
More Than A Hero

Fame wasn't Saitama's primary goal for being a hero. But what if his achievements were recognized? *** Please keep in mind that even though I'm a huge fan of the OPM franchise, I cannot replicate each of the character's personalities accurately. And please note that updates wouldn't be frequent. This is an improved version of my previous fic. Or a completely new one idk. And yes, I am back.

Zoomshoe · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Ancient King's Miserable Demise

Because of recent events and the rise of the Monster Association, the Hero Association was in a state of panic. Monster activities rose after the aftermath of their top hero, Tatsumaki, fought with a Dragon Level Threat monster not that long ago. She was sent on a mission by the HA, tasked with defeating a being of monstrous size. Its lizard-like body, tail larger than any city, and body as big as a mountain. Luckily, the being was not near any large city. It was spotted in a large desolated area somewhere undisclosed. The association refused to disclose the location to their hero and insisted on transporting her by plane.

A day before the sister's dinner, Tatsumaki received orders to eliminate this being. Although unwillingly, she accepted their requested mode of transportation. She busied herself on her phone while she waited for their arrival. Tatsumaki chatted with her little sister, Fubuki. Whom she dearly treasured, and her last family member. She often bugged her about many things, though. Fubuki's body type and height sparked envy in the esper's mind. She has stopped growing well past the body of a fourteen-year-old.

The alarm blared, and the access door of the aircraft opened, revealing heights well within thousands of meters high. Tatsumaki pocketed her phone and secured it. The phone's model was old, but her little sister gave it as a birthday present from the past. She heard the pilot's signal, and without hesitation, she jumped out of the back.

A storm was brewing, the wind turbulent and the clouds hazy. A lightning bolt occasionally struck near her; as if wanting to embrace her. Nothing affected her, though. Her bright green glow that covered her whole body protected her from the elements of nature. Tatsumaki was hooded, hiding her physical appearance. Though unknown to her, she didn't bother asking them about it.

She landed on the ground with a thunderous thud. Rocks scattered and dust bonded with the wind. The storm had ceased a few seconds ago, and only the occasional sound of lightning would be heard. The aircraft had long gone, its top speed reaching hundreds of kilometers. Though, she could still see it within her vision. She gave the plane a push and sent it flying back to HA.

Even a distance of hundreds of kilometers wouldn't be safe with the monster around. At this point, Tatsumaki finally looked up and stared at the behemoth. The fact that she was smaller than its pinky toe infuriated her; to the being of wanting to crush the monster into a speck smaller than dust.

"Aren't you a cute thing?" Its thunderous voice echoed through her ears. She had to cover them with a thin barrier for fear of getting ruptured. "Ugh! Can't you do that, you stupid monster?!" Tatsumaki abruptly turned her face up and bellowed. "Such voice is befitting of a king like me. Therefore—"


Tatsumaki's phone rang, interrupting what the monster was about to say. "Wait for a bit before I turn you into minced meat! This is an important call." She answered the monster's bewildered face. Patiently, he waited for the little girl to finish her business. Such an act of patience was rare for the being, but this tiny human sparked a memory in his mind.


"You done? Then, I, the Ancient King, have been reawakened after my three-hundred million-year slumber!" He grandly announced. "The surface shall be mine. All will bow before me!" Tatsumaki was unimpressed. She wore an unreadable expression and watched without interest.

"Hmph! Hundreds of other monsters said the same thing. Do you know what happened to them? I sent all of them to hell so they could rule that place instead!" She loudly exclaimed. She brought her hand into a fist, gesturing at the monster. She twisted and closed, yet none had an effect. "You fool, nothing can damage this body. Only a meteorite can truly harm me—" He heard the esper smirk.

"Heh, should've told me sooner..."


A colossal meteor struck, obliterating everything in the vicinity of ten kilometers. Tatsumaki contained the explosion and shock generated by the meteor to prevent further damage to the area and stop it from affecting the surrounding cities. The damages caused were substantial to the Ancient King. Only its bones remained.

Tatsumaki landed with the grace of a noble. "Hmph. How about another three-hundred-million years of sleep?" She scoffed and contacted the HA. Even though she didn't want to admit it, the Ancient King was more formidable than anticipated. He did not have the chance to move, and Tatsumaki didn't see his strength for herself. His indomitable aura threatened to destroy the world. Luckily, his tongue slipped and got himself killed.

"What a hassle..." She flew off, failing to notice another presence near the dead carcasses of the once great Ancient King. "Oh? The king got himself killed. Such a sad outcome, how unsightly." The voice made a sobbing sound as if mourning the loss of a special one. Black Sperm stood with the arrogance of a Dragon Level.

'Heh, I didn't expect to run into one of the top heroes now, eh?' He thought privately. Black Sperm didn't have as much confidence in winning as he currently is. He knew that he would need the fusion of ten trillion cells to battle her...

Tatsumaki was immediately alarmed. She did not notice anyone else within a radius of ten kilometers. 'What? Oh, it's just a stupid little monster. It was probably so weak that I couldn't even detect it. Sitch warned me about a mysterious power hiding in the dark, apparently calling themselves the 'Monster Association', a bunch of morons, can't even come up with an original name.' She rambled inside her mind, not bothered by the monster in front of her.

Black Sperm noticed. "...You're looking down on me, aren't you?" Anger rose within, veins popped, and muscles bulged. He was infuriated. Few would dare look down on him, let alone ignore him. "So what if I am? You'd end up like that guy next to you anyways." Tatsumaki said matter of factly.

His veins bulged more prominently, and Black Sperm's anger rose. Taking a deep breath, he subsided his anger and calmed down. Losing control of himself right now would be a huge disadvantage. Even though he was one of the cadres inside the Monster Association, the hero in front of him would be too much to handle. He would have to use his second strongest form by sacrificing trillions of cells...

"Hmph." Tatsumaki made the first move. She extended her hand and flicked, crushing Black Sperm's body and submerging him deep in the ground. She turned around and was all ready to leave. Though; a sound stopped her. Back on the dirt emerged multiple back figures, all sharing the same appearance.

What do we do?" One asked.

"We should retreat." Another with an exact face answered.

"No! We'll be humiliated by the others!"

"Then what do you suggest? We sacrifice trillions and fuse into Golden Sperm? The burden would be too heavy on 'us'," Another said, proving his point. "Didn't we already talk about this? If it means defeating our enemy and keeping our dignity, sacrificing trillions of us wouldn't matter."

"You guys are all so stupid. 'our' lives are much more important than that." The others collectively agreed.

"We'll hold her back. One of us must get back safely." They all nodded and decided on their plan. 'Why did they even choose me to scout that Ancient King? Phoenix Man would've done a better job.'

"Hmph, necessary sacrifices must be made to save ourselves." Black Sperm said and attacked. One cell wouldn't do much damage to the hero, but hundreds of them would surely do some. All of the cells attacked simultaneously in order to distract the hero. Though, they failed to reach her. Tatsumaki was hundreds of meters high, and she still continued to elevate.

Frustration built inside the cells. They couldn't do much in this form, but by becoming Golden Sperm, all would be lost and bow before him. Even he doubt the hero would stand a chance against the might of his Golden Sperm. All of the cells smirked simultaneously, one of them had gotten to safety. Even though they could not transform into Golden Sperm yet, there would come a day. A day when their grand plan would be revealed to the world.

It doesn't matter if all of the cells present die, he could just regrow them at a later time. Although it saddens him, Black Sperm didn't have much to struggle for right now. Tatsumaki floated high up above, not giving a single care as to what was happening below her. To her, it doesn't matter. Her mission here has been completed. She extended a finger, bringing the surrounding mountains and rock formation towards her. She compressed and flattened the rocks and mountain to a sizable shape. Then, without a beat, she pointed down and brought the rocks with it.

Everything crashed with a bang. The dust settled and the aftermath showed itself. As if nothing happened, the evidence of a 'fight' ever happening in this area has been deleted. Tatsumaki slammed the rock so hard it merge with the earth within and brought everything above with it.

Satisfied, she flew up and returned to the plane...