
Vol. 3 - Chapter 65

As the party of soldiers who came into the portal with Ash was being ripped apart, the Savior and the masked woman slipped away. Leaving their cries in the background, Ash looked around to see where she could spot the beams. Yumi tapped her shoulder and pointed to the right.

Sure enough, she saw three violet beams surging into the sky. 

"Yeah," she nodded, "that's where we're headed." 

"... Hm," Yumi stared ahead at them. "If these things are what you use to locate the objects that need to be destroyed, it is curious that they don't put them indoors, or somewhere where those beams can't be seen." 

"My guess is that the beams touching the sky are what keep the portal open, or something. Anyway, let's get moving. We have another one to close after this." 

With that, the two of them began to drag their feet through the disgusting black muck they were currently in.