
Chapter 10 Technician 38

Twenty minutes later, Bai Ye lifted the heavy truck filled with dollars and gold bricks with satisfaction and soared into the sky.

Because he had already seen someone coming over.

If you don't leave, you'll be caught straight by someone.

Someone has indeed come over.

But it's not Roglio Torrez, it's Knox.

Knox was wearing a tactical vest, camouflage pants, and individual tactical glasses, holding an MP5 micro charge in his hand. The real battlefield rose was in a mess.

She is leading a small team to advance towards the villa.

Although he is a boss, in fact, Knox's combat effectiveness is not weak. He used to come from a background as a spy and his tactical skills far exceeded those of ordinary mercenaries.

The reason why she appears here at this moment is still a strange night.

She prepared headphones for the curved knife and kept in touch at all times.

But who knew that the curved knife lost contact so quickly, making Knox's eyes black and completely unaware of the situation.

Anxious for a while, about two or three minutes, Knox decided to lead his own team to take a look.

You may encounter some danger.

But in business, or in the arms business, where can there be anything risk-free?

What I earn is this money.

If she wants to make stable money, she can do it lying down.

She just doesn't want to lie down and earn money, can't kneel down, still wants to stand and earn money.


Knox lowered the muzzle and watched as the body turned into two curved blades, causing a toothache.

Without a doubt.

When that guy from White Night acted, he didn't even take her words seriously, so the machete was easily slaughtered by White Night's people.

"This bastard!"

Knox gritted his teeth:

"If he can do some human resources, he wouldn't be able to do nothing at all!"

The combat power of the machete is top-notch in any mercenary group, and it is a subordinate that Knox highly values. He is also preparing to introduce his own team, and the backbone is using it. As a result, he easily died here.

And with the curved blade dying here, what should she do with the information she wants?

All her hard work over the past few days has been wasted - Knox used his machete to invade Roglio Torres's villa, not only to defeat him, but also to take over most of his legacy after his downfall.

In addition to the money taken by Bai Ye, Roglio Torrez still has his territory, channels, and network of contacts behind him.

For example, Roglio Torrez has many friends with the CIA

"Useless thing!"

Kicking towards the body of the machete, Knox restrained his emotions and continued to lead the team towards the villa.


Under alternating cover, Knox and others quickly figured out the situation of the villa.

In a very short period of time, in less than a minute, all of Roglio Torrez's subordinates were killed in one blow, without any effective resistance.

"What weapon is used here? It seems to be too powerful," Knox muttered to himself. "Is it the kind of laser weapon from science fiction movies?"

"It's not surprising if it's just Osborne's words."

The Osborne Group is a place nicknamed the "Anti Training Academy".

Not to mention laser weapons, even if one day the Osborne Group brought out the zombies in the movie, Knox didn't find it strange.

She didn't have time to worry about what weapon Bai Ye used, so she turned to the villa with her subordinates and started searching.

It's as empty as ever.

Get nothing.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Knox angrily raised his middle finger towards the sky, "White Night, fuck you!"

Needless to say.

Everything she wanted was packed and taken away by Bai Ye.

"Boss, do you want to withdraw?"

My subordinates, come up and ask.

I have searched all the villas and there is nothing valuable.

And if he doesn't leave again, Roglio Torrez will come back.

"Take them both," Knox glanced at the unconscious mother and daughter. "You can't go home empty handed."

At least it can still be used to threaten Roglio Torrez with a wave.

"Bai Ye is also really damn it!"

The suburbs of New York.

A warehouse owned by Osborne Group.

Tian Yangen and others are checking the banknotes.


With the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, a Porsche 911 stopped at the entrance of the warehouse.

Andy got off the car.

She was wearing a gray shirt, dark gray long straight pants, and a very elegant and charming outfit, clean and not lacking feminine gentleness.

"Haha, here we go."

Go out at night to welcome you.

Andy: "What kind of plane are you making?"

"Just come in and take a look."

Bai Ye smiled and pulled Andy into the warehouse.


Andy took a cold breath.

All within sight are US dollars.

Like Bai Ye, she has seen a lot of money, but it is all the numbers on her account. Where have she seen this pile of cash.

"Bai Ye, did you go rob the bank?"

"I can make money much faster than robbing a bank," Bai Ye said with a slightly reserved tone. "It could be considered a small covert move by Osborne. Maybe you'll see the news in a few days."

"Anyway, we don't have to worry about our AIM company's funds anymore. Tian Yangshen, have you finished counting? How much money is there in total here?"

Tian Yangshen said, "With cash and gold bricks, it's worth 372 million US dollars. Additionally, the jewelry you bring back from the boss cannot be accurately estimated at the moment, so let's fluctuate around 100 million US dollars."

"Did you hear me?"

Bai Ye was about to show off to Andy when his phone rang and the caller ID showed up as technician number 38. His face remained unchanged and he apologized to Andy before leaving the warehouse.


Knox: "White Night, I circle and fork you # *% # $%..."

Bai Ye dug out his ear and said, "My dog shakes its head when it hears this and says you're cursing so badly. What's wrong with me, making you so angry?"

"Didn't we all agree yesterday? I had one of my subordinates involved in the operation, but what happened? You killed me, and you took what I wanted with you. I've been busy for so long, but you just left me empty handed?"

"Did I have someone who killed you? I'm sorry, maybe I made a mistake," Bai Ye said. "But I won't admit the latter one. Open your safe now and take a look."


Knox thought of something and quickly went to open his own safe.

She put everything she wanted inside.

"Oh my god!"

Bai Ye's tone was not good and he said, "I found these things in the villa, and I thought of you the first time. So I specially packed them and delivered them to you. What about you? No matter what, you came up and cursed at me. I'm very disappointed with you."

"I admit I spoke a little louder just now," Knox said in a sweet, greasy tone. "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Next time I come to Juarez, I must punish you severely."

"Well, everyone depends on you. When you come next time, I'll welcome you with both hands and feet up."

"There's no need to be so grand," Bai Ye pondered for a moment and said, "Just welcome me with your feet up."

Knox: "..."