
Time skip and Killing Khal Drogo

King's Landing

In the conference room all of the current small council members were waiting for the arrival of king Robert.

The council members consisted of

Grand Maester: Pycelle

Master of Coin: Lord Petyr Baelish, known as "Littlefinger"

Master of Whisperers: Varys, known as "the Spider"

Master of Laws: Lord Renly Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands.

Stannis Baratheon who was the second brother of king Robert and was the Master of Ships and Lord of Dragonstone was currently not available because he was responsible for the king's fleet.

And The Hand of the King,Lord Jon Arryn, had just died and his body was still in the Great Sept of Baelor.

Little finger looked towards Varys and asked " Lord Varys! it seems like your little birds have provided you with an important whisper." Varys looked towards little finger and nodded "Yes. This time my little birds have provided me with an important news. That is why i have convened this meeting on urgent basis."

When they were talking, king Robert entered the meeting hall. When the small council members looked towards him they all stood up and bowed towards him "My grace." they said and waited for him to sit down.

When king sat on his chair then the members also sat down on their chairs. Then king Robert looked towards Varys and asked him " Spider what was so important that you didn't even wait for Lord Jon's burial?" Every one could see that their king was drunk.

"Forgive me my grace! But this matter is really important and needed your attention." Lord Varys slowly said to Robert. "Whatever just say it spider." King Robert impatiently asked Varys.

"Yes your grace. It is about the Targaryen siblings who escaped from Westeros and went to free cities in Essos." Varys carefully told king Robert about the Targaryen siblings while knowing the hate King had for them. And he was correct. Because as soon as king heard about them he roared "Those DRAGON SPAWNS! they are still not dead? What are you doing? WHY are they still breathing the air?"

"Your grace i have sent extremely talented assassins for their lives but all of them lost their lives by the hands of 'Dusk Knight'" Varys simply put all the blame on the head of their guard who is known as the dusk knight.

When Robert heard that his anger subsided a great deal. Because he was aware of the strength of this dusk knight. He was not someone who can be dealt with some assassins. "Ok tell me the news about them." Robert then calmly asked while Varys couldn't help but roll his eye. He knew that Robert was seriously afraid of Hang Wei.

"Yes your grace. As you already know that at this moment in the Dothraki sea their are only two big Khals each having an army of almost hundred thousand Dothraki riders, Khal Drogo and Khal Zaco. And my little birds have informed me that Viserys plans to marry his little sister Danareys to Khal Drogo to get his army."

"Damn that dragonspawn. If he gets help of hundred thousand Dothraki riders then it is very possible that he will sail across the narrow sea towards Westreos. I can't allow it. We must do some thing." Robert leaned on his chair and said in an anxious voice.

"Maybe it is still not such a bad condition. I heard that it is very possible for Khal Drogo and Khal Zaco to clash against each-other in the near future." Little finger said to king Robert while looking towards Varys.

"Yes. It is what my little birds told me that both of the Khals are preparing to duke it out between them. Here comes the real problem." Vary said. "What is the problem if the barbarians fight each other. It is beneficial for us if they clash against each other." Robert didn't understand why it is a problem for them if barbarians fight between themselves.

"If Khal Drogo wins then it is just a little problem. But if Khal Zaco wins, which i think he will, then we have got a bigger problem for us." Varys said in a very thoughtful voice. "Explain." Robert ordered Varys to continue.

"Drogo is a typical Dothraki. His khalasar just charge forward without any discipline, on the other hand Khal Zaco is an anomaly. His personal strength is very high. And he have trained his Khalasar in discipline and strategy. If he didn't waste his time on these practices then i am afraid all of the Dothraki sea would be under his single rule. If he wins and then somehow marries one of the sisters then i am afraid that his threat will be ten times higher than Khal Drogo." Varys explained his thoughts to King Robert.

"HM~ I think we should get prepared for these threats. Varys send your assassins for these two barbarians. Do everything you can and make sure that this marriage doesn't happen. And it seems that i can't delay my visit of North." Robert ordered Varys and stood up and left the counsel room.

* Dothraki sea *

Zack who was now called Khal Zaco was inside his tent and having a meeting with his blood riders and assistants.

"Blood of my blood! what are we going to do about the marriage between Khal Drogo and that dragon princess?" One of his bloodriders who was originally his clipper asked.

"Nothing much just crashing the marriage." Zaco said in a lazy voice.

In these years he could have easily conquered the Dothraki sea but he didn't. The reason was Zack wanted to teach these barbarians how to produce their own food. And that is why he told them the ways of agriculture. There were many oppositions but by simply using mind control he easily changed their minds.

He also made them practice different formations and fighting styles. Because he wanted to turn these barbarians into an elite army. He didn't give them wolverine's healing power, because it was only for his clipper force, whose numbers also reached a whooping fifty thousand.

Aside from Dothraki his undead sent to free cities were also able to take full control of free cities. Now whole of Essos was unofficially under his rule. He just have to get rid of Khal Drogo which he planned to do on his wedding.

"Prepare our fighter we are going for Khal Drogo. After which i will have to return to north. Because the king is going to get my father for king's hand position." Zack said and dismissed his counsel.

* In Pentos * *Illyrio's Mansion*

"Big sister I don't want to marry a barbarian." Denaryes caught her sister's hand and pleaded.

"As i have already told you that you wont be marrying him. Didn't i promise you already?" Evaserys said in a doting voice. "But brother is forcing me and that Khal also saw me. They fixed the date after three days." Denarys looked at her sister with tears in her eyes.

"Silly Deny! when have i ever lied to you? The wedding day will be the last day of Khal Drogo." Eve smiled and said. While Hang Wei also nodded, who was standing behind them.

"How?" Denerys asked. "Because our savior will arrive that day." Eve smiled. "Savior? Sister who is our savior?" Denarys couldn't help but ask. "You will know soon." Eve said while patting deny's head while thinking about the plan which was told to her by Zack.

'I hope the day of marriage comes quickly. Then we will be together forever.'

While this was happening in Pentos Zack already prepared his riders and started marching towards the place which was decided by Khal Drogo for marriage.

One of his blood riders who was also his clipper rode near him and asked. "My Khal what will we do with Khal Drogo's Khalasar?" Zack looked towards him and said "We will absorb them while his bloodriders will be killed at the spot."

"Yes my Khal. And we will arrive there in two days." That bloodrider said to Zack.

Zack simply nodded while thinking about these years. He have already constructed the old Valyria and its adjusted cities to it previous glory. And his undead have already taken control over the free cities as well as the iron bank. Only Illyrio was left, While all the others were changed to his disguised undeads.

Now after this issue with Drogo he will move towards Westros. He was thinking about the future events which will occur directly after the king's visit to Winterfell. He would definitely save his family but he knew that they have to understand the consequences of their choices.

'Well we will see.'


In the Dothraki sea one could see a celebration being held due to the marriage between Danareys and Khal dorgo. While Deny was clearly feeling very anxious on the other hand Eve was totally carefree about this, because she knew what will happen today.

While some of the Dothraki were fighting, some of the guests were presenting Denarys with gifts. And Viserys was also enjoying this very much. Because in his opinion after marriage he will get the Dothraki army and then his dream will come true.

When Khal Drogo stood up and wanted to take Denarys with him all the people felt the ground shaking and after some time they started to hear the horse's hoofs beating the ground.

When Drogo understood what was happening and wanted to order his Khalasar to prepare for fight it had already been too late. Almost Eighty thousand riders had already encircled the unsuspected Dothraki of Khal Drogo.

Khal Drogo, his blood riders and many of his fighters took up their weapons and prepared to fight. But Zack's fighters only encircled them and didn't attack them. When the tensions were increasing the encircling riders opened a path and Zack with his bloodriders rode between them and came in-front of Khal Drogo.

"What is the meaning of this Khal Zaco?" Drogo Asked in Dothraki language. Zack also dismounted his horse and came in front of Drogo and playfully said. "What do you mean? I am very hurt as you didn't invite me to your marriage."

"Don't play with me Zaco. Tell me why are you here?" Drogo didn't buy Zack's words. When Zack heard his words he became serious and said " Drogo i am here to unite the Dothraki sea. you are a good warrior and so i wish you join my Khalasar as my blood rider." When Drogo heard his words he started laughing loudly. " HAHAHA you want me to surrender to you? In your dreams." Saying this he spit on the floor in the direction of Zack.

"Ok so be it. We will fight according to the traditions. Me and my bloodriders against you and your bloodriders. And the winner will get everything of the loser." Zack nodded and said to khal drogo and Drogo also nodded towards Zack.

When they accepted the terms the people made a space for their fight.

When all of this was happening Deny came to Eve's side and asked " Sister is he our savior you told me about?" Eve smiled and said " Yes he is the one i told you about." Viserys who was also listening to them scoffed and said " Humph! if he had attacked with his barbarian fighters then there was a chance that he could win but in one on one fight no one can beat Khal Drogo."

Jorah Mormont who also attended the marriage on the orders of Varys shook his head and said " You are wrong your grace. It is true that Khal Drogo didn't lose a single fight but it is also true that Khal Zaco is also undefeated."

"So what! Drogo is older than him and in my opinion he will win. And it is also good when Drogo wins he will also take the armies of Khal Zaco. And then i will have the biggest army in whole world." Viserys excitedly said. While eve and Hangwei only shook their heads because they knew that no one can beat Zack.

While they were talking the fight has already started. The bloodriders were clashing against each other while Zack and Drogo were also attacking one another with their weapons. Zack was using his slim dual swords made up of titanium while Drogo was using his Arkh. The fight was totally one sided Drogo couldn't even get near Zack.

After some clashes Zack disarmed Drogo of his Arkh and kicked him in his abdomen throwing him to the ground. Drogo however quickly stood up and took his daggers to continue the fight. When Zack saw this he smiled and plunged his swords into the soil and went to fight him in close combat barehanded.

Drogo became angry and rushed towards Zack while slashing his right dagger towards his throat and his left dagger towards his intestines. Zack blocked the slash which was coming towards his neck with his left hand, and the dagger which was coming towards his stomach with his knee.

While blocking this attack Zack punched the throat of Drogo which forced him to drop his daggers. Zack took his dagger and cut the throat of Drogo while ending his fight as the winner.

His blood riders had already killed their opponents while the Khals fight was still going on.

When Drogo was killed Zack turned and said loudly "Your Khal is dead and as the traditions of Dothraki sea i am now your Khal." There was silence for some time but after a moment all members of Khal Drogo went on their Knees and started to shout Zack's name


When Zack saw this he turned towards the stage where Denarys, Evareys, Viserys, Illyrio, Hangwei, Jorah and all the other people who were attending the marriage were.

When they saw him looking towards them the members became tense and quickly looked downwards. Zack however walked towards Denarys who was clearly afraid of him and stood in front of her, and coldly said in Dothraki language "So you are the bride? Now you belong to me."

When Illyrio heard that he quickly translated what he said in common language. When Viserys heard that he came forward and said in a haughty voice. "Illyrio tell him that he can get my sister as long as he give me his army to take my iron throne back. He can even get my other sister." Viserys said and looked towards Evarys who looked totally calm.

When Deny heard that she immediately walked towards eve and said " Sister you said he is our savior. Please help me. I don't want to marry a barbarian." When Viserys heard that he immediately caught deny's hand and shook her while said " I told you sister you are my chip to get an army and now not even the Dusk Knight can save you and Evearys from these barbarians."

While saying this he pulled Deny towards Zack while Illyrio translated what Viserys said to Zack. Zack was totally enjoying himself so he continued his act. "HAHAHA tell him i want both sisters." While saying this he caught Denarys hand and looked towards Viserys. While Denarys started to cry.

"What did he say illyrio?" Viserys asked illyrio. "Your grace Khal Zaco want both sisters." Illyrio translated. "HAHA yes yes why not. Tell him i accept." Viserys became happy.

Illyrio looked towards Zaco and told him that the prince accepted. When Zack wanted to continue his act Eve said " Zack it seems you really want your ear to be pinched." When EEve said that every one became silent and looked towards Eve and then Zack.

Zack also stopped laughing and looked towards Eve. When Viserys heard that he became upset and thought that Zaco had become angry. He wanted to say something but before he could say anything Zack smiled and said in common language. "Well Eve i really wanted to enjoy this a bit long."

*Silence compete silence* There was complete silence when they heard Zack and Denarys also stopped crying and was looking confusedly towards Zack and Eve. While they were trying to understand what happened EEve walked towards Zack and in-front of every one kissed him.

After a moment both separated, and Hangwei also came infront of Zack and knelt down " My lord!"

Zack smiled and said "Get up Hangwei." After which he said "Illyrio and Jorah Mormont come to the tents and everyone else you are free to go." Illyrio and Jorah who were unable to understand what happened nodded their heads and other people went away totally confused.

Inside the Tent

Zack, Eve, Hangwei, Viserys, Jorah and illyrio were sitting around a table. Zack looked towards the confused people and said "Well you seem very confused so let me introduce myself. I am Zack Stark second son of Eddard stark, lord of Moat Cailin, Lord of Dothraki Sea as well as unofficial lord of all the free cities. You can say that i am now the ruler of Essos. And of course husband of Eve." When they heard him Viserys shouted "How can it be You are a barbarian. Not a ruler."

When Zack heard him he simply waved his hand and Viserys was slapped away while hitting the floor and became unconscious. Then he simply looked towards Jorah and Illyrio while saying "Now that the nuisance is gone ask me what do you have to say."

Jorah looked towards Zack and said in a respectful voice "My Lord if you are really from Westros then how come you know the Targeryens. And how can you appear here in Essos while there was no such news."

"Well i will tell you about it but first let me ask you why are you here?" Zack seriously looked towards Jorah and asked. "I am here to serve the Targeryans." Jorah said. "Do you think i am a fool Ser Jorah? I already know why are you here. You were sent here by Varys as a spy to the Targeryens." When Zack said that Jorah was shocked and looked towards him as if seeing a ghost.

When he wanted to say something Zack said "Ser Jorah i am a very good friend of House Mormont so i don't want to harm you, because it will sadden Lady Maege so i will say it simply. Remove the thoughts of betraying us, i know why you accepted this spy job. You were promised pardon from the king in return of your services. And let me tell you that the days of Royal family are numbered. You will not gain anything form them, on the other hand i will help you with your desire."

When Jorah heard that he shook and looked towards Zack while thinking about the pros and cons about this offer. After a few minutes he unscathed his sword and bent on his knees and said solemnly "I Jorah Mormont from this moment on pledge to serve you. I will be your shield as well as your sword."

"Get up Ser Jorah i hope you serve me well." Saying this he looked towards Illyrio and his tune turned cold "And Lord Illyrio, Now what about you?" Illyrio shuddered and looked towards Zack and said "My lord i am a firm supporter of Targeryns, and i will remain like this." Zack locked his eyes with Illyrio and said "I know. And i am asking you that what are your priorities now. I want to know from now onwards what will you tell Varys?"

First Illyrio was not sure but now he confirmed it that Zack knew about him and Varys. So after thinking about all the information Zack now provided, and the current condition of Westros he knew his answer "My lord i swear by the names of both old and new gods that from now on i will do as you command."

"Ok i will believe it for now." Then he turned towards Denarys who was looking at all this like it was a dream and said with a smile " Deny, i have a gift for you." Danarys looked towards him and asked "A gift?" Eve also patted her head and said "Deny you will love it." "Sister do you know what it is?" Denarys asked expectantly.

"You will see. Lets go outside." Zack said and walked towards outside while others followed him totally ignoring an 'unconscious dragon' who was slapped unconscious.

When they walked out side the temporary tent Zack whistled. After sometime when nothing happened, Dany was about to speak when they heard a loud roar from the sky. And they were covered in shadows. When they looked towards the sky the people present had their mouths left open because on the sky, above their heads three big-ass dragons were flying.

And after circling a few more times they landed near Zack and the co. Other that Zack, Eve, Hangwei and the clippers who already saw those dragons were trembling by the shear presence which was being exuded by these three dragons.

Denarys also held Eves hand and looked towards those dragons with excitement in her eyes. She really loved the stories about dragons.

Zack looked towards Denarys and called her "Hey Deny come let me give you your gift." Denarys looked towards Eve and when she saw eve nodding her head she cautiously walked towards Zack and Zack approached a white female dragon with Dany.

When they went near that white dragon Zack said to Denarys "From now onwards this female dragon will be yours." Saying this he placed Deny's hand on that white dragon's nostril.

When Denarys fear went away she happily smiled and kept stroking the white dragon and said " From now onwards you will be called Rhaella after my mother's name." When Zack heard that he looked towards Eve and said. "Eve why don't you take Deny for a flight." "That's a good idea." While saying this she went towards a blue dragon and climbed on its back. And said to Eve "Go on climb on her back." Deny looked towards eve and then carefully climbed on her white dragon's back.

After which both the dragons flew away.