
Moonless Fury: My Journey of Revenge

Veronica, a werewolf grappling with amnesia, stumbles upon a gruesome scene – her pack mate’s body and a chilling doppelganger with her stolen face. A witch’s curse unfolds, revealing a tangled past and a desperate fight to reclaim her memories, her mate, and her place as the pack’s protector.

Princess_Marvie · 青春言情
17 Chs

Whispers in the Wood

The ancient oak loomed before them, its branches reaching toward the sky like gnarled claws. A gnarled knot at the base of the trunk pulsed with a faint magical light – the entrance to the hidden library, as Elder had explained.

Veronica, Max, and Elder approached cautiously. Elder raised his staff, and the knot pulsed brighter, then with a soft groan, shifted aside, revealing a dark, gaping hole just large enough for them to enter.

A wave of stale, musty air rushed out, carrying the scent of old paper and forgotten secrets. Veronica hesitated, a shiver running down her spine. This place felt ancient and powerful, and a hint of unease gnawed at her.

"Are you sure about this?" Max whispered, his voice echoing slightly in the sudden silence.

Veronica glanced at him, then met Elder's gaze. The old wolf's eyes were filled with determination. "We have to try," he rumbled. "This might be our only chance to find a way to break the curse and save Liam."

Taking a deep breath, Veronica stepped forward, her paws sinking slightly into the soft, decaying leaves that littered the entrance. Max followed close behind, his tail brushing against her side for comfort. Elder brought up the rear, his staff held high, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated the path ahead.

The passage inside the tree was narrow and winding, the air thick and heavy. Veronica could feel the weight of years pressing down on her, and a sense of claustrophobia threatened to overwhelm her. She pushed on, her focus fixed on the faint light filtering in from somewhere ahead.

After what felt like an eternity, the passage opened into a large cavern. Veronica gasped in awe. The cavern walls were lined with towering bookshelves, crammed with countless ancient tomes, scrolls, and dusty parchments. An ethereal glow emanated from the ceiling, casting an otherworldly light on the forgotten knowledge surrounding them.

In the center of the cavern stood a lone pedestal, upon which rested a large, ornately carved chest. Intricate symbols, unlike any Veronica had ever seen, adorned the chest's surface. A wave of curiosity, tinged with a hint of fear, washed over her.

Elder approached the chest cautiously, his staff hovering over the symbols. The cavern walls seemed to hum with a low, unseen energy. Suddenly, the staff flared brightly, and the symbols on the chest glowed an eerie green.

A deep, raspy voice echoed throughout the cavern, vibrating in Veronica's bones. "Welcome… seekers of knowledge. But be warned, knowledge comes at a price."

Veronica whirled around, searching for the source of the voice. But the cavern seemed empty, the bookshelves silent sentinels. Max whimpered softly, cowering behind Veronica.

Elder, however, stood firm, his voice steady. "We seek information," he rumbled. "Information on a witch's curse, a curse that steals memories and creates a shadow self."

The voice chuckled, a sound like dry leaves rustling in the wind. "Ah, the curse of the Shadow Weaver. A powerful magic, indeed. But are you prepared to face the consequences of breaking it?"

Veronica's heart pounded in her chest. She didn't like the sound of consequences, but there was no turning back now. Liam's life, and maybe even her own fate, hung in the balance.

"We are," she declared, her voice stronger than she expected. Max, sensing her determination, whined in agreement.

The cavern fell silent again, the glowing symbols on the chest pulsing faintly. Then, the voice spoke once more. "Very well. Seek the answers you seek, but choose wisely. Some secrets are best left buried."

With a final crackle, the voice vanished. The cavern seemed to sigh, the low hum of energy fading away. Elder lowered his staff, his expression thoughtful.

Veronica cautiously approached the chest, her gaze drawn to the symbols. Did they hold the key to breaking the curse? Or were they a trap, a dangerous lure to knowledge best left forgotten?

Max nudged her with his snout. "What now?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Veronica glanced at the towering bookshelves, then back at the ornately carved chest. A flicker of hope ignited within her. They were like silent guardians, holding the answers they sought, but also harboring unknown dangers.

Taking a deep breath, Veronica turned to Elder. "Do you think there's a specific book with the information we need?"

Elder stroked his chin thoughtfully. "There might be," he rumbled. "But with so many books, finding the right one could take days, even weeks."

Max, his usual playful spirit dimmed, whined softly. "We don't have that much time," he muttered. Veronica thought of Liam, lying injured back at the den. Max was right. Every minute wasted here meant another minute Liam's life hung in the balance.

Looking back at the ornately carved chest, Veronica felt a tug of curiosity. Was the voice a warning or a clue? Perhaps the chest held the key they needed, a single, definitive source of information.

Meeting Elder's gaze, Veronica voiced her thoughts. "The voice spoke of choosing wisely. Maybe the chest is the answer, a test to see if we're worthy of the knowledge."

Elder considered this for a moment, then nodded slowly. "It's a possibility. But be careful. We don't know what lies within."

Veronica took a step towards the chest, her paws sinking slightly into the soft earth of the cavern floor. Max nudged her leg, his eyes filled with concern. "What if it's a trap?" he asked.

Veronica glanced at him, then smiled reassuringly. "We'll face it together," she promised.

Taking a deep breath, Veronica reached out a paw and gently touched the chest. The surface felt cool and smooth beneath her claws. As soon as her paw made contact, the carved symbols flared to life, glowing an intense emerald green.

The cavern floor trembled, and a low rumble echoed through the air. Dust rained down from the ceiling, and the bookshelves groaned ominously. Veronica, Max, and Elder braced themselves, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Suddenly, the chest creaked open, revealing a swirling vortex of emerald light within. A wave of magical energy pulsed outwards, sending a shiver down Veronica's spine. The voice echoed again, its tone laced with amusement.

"You have chosen… wisely. But remember, knowledge is a double-edged sword. Now, face your trial and claim your prize."

Veronica stared into the swirling vortex, uncertainty battling with determination within her. Was this the trial the voice spoke of? And what prize awaited them on the other side?

Elder stepped forward, his voice firm. "We are ready," he declared. He looked at Veronica and Max, his gaze resolute. "Stay together, no matter what."

Veronica nodded, her tail held high despite the fear gnawing at her. With Max by her side and Elder leading the way, she stepped into the swirling vortex, disappearing into the emerald light.