
Letter 1 : A horrible day

To my dearest,

Good morning my dear, my love and over growing warmth. How do you do? Has life fared you well? I would hope so as I am quite dissatisfied with today meeting at work. It has honestly been a tedious day- mind you- we couldn't make up our own mind! It was like being in a war zone… A war that wouldn't end without the other ripping out another soul. I'm not even sure how the debate even started. It sure seems like they were trying to win a contest! Rather than form a compromise of this new project... But then again... It was those two significant individuals in the meeting today.

I know I shouldn't be too surprised... Because lets' be honest here- I should've expected as much coming from those two. Because my love, they were known for their- how do you say it- bickering. Of course, it only happens when they were in close proximity. If they were not in the same room none of this would've happened. But it was required for them to attend. As they were the leader in their department. Even though many of my coworkers complain of their constant bickering- no one would dare to suggest they be fired. As they are excellent at their job.

I even heard they were once a couple in their youth- but broke up due to a scandal in college. The scandal must've been serious since they almost got expelled. Unfortunately, I don't know all the detail of the scandal they partook. As I couldn't find any information of its existence online. Which is ironic because something this big usually spread like wildfire. But I got an iffy feeling that their parents- somehow- and I mean somehow- manage to conceal the incident.

Of course, this is all I know. As none of my colleagues who knew dare spoke further. It seems like uttering another word of it could get them in trouble. However, judging by their speech and glaze- I am certain it was quite a show. Isn't it a wonder how fate brought them back together? I'm only saying that because dear... I have a suspicion that someone may have been involved in their employment. Like when they applied for their positions here. You know? It just seems so obvious...

As I've heard both of their parents own a private organizations that could benefit each other. It wouldn't be a surprise if their parents visited the boss here to get them hired together. But only time will tell if my theory is correct. What do you think? Do you think so too? Or are you gonna tell me to stick my nose elsewhere?

Well, time is up. I have to go to bed now. Apparently, my colleagues want to throw a party on Friday evening. It's for the new trainees that started working last week. We were so busy earlier that there wasn't a time to celebrate their arrival till now... And don't worry. I won't overdose my shots... You know I'm not much of a drinker anyway. I'll call you when it's all over.

Sweet dream love. I can't wait to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,

Mrs. Scarcity.

Date: October 15 2018