
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · 现代言情
51 Chs


Justin felt raged from within,he was so furious at himself the one person whom he trusted lied to him also,since he was a kid he was either lied to by friends or deceived by family just because of who he was but now noona too, the one person he thought would always be honest with him,the one person he trusted,

"Justin you are drunk let's go home",

mal-chin who was called out by Justin to drink says

"No,no ,I am not drunk at all,well maybe a little tiny bit "

he uses his hand to demonstrate

"I know you are hurting but what will taking her to court gain you for crying out loud Justin why don't you give her a chance to explain herself"

"Explain what ? why she never once told me that we have a son together,she betrayed my trust"

Justin kept on grumbling till he falls asleep

Kim na-ra didn't know what to do everything just felt wrong first she lied to her friend and now Justin too,how could she afford to fight against the lee family concerning child custody what will she do

Kim Na-ra thinks as she stopped at the restaurant which a waiter called not long ago to inform her about Justin passing out

"Thank you ,thanks so much"

Kim Nara thanks the waitress as she went to Justin side

Like he said as shot with adrenaline Justin woke up stood up to hug Kim Na-ra

"Noona ,my noona,noona is here to to to"

then like he had finally realized it says

"why are you here?"

"Justin behave yourself "

which Justin nodded his head like a little kid,he even looks attractive when drunk,on leaving the restaurant mal-chin was watching from afar

"Thank you" he says to the waitress then left

The minute they entered the car Justin fell asleep,Kim Na-ra thoughts were all over the place,the fear of losing her son which she knew she would fight tooth and nail for no one is taking her child from her not even Justin.

On getting to the lee mansion Kim na-ra Justin woke up looking at his surroundings to take in where he was

"Justin I will be off now go inside,can you go in yourself or should I get someone to assist you" ,

Kim na-ra says as she tries assist him

"No need,I can go in by myself, don't touch me"

Justin replies pushing her hand away from his arm and with this action Kim Na-ra turns to leave

"Why didn't you tell me about in-su?,why didn't you tell me we have a son together ?"

"There was no right time to do so Justin and for that I am truly sorry "

"About what?,about me not knowing I have a son?,or the fact that I have been around for the past weeks and you still said nothing probably the fact that I lost 4years of my sons life how about that "

"Justin I am sorry"before she could finish

Justin was already holding her arm shaking her furiously

"I am tired of hearing you say sorry,say something,where you even planning on telling me at all"

"I will,I was I don't know probably but this wasn't the right time"

the words that came out of her mouth made Justin drop his hands which where holding hers

"Justin please don't take away my son from me please"

"Really now but you took him away from me you didn't even give me a chance to put up a fight "

"Justin I am not giving up my son"

At that moment the door opened it was mrs lee who was already informed by a worker that young master a Kim na-ra where having a heated argument outside

"What is going on here?"

mrs lee says as she held on to her son shoulder

"What did you do to my poor son?, why are you flocking around him?, is hyuna not enough for you?, oh my poor son did you force him to drink?,Justin doesn't drink,did you drug him? "

"Mrs lee I did nothing to him he was drunk and someone called me "

"Why would they call you? who are you to him?"

Justin who's head was hurting says to his mom

"Ma it's nothing go inside "

"Not if you are not coming with me,I don't want poor girls like her having ill intentions towards you,I know girls like her"

"maa please let's go forget her"

Justin says as the took his Mrs Lee who hide a smile inside,as she assisted her son in

"can I sleep here tonight I don't feel like going home tonight",

it has been 3 hours since Kim na-ra said those words to hyun-a unable to take the awkward silence hung-a finally spoke

"is what I think true?"

"yes Justin is in-su father",

an awkward laugh came out of Kim na-ra mouth as tears began to fall

" Justin is my baby daddy, the family who my family hate the most,my family enemy the lee family,in-su is apart of the mighty lee family,and Justin has the right to tell me that he would be taking me to court hyun-a I am scared"

"but,,,how,,,,,,, when,,,,,,,,,,,I don't understand anything anymore, just know I am here for you,stop crying na-ra, I would talk to him,he is probably confused,I myself haven't fully digested this information but I promise you by tomorrow it would be like a dream,like it never happened, it's okay, don't cry anymore"

on getting home Kim na-ra saw a BMW packed outside her house.

"mommy mommy mommy is back"

in-su cries out with joy running towards his mom already waiting arms.

"na-ra come over here and have a look at who is here bong-ju is here to visit us"

as if on cue bong -ju came over to give na-ra a big hug

"I have missed you so much na-ra and big man too"

dong-ju says taking in-su from Kim na-ra and this brought a smile from Kim na-ra watching bong-ju talk and make jokes confidently like the matured man of 37 years he is.