
Lost in The Forest

Hello everyone. Producing chapters is starting to slow down, mostly because I'm running out of ideas, and because of my ever growing laziness.

I apologize in advance, I can no longer write chapters in a time span of 2-3 days. Although that is the case, I will still continue with this fic and try to produce much longer chapters.

Now, on to the story!



"...It seems I have underestimated the damages done to my body." Genos, who was now sprawled on the ground, spoke. "Sensei. You go ahead, I will contact Doctor Kuseno and await his assistance." Not wanting to hinder his master, Genos decided what fitted his ideals most.

Looking back, Saitama stared at his disciple's miserable state and retorted. "...I dunno man. I'd feel like a terrible person if I left you here." He scratched his head. Most of all, he would feel awful as his mentor. "I insist, Sensei." Genos pushed. There's still plenty of daytime, and Genos wouldn't have any trouble surviving through the night. After a bit of consideration, Saitama agreed. "Alright, Genos. Good luck out here." He waved his hand and strode.

Saitama couldn't go fast since he was carrying a person on his shoulder, and the constant trees and other forestation that blocked his path and view hindered him more. Actually, he didn't know where he was going, Genos guided the way earlier when they got here, and he ignored the direction they were going.

With a bit of head scratching later, Saitama leaped. In a careful and unhurried way, he twisted and turned on the air and saw the nearest city. As if gravity didn't exist, Saitama slowly fell to the ground and headed in the city's direction. He was bad at remembering things, but he'd remember a general direction at least, right?


In the end, Saitama got lost. Even leaping up wouldn't help as no city will be seen. He didn't know how he ended up so far away, nor did he really care. At this moment, a careful but dangerous thought ran down his mind. 'Wait, did I turn the stove off?' Sweat ran down his forehead as he thought about it. It'd be catastrophic for his apartment if that were the case.

Cough! Cough!

On his shoulder, the unknown person he picked up a while ago started coughing out blood violently. It stained his yellow jumpsuit red. "Hey! You could've at least checked where you're going to puke! Washing takes a lot of time, you know!" Saitama reprimanded the guy on his shoulder. "At least do that much..."

"H-heh! It's here." He suddenly spoke. Saitama didn't know how this guy got so injured, but being a hero, he couldn't ignore a man needing help and continue. "Dude, you're creeping me out..." He shivered.

Not that far away, a soft thud made its way to Saitama's ears. Slithering, snake-like noises rose as light, almost gentle sound of footsteps rang to their ears. It was clear, Genus knew that 'she' has arrived. A wicked smile formed on his face as he violently tried to get off Saitama's shoulders.

Though, he failed to do so. 'W-why is he so strong...?! I am by no means a normal human being, I've achieved enlightenment and have genetically modified my body's overall strength!' His frustration rose as he frantically tried to escape Saitama's grasp. He knew what his creation was capable of, and so was every one of his clones. It didn't matter if he dies, any one of his clones could simply replace him and continue his visions. But the pain that would be inflicted on him was what he feared most.


The leaves swayed with each passing wind. The rhythmic chirp of birds, as they sang, rang in the distance. It haven't been that long since the being arrived, but the tension that the genius scientist, Genus, felt was unimaginable. He doesn't know when she would strike, and he doesn't even know if the man would survive.

He clenched his fists tightly and begged inside his mind for the man to drop him. "...Are you lost?" Saitama spoke. This area was pretty far away from the nearest town, and it was weird that he would encounter someone out there. The only possible explanation that Saitama's brain could comprehend was that they were also lost, just like him.

"You know, we could go together, see if we—" He didn't get to finish his sentence when something almost hit him. "Whoa!" He didn't expect it, but it came from the being in front of him. Now that he looked closer, they look almost human, except for the few snake-like stuff that protruded from their back. It had a long, scaly tail that extended almost twice its body size, vertical slit eyes, almost that of a snake.

It resembled a mix between a snake and a crocodile. With scales covering its most sensitive parts. Though that was about it, nothing covered the rest of its body. Genus looked at Saitama, waiting for some kind of reaction. He noticed him staring directly at his creation's eyes. His face showed a hopeful expression, waiting for him to fall for its effects.

Seconds passed, but nothing happened. Genus was confused, the test they did with the rest of his clones, most being entranced by her natural ability to seduce, and beauty that could make anyone aware of their look. He passed a look at his creation. 'Why is Sylvestra not doing anything...?' He was baffled. Such a thing has never happened before.

Saitama dodged to the right, it didn't take him long to realize that what was in front of him wasn't a human being. 'A monster, huh? I kind of want to see how strong this one is.' He jumped back. Far enough so it wouldn't reach him. The attacks that followed were amateurish at most, so he didn't have to exert much effort to avoid them. He was mostly worried about the person he was carrying, so he did his best to avoid the attacks.

He looked at the monster as it suddenly stop. Saitama didn't have much time to think when it suddenly appeared in front of him and swing its tail. Saitama avoided being hit with relative ease, but the person he was carrying limited his movements. A moment of thought was all it took before disappeared and dropped the man far away.

Saitama didn't know how far it was, but in actuality, he traveled tens of kilometers that instant within a second and arrived back instantly. "Now that he's gone... Hit me with all you've got."



Trees and other forestation were devastated in their fight. Though, Saitama mostly dodged and ducked from the attacks that were sent his way. He didn't want to finish it soon. "Hmph." He heard the monster grunt as it sent a fury of attacks. Mostly projectiles, picking up fist-size rocks and throwing them his way.

Saitama avoided every one of them, of course. He didn't want another hole in his cape, the repair cost was pretty expensive the last time it was damaged... He wanted to fix it himself but he didn't know how to sew properly. Saitama grabbed a pebble last second before it created a hole in his cape. He then threw it back with enough force to penetrate through it's body.

It went through its abdomen, which closed and healed almost instantly. In a beat, the monster sped and appeared in front of him and punched him. The force launched Saitama way up in the sky, to which the monster quickly followed and elbowed him back to the ground. The ground he struck created a large crater devastating multiple trees.

Saitama glanced at the monster that slowly fell to the ground. It didn't attack him, only observing his next move. "Uh, you can talk, right?" He questioned. He noticed that the monster hadn't spoken since earlier, and since most mysterious beings he encounters can speak, he figured this one can too.

"I... Free me..." It said, almost begging. It seems for some reason, this monster wanted to be freed from whatever that captured it. "Huh?" Saitama groaned and stood up from the ground. "Uh. Look, I don't think I can help you with that, if they've been underpaying you, maybe I could—"

"No—that is not what I meant... Kill me. Free me from this suffering." It said, its voice cracked, almost as if it was crying.

Saitama looked at the dead eyes of the monster and realized, deep inside, it was still human...


All my life... I've lived in isolation. These white haunting walls that I've stared at. None have survived more than a month inside here. Initially there was more than twenty of us here... But now, only three of us were left.

One by one, with each Passing day, we decreased in numbers. Those that passed through that door never came back. Only a week was left, we were left in the feeling of dread, wating for our ultimate demise.

"Next. 6-years-old. Female, qualified." A clone of that man, the man that captured us. It was now her time, the girl that I've grown fond of. Only now did I realize the mistake of doing so.

Soon enough, she would be turned to nothing but a hollow husk, to be fed to the unsightly monsters that roam this area. I could do nothing but huddle myself in a corner as I await my turn. It didn't take long before we hear a blood curdling scream that came from the girl.

The two of us that was left could do nothing but shiver in fear, our hope of escape was long gone. Only the inevitable demise awaits us in this hell.


"Finally! After hundreds of test, we have succeeded!" The clones happily announced. It was once in a lifetime of opportunity, such a success was hard to come by. "But... It looks like this one lacks emotions..." A clone spoke, erupting dozens of discussion within the rest.

"Sigh... After all these years, it still have some imperfections." Their expressions soon dropped, when the alarm blared. "What happened!" Panic rose in the clones, usually, when their alarm goes off it was never a good sign.

"Ahh! She has escaped! All these times, she was pretending!" A clone announced to the rest. The clones did their best to handle the situation, but alas, she was never found. She was the perfect creation, the hight of their researches. They never got to test her abilities, so even they do not know what she was capable of.

They could only cower and wait for the time she returns with the intent of revenge. Genus and the clones had noticed her rapid growth, showing signs of her physical growth, and strength. It sent chills running down their spines at the thought of her ever returning with this intent in mind.

So to prevent their inevitable doom, Genus brought out a special team to search and capture her once and for all. They might still have a chance.


"...So you're telling me, after all these years, we still haven't found her?" Genus questioned as he gripped the edges of his table. They have not made any more progress after the last subject escaped. Their failure further pushed Genus to the edge and urges himself and his clones to create a subject, that could possibly rival her or even become stronger.

It was risky, but a risk he was willing to take. He may have to sacrifice many clones in the process, but success comes with a cost. "Sigh... Damn it. Let's continue with our researches."

Genus took his strides with wide, confident steps as he strode to the area where captives are held. Their next text subject is supposed to be held inside there. He commanded two clone to retrieve the test subject as he went elsewhere.

It was his own personal space, it wasn't too extravagant, he kept everything to a minimum. He sat on his chair, placed an arm on the table an rested his chin on top. 'Sigh... If this fail, the House of Evolution is sure to be doomed.'

He reminiscent about the past, where everything started.


He was interupted when something collided against his window. Genus was immediately wary as something other than birds could reach high up here. But their location made it so no other living creatures may accidentally end up there.

He called his clones in for backup just in case. Genus approached the window and opened the blinds, to which he was greeted by a giant eye that was larger than the window itself.

His eyes widened, mouth agape. 'This creature...' The walls started to give in, and finally, the being outside was let in. The huge eye belonged to a crow, though its size was a hundred times larger. On top of the bird was... Another bird. This one different in color, not exactly a crow, it looks more like a phoenix.

"Greetings, House of Evolution. We are the Monster's Association." The being greeted. Its long beak opening as it spoke, unknown how without lips.
