
Expedition (III)

I look at the Good Hunter run toward the Blood-starved Beast with his weapon in hand. The beast is massive; the size of the beast is around forty meters tall. While the Good Hunter takes care of the big guy to our left, we take care of the blood beast coming with the Blood-starved Beast.

The blood beast has the shape of a Rat, Dog, and even a Bird. They are coming toward our group from the west. However, the blood beast was not the only thing coming at us; but there was also a horde of shadow beasts coming from our right.

The beast surrounds our group. Lucky for us, there is only one giant beast, and currently, the said beast fighting the Good hunter.

Seeing the incoming beast, my man created a formation to receive the horde. Our group is the one that handles the east side while Scáthach and her group take care of the one in our west.

I order Lightning users to hold the ground while Cloud, Storm, and Rain take care of the rest of the shadow monster. Meanwhile, my guardian and I watch them fighting against the shadow beast from the back. The reason why we do this is that this trip is a great opportunity to increase the experience of the troops.

Well, technically, I'm not only watching from the back as I keep ordering the troops to change formation when the overwhelming number of shadow beasts breaks our previous formation. I also shoot some of the shadow beasts that successfully come inside the formation, and the same could be said with my guardian.

These beasts have power above the no-name evil dragon Rizevim sent to Faysummit. The evil dragons that attack Faysummit have the power of Mid to High tier of Mid class beings. However, these shadow beasts have at least the power of the Low tier of High-class beings.

Lucky for us, they did not have any magic in them. So they are basically a normal beast that has strong physical stats.

As long as you can hold the Vanguard, the whole troops will be fine. However, it is easy in theory but hard in practice. The shadow beast has an incredible physical power making the Lightning flame user have difficulty stopping the Shadow Beast's continuous charges.

Not only their physical power, but the skin of the shadow beast is also tough enough to hold the attack of Dying Will Flame blast from a point-blank.

So the troops need to hold the ground long enough so the one in the back can take care of the shadow beast. However, the one that is attacking the shadow beast needs to do it fast. If not, then the one holding the shadow beast will collapse and let the shadow beast come through.

"That is the last of them, My Lord."

"Good work. Go see Amelia and heal your injury."

I look at the rest of my troops and see that only a dozen of them have a heavy injury while the rest of them only have a little bit of scratch.

Anyway, I look at the Scáthach group already finished killing all the beasts coming at them. It looks like Scáthach also joined the fight using the rather familiar spear in her hand. In the Nasuverse, Scáthach is known for her war lust and fight monger. The same could be said to this version. The bloodthirsty grin on her face while fighting a few hundreds of enemies is something to behold.

I will never call her a hag in front of her.

"Lexian Vongola…"


"I'm pretty sure you just insult me."

"What? No, I don't."


I look at Scáthach, walking away from me, and join her troops. How can she come near me in a blink of an eye? I don't even feel her coming at me. The only thing I can feel was the dreadful aura she had when I said the H-word.

Anyway, I look at the Good Hunter almost finished with his hunt as well. I don't know what kind of power a Great One has, but by the look of it, the Good Hunter wants to fight the beast-like he does when he is not the Great One.

I can see from here that he can handle the beast just fine. Not only can he dodge almost all attacks from the beast, but he also can block all the incoming attacks with his scythe. It was like looking at a deadly dance between a human and a beast.

After fighting for another ten minutes, the Good Hunter is finally able to cut the beast's head off and kill it instantly.

When he comes to our direction, I congratulate him.

"Good work, Good Hunter."

"Thank… You…"

After fighting all of that enemy, Scáthach and I decide to make a camp here. As the day is almost over and our men are tired, we decide to fortify the area. With the help of Medea, Kushina, and Scáthach, we have ourselves a small fortress where we can rest and defend ourselves from the beast that is coming at us.

While the fortress is good enough, it was not good enough to handle more than two hundred beasts that attack the wall and the gate. So we split the night duty between my men and Scáthach men.

My men will be the first to do the night duty, and we will change the night duty to the Scáthach group at twelve o'clock.

~The next day~

I wake up at five in the morning and immediately walk out of my tent. I see the people that already wake up are Modred and Medea. Because of their race as a Servant, they don't need to sleep. While they don't need to sleep, it doesn't mean they can't sleep. They can sleep just fine.

"Mordred Medea. You guys, did not sleep last night?"


"I did not master."


I look at Medea, who is busy cooking some breakfast for all of us.

"We decide to stay awake because there is another beast wave coming that night. There are a total of four waves, and it happens every hour. The number of the beast also increased every time a new wave came. The beast coming in the last wave is numbered up to five hundred of the beast."

"Why didn't you wake us up?"

"You and Amelia already work hard in healing all of us. The same could be said to Kushina. Taylor already helped us fight against the beast until 3 AM before I asked her to sleep."

Before I could say something, Mordred interrupted me by saying.

"Master, You already work hard to heal all of us with Amelia on your side. While Kushina heals the one in the frontline using her Sun Flame. Taylor already helped us kill many of the shadow beasts and overtask her sacred gear. That is the reason why we decide not to wake you up and even make a Bounded Field around your tent, so you sleep until you are fully energized. Also, Medea and I are servants, so we don't need to sleep."


I sigh a little. I guess I can't argue with that logic.

I walk toward Mordred and sit down on the log she is sitting on and sit on it, waiting for the food Medea cooks.

While waiting for the food, I see Scáthach walk toward us.

"Lexian Vongola, I see you already waking up."

"Yeah, you should order your men to sleep for two hours. We will be the one that guards the fortress while you guys sleep. We will also leave some food for you guys."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

Scáthach then walks to the resting tent, where she will sleep for a few hours.

~Three Hours Later~

When the clock showed that it was already 7 AM, Scáthach and I ordered our group to move up.

Our expedition continued.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts