possessed person back there... not that it's entirely wrong."

Yes, this girl is Tynos Alexia who just transmigrated earlier. Earlier she felt torturous pain eating at her head that resulted in her only focusing to find a way to alleviate the pain. The pain was from her consciousness literally being shredded to pieces before fusing with another.

[{Good morning host~!}]

(Sys-chan. Where am I right now? This place looks like the Shattered Moon Kingdom in the early 19s from my memories. Am I back?)

[{No host. You are not in the Shattered Moon Empire. This is a parallel universe so it had it's similarities with the previous world, this country is called Philippines and you're in the capital city Manila}]

(Oh... okay. But what about earlier? It friggin hurt! I felt like someone drilled through my skull!)

[{You know the answer to that. It's part of the fusion process}]

(Fuck you!)

[{I love you too~ 😘}]


I looked around the room and looked out the window. It's already dark outside. I'm currently in a hospital as the nuns were pretty much worried about me... not like those fake nuns.

Anyway, it seems that the previous Alexia is an orphan that was abandoned in the doorstep of the orphanage as a baby. The nuns took care of her and she had a very good relationship with sister Beatrice whom she treated as her mother.

Alexia is like me. She had the same age, personality, an introvert and also had the dream to be remembered. She first had this thought when she was eight when she saw a book about renowned scientists.

Alexia is different from others as she was curious what would it be after death. Would it be heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Reincarnation? Or pure nothingness where she'll just be dead? Due to these thoughts she mature earlier than her peers and became curious about those renowned pioneers of humanity.

In the end she came to a conclusion that if she ever die, she wanted to be recorded in the annals of history and be remembered to make others in the future know that she existed. This is why I said we're similar, she is just like 'me'.

Although this resulted in her having few friends, she wasn't really bothered as she prefers the peaceful and quiet environment of her room.


The door opened with a creak and sister Beatrice entered carrying a basket of fruits with her. Beatrice smile when she noticed Alexia sitting up in the bed. She walked to her and sat beside her bed while placing the basket in the table.

"Alexia, it's good that you're alright. Do you feel anything?" Beatrice looked at me with a worried gaze.

"There's nothing for now. I feel better."

Sister Beatrice heaved a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. We were so worried about you, we were shocked when we saw you frantically bashing your head on the table in pain while it looked like a storm passed by your room."

{A/N: I wrote the fanfic 'Bashing my head at my table as I was writing this' in my other account that I can't open anymore... I really can't remember my password 😂.}

My face grew hot in embarrassment. I was in so much pain earlier so I didn't care and even smashed the closet at my room with my head. Thinking about it now is so embarrassing I would die of shame.

"S-sister, don't say that! I wasn't clearly thinking back then!" I was in so much pain then that I smashed my head to the closet. It was like an irritating itch that you can't scratch and won't go away but more painful.

**Giggle**"Okay, I'll stop teasing Alexia-chan. I will leave for now, the kids are waiting for sister," she stood up and patted her skirt.

"Sister Bea, when can I leave here?"

This place is suffocating and creepy. I always had a fear of hospitals due to my experience in a fucking haunted hospital in my last life... as a guy. That experience made me want to stay away in not just that hospital but all as much as possible. Even now I still shiver thinking about it.

"The doctor said that you can leave by tomorrow," she said as she closed the door and left. By the time I stopped hearing her footsteps, I looked at the window again and sighed. I'm farther in the past now, I will miss smartphones, YouTube and the seemingly omniscient Google.

[{You're only nine this year Alexia and it's currently 1933. You will still be alive by 2022... maybe}]

(Urusai wa yo!)

I sighed again and thought to myself that only my body would die and not my soul and consciousness. I will only go back to my main world after I die.


{ A/N: A short chapter but a meaningful one. If you like this fic to continue, then please throw me some comments and stones. Don't forget to click the sub— no, the 'add to library' button. Arigatou gosaimasu~! }