
Mr.Unromantic (Win&Team) (Between us)

Fan-fiction based on the relationship from Win & Team from between us and until we meet again. This is about their relationship after the series ends.

PurplePetals · 电视同人
26 Chs

It runs in the family.

Win lays in bed waiting for Team to get out the shower, feeling drained after the long day they all had. They had lunch and decided to go their separate ways. Hia Waan wanting to spend some time with Tul since he is only here for 2 days. He never really got a chance to speak to his brother after his dramatic performance at the university. They have to be at the university again to meet with the coach tomorrow morning, seems the board has made a decision in regards to the drama that happened over the last few weeks. Team jumps into bed and immediately throws himself over Win. He pulls him closer and makes them both more comfortable. "Did you miss me?"

"I couldn't sleep without you Hia, I don't know if I can even spend 1 night without you next to me. I don't think its possible anymore."

Teams words hit Win deep in his soul, he doesn't even realize what he just said. "Team, are you trying to be romantic right now?"

"Huh? I'm too tired for that right now, I'm just stating facts." He lifts his head and puts his face close to Wins, "Look at the bags under my eyes, I haven't been able to sleep without you. I knew it the minute I got to my house that I fucked up, sometimes I don't think things through. I should not have ran away from you and not contacted you because even though I was sad about what happened at the university, I felt worse knowing that you will be disappointed in the fact that I did that and didn't even come to you first. I'm sorry Hia." He lays back down on Wins chest and squeezes his waist. "I promise that I wont do that again. I never want you hurt again, I could see it in your eyes you know that. Were you ever going to tell me that it affected you?"

"Not really. I know that you didn't mean it or do it intentionally. I also know that what you experienced is probably the worst thing that could happen to you emotionally. I wish this all came out when you were ready for it to come out." He hugs him tighter, "Promise me though that if anything happens in the future, you will at least see me before disappearing so I can make sure you are okay. I will even drive you home and leave you there if you need that. I'm not opposed to you taking time away baby, I knew who you were before I asked you to be my boyfriend and I accept all of you, the good, the bad. I just need communication so I'm not left with my imagination thinking you will leave me. I was so stupid waiting so long that I ended up hurting you, so I try to be more open with you at every turn. Can you do that for me too?" Win kisses his head.

Team is silent for a moment realizing that he and Win are the absolute worst when it comes to communicating with each other about these things. "I promise you I will, Im sorry." He goes silent again and suddenly sits up, "Can I ask you why your mind always goes to me leaving you Hia? Have I done something that instills doubt in you?"

"No. Yes. I don't know. I just feel like you always run from me. After a while it gets to a point where I think one day you will run and never come back. I'm very confident Team but when it comes to you I'm very insecure. I know you love me and I know we promised each other we will be together forever but I'm also a very logical thinker and I go by actions rather then words... Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying you are flawed or that you need to change or fix anything about yourself." Win is unsure if he should continue this conversation. He always feels uneasy being open about what he feels, usually thinking about the other person and choosing to remain quiet but in this moment he has to take Deans advice.

"Win, in order for your relationship to work you need to express every thing you feel. Do not put a wall between you and Team because I can promise you that he will feel that divide and that is what will kill your relationship. I have watched you for years dim your light so others can shine and as your best friend I'm pleading with you to please join us in the light. You finally found someone who deserves to see you in that light. Team doesn't need you to stand behind him buddy, he needs you to stand beside him. Team deserves that much, and so do you. You hear me? You deserve that, more then anyone else. Put yourself first Win, love yourself first, be your own hero first so you be better one for him."


"Hmm?" Win looks up at Team who looks confused.

"We are having a serious conversation here Hia, can you focus?" Team looks at him annoyed that he has to say his name ten times to get his attention.

"Sorry, I started thinking about something. What did you say?"

"I said that I'm proud of you, opening up to me and not burying what's going on with you. I understand what you are saying and I will do better but only if you promise that you will always tell me what you are thinking and feeling. Dont worry about me Hia, I can handle it as long as you are by my side." Team lays back down, "I wont ever leave you Hia Win. When I wake up and see you laying next to me, ever since the first night we slept together, I feel my heart swell with love knowing that you are mine. I get the privilege of being the last thing you see before you sleep and the first thing you see when you wake up. I get the privilege of being loved by a man who is so genuine and kind hearted. You taught me how to breathe again, how to love, how to be a good man but most importantly Hia, you taught me how to live again. I died the day P'Ton died, I was merely existing until you taught me the difference between beings alive and living. There is nobody that can take me away from you, I'm yours." He is relieved he got that off his chest. "I needed you to know that you are my everything and not just in this lifetime, in every lifetime after this too because we are bound by destiny. I know you don't believe in fairytales Hia but after I met you, I do. I believe that we are tied together by the red thread, scratch that, I believe that we are tied together by the hemp rope, never going to break baby, never." He feels something wet on his forehead and looks up. "Hia, are you crying?"

"What? No. I need to sneeze but couldn't so my eyes are watery." He knows that's a bullshit excuse but he doesn't feel like being teased in this moment. Team made him emotional but he still has his image to maintain, he cant be seen as a softy. "Thank you Team, for loving me and for choosing me." He pulls him in for a sweet tender kiss. "I love you."

"I love you Hia." Team settles back down squeezing himself deeper into Wins chest. "What a crybaby." He smiles hearing Win groan, knowing he will be teased. Team adds it to his lift of things to tease him about.


Waans POV

They all meet at the university once again, ready for the conclusion of the board meeting. He watches the president and Mrs. Anant sitting silently far away from each other, the kid not even looking in their direction. "Do any of you have anything to say before we finalize the matter?" All parties say no and the representative continues.

"Due to the evidence submitted by Mr. Waan, the coach, our own representative as well the swim club members, there is enough to show that the university has no ground to punish either Win or Dean for their conduct or actions as they have done nothing wrong. The other students will not be reprimanded either because no university laws were broken on their part. We would sincerely like to apologize for the conduct of the president in this matter as well as the incident regarding the sexual harassment on the university premises. We will issue a letter of apology to you Dean as well as your parents in regard to this matter. We will also be issuing an apology letter to Win and his parents for accusations against his conduct and behavior since all of this was again proven false. The president has resigned his position and this will be handed over to the universities lawyers. Regarding the junior Rider, unfortunately he has many incidents under his name and he has been here all of three months so he will be let go from the university."

Waan watches as a single tear rolls down the boys cheek but other then that, he doesn't even lift his head or look in anyone's direction. The man continues.

"All swim club members will be reinstated should they wish with no penalty. Please be advised that nobody is forced to go back to the club if they do not wish to. I thank you Mr. Waan for bringing these issues to the university's attention. And I apologize once again for all the trouble. If there is nothing else then this meeting is adjourned and concluded."

"Uh Sir, if I may please speak with the board privately for just a minute? There is something important I need to discuss with you for your consideration." He looks at Win who is questioning him with his eyes. "Its okay, you guys go ahead, I will be right out." Win just stands unmoving staring at him, he sighs and gives Win a look which is enough to get the kid moving. He smiles satisfied. When they are finally alone Waan turns back to the eyes staring at him cautiously, he begins explaining what he needed to and sees the shock on their faces but continues anyway. They regard him strangely for a few minutes nobody speaking. Finally someone asks him why, he doesn't answer at first thinking this through before saying anything, "Dont we all deserve as much?"


"What was that Hia Waan?" Win looks at his brother suspiciously, not wanting him to make any more waves in the university. He is grateful for all his help but this is about as much of his help that he is willing to accept.

"Relax, it had nothing to do with any of you. I have to go. Team, lets go."

Win looks at Team suspiciously too, "Go where? And do what? Since when did the two of you become so buddy-buddy?"

"Again, relax Win, this has nothing to do with you and if I want to take Team somewhere you have no say, Team is a person old enough to make his own decisions." He looks at Win waiting for him to challenge him when Team steps in.

"Hia, P'Waan and I have something we need to do, I will explain everything later I promise." He kisses Wins cheeks and starts walking away win P'Waan. "You think he will follow us?"

"No, he will go sulk somewhere no doubt. Dont worry about him though. Before we go, are you sure?" He has to make sure that Team is okay with this before he does anything else. He can do this alone but he also thinks it wont go down as well as it will if Team is there.

"Yes P, I'm sure. Thank you for trusting me with this." He takes out his phone and shoots a text, hoping it works. "I guess protecting people runs in the family P."

He looks at Team and smiles, "Hmm, I didn't think about that, well I guess so."
