
Valyrian freehold

While returning the northern lords, who were accompanying Ned Stark stayed some time at Moat Cailin while enjoying the most beautiful, clean and full of life city in Westeros, Moat Cailin, with wide roads and beautifully constructed wooden and stone houses as well as inns for the residents and travelers. Beautiful hot spring baths and many different types of fruits.

They didn't want to leave but their duties as lords compelled them to return to their castles. Zack also decided to go with Ned to Winterfell, so he allocated different tasks to his appointed men and traveled towards Winterfell. During his travels Zack turned ten years old. So when they arrived at Winterfell Ned stark first ordered for a banquet.

At the banquet Ned Stark announced the happenings of the tourney as well as announced that Jon snow was legalized by king Robert so he ordered every one to treat Jon as a real stark. Well this announcement didn't go well with mother as she left the banquet as soon as father announced the legalization of Jon due to Zack.

Zack also noticed that Jon was not present in the banquet so he also excused himself and went to search for Jon, and found him in the stables.

"Hello Jon how are you?" Zack smiled and called Jon who was tending to a horse. By hearing Zack's voice behind him Jon was startled." You startled me Zack. I am fine, how are you genius." Jon also smiled and hugged Zack. Zack and little Arya were the only people who saw him as their real brother so Jon was really close to them.

"Hahaha i am good. Well i have a very good news for you." Zack said and told Jon about his legalization and told him that from now onwards no one will call him as a bastard. When Jon heard that he started to cry while hugging Zack. After some time when Jon got his emotions under control, Zack offered him to leave Winterfell and to come with Zack to Moat Cailin. Because Zack knew that his mother still wouldn't accept Jon.

Jon was also very intelligent and knew that what Zack is saying is correct. So he readily accepted Zack's proposal and decided to go to Moat Cailin.

After which Zack had an argument with his mother who was not happy that Jon was legalized because she was the follower of the faith of seven and in that faith bastards were deemed sinful, as such they had an argument. After which Zack told Ned that he will be taking Jon with him to Moat Cailin. when asked for a reason, Zack told Ned that it will be better for Jon as well as mother. After sighing Ned allowed Jon to go with Zack.

So after some days Zack along with Jon and his clippers returned to Moat Cailin. Jon was amazed by the beauty of Moat Cailin. And as soon as he arrived Moat Cailin he went to tour the city. As this was his first time away from Winterfell and also without the title of bastard his, original personality of ten days old kid resurfaced. So Zack also didn't stop him and sent a clipper with him to Enjoy Moat Cailin.

Afetr two days Zack called for Jon in his solar because he thought that it was now time to tell Jon of his inheritance as well as let him meet his mother, step-mother as well as his half siblings.

*Knock, Knock*

"Come in." When the door opened Jon came in front of his table and sat on the chair where Zack pointed. " So Zack why did you call me. Is there something where i can help you?" Jon asked. Zack smiled and asked Jon, "Jon do you want to know about your mother?" When Jon heard that he became anxious and asked Zack " Mother? Do you know about her Zack? Of course i want to know about my mother but father will not tell me about her."

"Yes i know about her. But first of all you must not tell anyone about anything which will happen now." Zack seriously said. Because he will be taking Jon in the mini dimension of Heavenly World where his mother, Elia martell as well as Rhaella Targaryen are sleeping. Who were saved by Hang Wei and Katakori.

"I promise you that i will not tell anyone about anything." Jon was really anxious to find out about his mother. Zack smiled, even if Jon wanted to tell someone he wouldn't be able to. There was a safety mechanism placed over the different dimensions of heavenly world by Zack and Alvina the fairy of heavenly world.

Which would place a formation over anyone who entered any of the dimensions, and if someone wanted to tell something about it to other unrelated person this formation will erase his memories of heavenly world and Zack would be informed about that person.

"Ok Jon i believe you. But wait for a little moment i am waiting for someone." Zack smiled and said to Jon. After some time there was a knock on the door and when Zack gave his permission, Two people entered the study. A boy and a girl. The boy was wearing training clothes while the girl was wearing a beautiful red dress. The boy was eleven years old while the girl was thirteen years old. But the most noticeable thing about these children were their Targeryen features.

"You called for us lord Zack." Asked the girl politely. "Yes please take a seat." Zack told them to take a seat. After they were seated they looked towards Jon and then towards Zack.

"So Jon before i tell you about your mother, you must first learn about your name as well as your heritage." Zack looked towards Jon and started talking. "What do you mean by that Zack?" Jon asked a little confusedly.

"Your name is not Jon Snow, And you are not a bastard of Ned Stark. But your real name is Aegon Stark Targeryen. This was the name which your mother gave you after your birth and your mother's name was Lyanna Stark." Zack told Jon the truth about his linage.

When Zack told that, there was a total silence in the room and the boy and girl who were also sitting near Jon looked towards Jon in utter shock. "Aegon Stark Targeryen.... Lyanna Stark? What are you talking about Zack. Lyanna is our aunt." Jon stood up and said to Zack.

"Calm down Jon or i should now call you Aegon 2, well it is the truth. And it is true that Lyanna Stark is my aunt but it is also true that she is your mother and you are my cousin." Zack said to Aegon 2 And calmly sipped the tea placed in front of him.

After some time Aegon2 also sat down on his chair and asked Zack "If it is true then why are you calling me Aegon2?" "Hahaha because he is first named as Aegon Targeryen." Zack laughed at this drama and pointed towards the boy sitting near Jon. "Ok first let me introduce you to these two. The girl is named Rhaenys Targeryen and the boy is called Aegon Targeryen. And they are your half siblings. Because you mothers are different but your father is the same. Who was Rahegar Targeryn and the prince of seven kingdoms."

When they heard Zack they looked towards each other, then there was complete silence. After some time Rhaenys was the one who giggled first and looked towards her brothers and said "Aegon1 and Aegon2 what amazing names. It is really interesting." After which she stood up and walked towards Aegon2 who was also looking towards her with many different expressions.

When Rhaenys neared Aegon2 she hugged him and said " Hello little brother. finally we are united." When Rhaenys hugged Jon he first stiffened but after some time he also hugged her sister. There were also some tears in his eyes. Because it was the first time he felt a familial warmth in his life.

After Rhaenys, Aegon1 also hugged him. "Finally we are united. But we must do something about our names." When Jon heard that he laughed and said " Well i like my current name. Jon Stark Targeryn."

"Well as your introduction is over it is time for you to meet you mothers." Said Zack shocking all the siblings. "What do you mean by our mothers? Lord Zack. Didn't they die in the rebellion." Asked Rhaneys.

"No they are alive. I saved them, by the gifts i was given." Zack told them. "Gifts?" asked Jon.

"Well let me show you." By saying this Zack waved his hand and they suddenly appeared in a very big room where there was a big bed and on which three beautiful ladies were sleeping. When Rhaenys looked towards them she immediately rushed to one of the woman and hugged her tightly and started crying while calling "Mother."

Zack looked towards them and said " OK lets wake the sleeping beauties." He said and then poured some liquid in their mouth. After some time the three beauties stirred awake and looked at their surroundings and then they noticed each other, and were shocked.

Then there came a long session for Zack to tell them that they were saved by his gift and then he introduced Jon to lyanna stark. After which he went out of the room and sat at a table placed outside.

After an hour or so all of them came out of the room and sat in-front of Zack and thanked him for saving them as well as their children. Zack then told them that they are allowed to roam in this dimension which was extremely beautiful having forests as well as rivers and mountains with different animals and a castle in the center.

Zack told them that now was not the time for them to appear in front of people. And they also understood. After which he told the three children that they can enter and exit this dimension by simply wishing.

After which he returned to his study and made a blood clone of himself. Which will remain here in the Moat Cailin while he will go towards Essos.

When everything was done, he directly teleported to the old Valyria inside the smoking sea. When he teleported there he was amazed by the beauty of Valyria. It was the most beautiful place in Game of Thrones world. And the magic concentration there was also more than any other place in this world.

After the destruction of Valyria till now no one could venture inside it due to the smoking sea as well as the stone people of valyria and many different types of magical beasts as well as lesser wyverns.

Because there were no dragons in this world. And due to the concentration of magic in Valyria some lizards and snakes evolved into wyverns who were called as the dragons by the Targeryans.

Before the doom of Valyria came, the magic power was scattered in whole of the world. But the concentration of magic was very high in Valarya. Due to which many magical beasts were born. As their numbers increased their accumulation of magic power also increased. Due to which the magic power of whole world started to gather in Valyria.

After many years when the concentration of magic increased to the maximum capacity of this area the doom of Valyria came. Which was originally the outbreak of magic power. Which caused the berserk tsunamis as well as rain of fire over the lands of long summers. In this doom everything in these areas consisting of The Valyrian Freehold was nearly destroyed.

At its prime, the Valyrian Freehold encompassed most of the eastern continent and reached as far as the current Free Cities and the island of Dragonstone off the coast of Westeros. The Freehold was an advanced civilization, and the dominant military and cultural power of the known world. Its capital was the city Valyria.

So when Zack teleported to Valyria his purpose was to start his conquest of game of thrones from here. So after coming to Valyria he first controlled all the beasts and stonemen in Valyria by using Heavenly world. And then he summoned an army of undead warriors which Alvina collected from all over the world after the completion of map function.

Then he gave some of these undead different bloodlines such as wood release, stone release, crystal release and many others and ordered them to start the repair process of the Valyria as well as the other cities which are recognized as deserted including Tyria, Oros, isle of Cidars, Mantarys, Bhorash. {check this map link= https://quartermaester.info/ }

After which he opened his map system and looked for the eggs of Wyverns all over the world and summoned all the eggs. And he was surprised by the numbers of those eggs. He got a total of twenty eggs from all over the world which can be hatched.

As the condition to hatch these dragon eggs was magic power and life force. He didn't need any of these, so he simply cut his palm and dripped his blood on ten dragon eggs. And after a few minutes all ten eggs which were sprinkled by his blood were hatched.

After which he sent those dragons in the heavenly world and prepared a dimension for only them so that they can grow faster and reach their full size. And also stored the other dragon eggs to gift them to the Targeryn children.

It was not that he needed these lesser dragons. His heavenly world already produced every type of mythical beast, totally controlled by Zack. A single one of them could destroy this world within a blink of eye. That is the reason he chose to use these dragons from this world.

He also put a vast illusion around these areas so that the people couldn't see the changes which were happening.

'Hm now i have to get the Dothraki. Well it will be done eventually. First i have to assign some tasks to my undead.' Thinking like that Zack summoned the undead and gave them the techniques of memory and personality transfer as well as the transformation. Their task was to go to each and every free city and get the place of highest authority holder by taking his memories as well as personality and then start working towards the time when Zack will come to take the cities under his rule.

He also ordered them to absolve slavery from these cities and start working for the betterment of common people.

Now all the things which required his attention were taken care of. So he directly teleported to Eve who was alone in her room within Illyrio's residance in Pentos. After which Eve and Zack restored Eve's connection to the Heavenly World and then she also met with Rhaella Targaryen, and told her about Denareys and Viserys.

After which he teleported to the Dothraki sea from the north of Mantarys and summoned his clippers. Now his trained clippers numbered in Fifteen thousands. So this time he summoned ten thousand clippers in the Dothraki sea, While other trained clippers were assigned different tasks by Katakuri, such as protection of his trade, security of his borders etc.

He gave them order to change into the style of Dothraki riders. Everyone of the clippers owned his or her's own warhorse. So after changing into Dothraki style they marched into the vast grounds.

Zack's purpose was to absorb all other khalasar roaming these vast lands. Because he wanted to unite the whole world.


Olenna Tyrell was sitting in her Garden in the reach and was remembering the events which happened in the tourney at Lannisport. Some time before the tourney a raven from King's landing came with the invitation to join the tourney. She was totally uninterested in that, because she had many important things to deal with.

The important thing which she had taken notice of was the increase of food provided by the North. Till now Reach was the number one supplier of food items but some years ago the North or specifically House Stark entered into the food market. The main product of North was meat as well as wines of different flavors. The moment these items hit the market they made a sensation and their demand increased by day and night.

But even then the reach didn't care because their main products were fruits and vegetables. But only a year later the north introduced totally fresh vegetables as well as many different types of fruits which even we didn't have. Now the reach was shaken. Their customers declining, the reason for it was the variety and the most important, quality, freshness of their items.

So the Reach couldn't let them loose any longer. So Olenna Tyrell sent many of her guards as well as sell swords to kill the traders from North. And again she was left helpless when not a single one of the hired thug or any of their disguised guard returned. Even their bodies were not found.

She attempted many times with larger numbers but the result was the same. After which she sent spies to the north but they also vanished. But from other sources she came to know that the north gave birth to an amazing wolf, who was favored by gods.

She wanted to see that brat but was not able to see him due to their positions. But when she received the raven from King's Landing she also inquired about the attending members, she was told the genius wolf of north was also invited. So she decided to go and observe this new wolf maybe a new member entering the game.

She went to kings Landing with her son, grand daughter as well as grandson. When in the melee competition Jaime Lannister won the tournament, the idiotic queen tried to humiliate the north by proposing them to fight. Well she was slapped hard by her foolishness.

The melee was won by north and the most humiliating thing for house lannister was that their golden lion lost against a woman from north.

After which i was shocked that in the Jousting the genius wolf of north participated himself. A kid who was not even ten names day old. But the most unbelievable thing happened, he won, that little kid won and even against that giant mountain.

After which i was once again given a great shock when due to his loss against a kid, Gregor Clagane attacked the young wolf but was easily handled by that said wolf, as far as loosing his nose.

At that point in time i knew that a wolf no a Fenrir from legend awakened. And the game had a new player.