
Last Summon

~15 December 2006~

This is the time of the month once again. The time for me to summon another companion, but this time it was not for me but for my little sister Valerie. My guardian slot is already filled, so I want to summon a guardian for my sister.

I want to summon someone of the same age as Valerie or younger than her, and I know who I will summon. I first wanted to summon Jack the Ripper, also known as Jacky, but she cost me 30 points while I only have 20 points.

So I decide to summon Wendy Marvell instead. Not only can she be a friend for Valerie, but she also can be her little sister.

I look at my back and see my guardian ready if something bad happens. Valerie and her guardian also stood behind me. Valerie Lightning Guardian, Harry Potter, and Mist Guardian, Cristina Lillo.

Harry just arrived in Romania yesterday after his first term of the third year was over. Harry and Cristina decide to follow Valerie and see they are soon to be a fellow, guardians.

I take a deep breath and press the photo of Wendy Marvell. Like all my companions, a bright light appears in the middle of the room, and after a few seconds, it disappears. I look down and see a little girl with short dark blue hair lying on the ground, unconscious. There is also a giant egg lying near her. It has a white color with fire like a pattern around it.


Hearing my voice, Amelia immediately began to work. A few seconds later, Amelia looks at me and says.

"She is fine. However, she needs to eat. I predict that she didn't have any food to eat the entire day."

"I see. Then let's bring her to the medical room."

I look at Wendy's body being carried by Popol, the bear, while Amelia carries the egg within her arms.

"Brother… Is she going to be fine?"

"Of course. Come on, and we need to bring some food for her."


It looks like I summoned Wendy when she was still a child. Does she already meet Mystogan? Does she already join the Cait Shelter? I don't know, but we will find out soon after she wakes up.


*Wendy Marvell POV*


I open my eyes and see a white ceiling. As I sit down, I look around and see that I'm inside a medical room.

I don't know how I got in here as the last thing I remember is searching for my mother, Grandeeney.

"Grandeeney... *sob* Why did you leave me? *sob* Please come back…"

Why did she leave me? Did I do something bad? Was she disappointed in me? Why…

I don't know how long I have been crying, but while I'm crying, I feel someone hug me tightly, and I can feel a warm feeling coming from the person hugging me. It was like the same warm Grandeeney had when she hugged me with her wing.

For several minutes I continued to cry my eyes out before looking at the one hugging me. It was a beautiful woman with short blonde hair and red eyes. She looks at me with kind eyes and has a soothing aura around her.

"Hello there. My name is Valerie Vongola. Can I have your name?"

"W-Wendy Marvell"

"Well, Wendy, can you tell me why you didn't eat any food?"

I then told her about how I searched for my mother, and even after searching for a few days, I didn't find her.

"I see—what a sad tale. Come here, Let big sister hug you a little bit longer. Fufufu~"

I couldn't have but blush a little.

"B-Big Sister?!?"

"Ara Ara~ You don't want to become my little sister?"

"No! I mean, yes! No! I mean…"

"Fufufu, your red face is so cute!"

"Mu... Meany"

I grumble at her laugh but for some reason hearing her laugh makes me happy.

"What do you think, brother? Can Wendy be part of the Vongola family?"

"Of course."

I look to my back and see a group of people watching us with a kind smile on their faces.

"While we can't reach your mother, for now, we will try our hardest to reach your mother. We will try our hardest to do it as a family. So do you want to join our little family, Wendy Marvell?"

"En… En. I do"

While I don't know where you are right now, I will find you, and when I find you, I will tell you the story about how I get many sisters and brothers I can trust.

~20 December 2006~

*Wendy Marvell POV*

"I'm sorry little one, but I never heard of a Dragon named Grandeeney."


It has been a few days since I arrived in this world. It has also been a few days since I joined royalty. At first, I fainted after hearing it because I never knew that the Vongola family is the country's ruler. It has also been a few days since I know that this world has a dragon race, and there is a dragon pack making its nest near the city.

After sister Amelia made sure I'm okay, and my magic did not go wild, Brother Lexian took me to the city's dragon nest.

However, after hearing that the dragon never hears my mother's name, I become sad once again. I had hoped that my mother would come to this world, but it looks like she didn't.

"However, you said that your mother has the same type of magic like you, correct?"


"Then, I have some good news for you."


"Your mother is not dead, and she is not too far away from you."


"Yes. She is inside your soul right now"


"Her soul is damaged from something I don't know, and right now, she is trying to stay alive inside your soul. Not only that, but she also prevents you from becoming a full pledge dragon. I don't know-how, but your magic is something I never see in my long life. It slowly changes you into a full pledge Dragon. I don't know why she does that though, Dragon is awesome, but I guess there is a side effect if you become a dragon. Eh?"

*Sob* *Sob*

I see so my mother is alive and never leaves me. I see. I'm glad… I'm glad…

"Oi, you bastard! Why do you make her cry?!?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Liar! Here taste my fire!"

"Do you want to fight?!? Huh?!? Bring it on!!!"

I look up to my side and see sister Valerie touch my shoulder with a gentle smile on her face.

"Congratulations, Wendy. You found your mother."


I don't know how long it will take, but I will help you, Grandeeney. Please wait for me. I will become strong and heal you from your injury. I will become the strongest Sky Dragon Slayer the world has ever seen, and I will master all the healing spells you taught me. Until then, please stay strong.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts