

it was a calm Monday morning at chrinston junior as it was a new year for the students everyone was in there class talking loudly , our school director Ms. Tiffany popped up on our front door and gave as a wired yet appealing announcement as she said" There will be a new biology teacher for your class this semester, so I would kindly ask you to give him respect thank you".

shocked to hear the news every body mummerd in there own tone, A few minutes past by and every finally got to see the new teacher he was tall , dark and handsome with eyes that could make you fade away in an instant, " Looks like theres finally gonna be complete focus in the class", daisy the school princess starred at the new teacher with complete adorence ," hey! mindy did you see the new teacher isn't he hot or what". as my best friend gianna call out my name from a far as she was coming my way running, "sooo have you seen him I would say that he just made himself christon's dream guy, don't you think?" .As mind asked "yeah whatever just your typical average teacher of the day" I said in disapproval, "Never say average , you might be suprised later on with interest" Gianna said looking at me with her smile wide open, " what do you mean his normal and older than me..." before I could finish my sentence the school bell rang.

Everyone took there seats in class as mindy went to go have a look of the coming lesson she was stunned as it was no other than biology. "You have got to be kidding me ", mindy said to herself as her finger carefully touched the lessons timetable with her eyebrows furrowed, suddenly a tall man stood at the class door, and said in a loud voice "Morning all, my name is Mr. Thomas and I will be your new biology teacher hoping to have tones of fun this year."Mindy looked at the teacher as if she hadn't understood a word he said , he continued by saying " I won't go round asking everyone's name but we will know each other in due time, Now let's continue " . As he was approaching the board he gave mindy a huge smile with a wink following mindy felt chills rushing throw her body as she was sturtled. "what's up with this man she said to herself in hesitation ".