

So much for dying down it seemed like the blizzard had gotten a second wind of life and the snowfall had become even thicker. 

Most of the furniture had been covered in thick white cloth to protect the furniture from the elements.

It was clear that the owner of this hunting cottage would not be returning with their family until probably around summer.

At least it was broad daylight now and it would be safer for them to get familiar with their surroundings.

Maxixe would be able to search for stuff that could help them while they wait to be rescued. 

When he got up to reach for his great coat Kaoma was still fast asleep on the couch. 

It was a three storey cabin, they were still on the first floor and it seems they had gotten no further than the living room because they had been exhausted.

A cool breeze entered the room and chilled him to the marrow.