
Chapter 4: She's a Human

Natasha's POV

I felt a strong feel of pain hit over me after witnessing him being in ground facing others with fear. But the pain was overtook by my anger as I clenched my fist digging my nails into my palm.

The unknown who was on the floor moved back as if he was scared. Without any hesitation I rushed to them and helped him to get up.

Black hoodie. Black goggles. Black back pack. I saw these gestures some where before. Got it. No doubt that he gave me a strange vibe at the first place after all.  He was the one who got out from Reena's house at yesterday night.

" I'm sorry if he made any mistakes. I'm sorry about that " I said suddenly which made him to look at me with the same wide eyes . He had a pair of beautiful grey eyes.

Milton raised his eyebrows and stretched his hand to pick the boy's hoodie. But before that I pulled him back.

" Sorry. He's a new student. " I tried to raise my voice but " Why are you trying to protect him? You.. Ms. Dark ? " Milton inquired with his raised eyebrow.

" Ahm.. He is my friend and I'm here to help him" Milton smirked at my answer. I think the answer isn't capable of beleiving. " Hey shortie, Are you lying?? I know about you, that you are always alone and there's no chance that this nerd would be your friend." he pointed at the unknown, who had his head hung low.

" No. Im not lying. I swear I met him yesterday. He is my neighbour's friend " I stated while looking at his glowing red eyes. He is an Alpha. He has a power like if someone who's in front of him just lied, It will trigger his wolf and then the person can't lie anymore . Yeah each of the werewolves has unique powers like speed, mind controlling , shape shifters and so on. As like that , Milton had a great audicity to find whoever lies infront of him.

But I faced his eyes without hesitation and my perfect voice made Milton eyes to calm down.

" Ahm, still I'm not ready to trust you. If you both were friends you'll definitely knew his name. Say what's his name?? " he asked to me. I couldn't answer for a second but when I tried for the next second " Kim. Kim Erik Taison " A deep velevty voice came from my back.

Kim Erik Taison nice name. suddenly I heard voice and blinked twice. But Milton's yell pulled me back from my thoughts.

Milton " Did I asked you, You nerd ? " he raised his arm to beat him where I pushed Milton away form the unknown namely Erik.

The whole class made out a whoa sound and Milton looked at me with furious. I didn't know what to do. But I just want to help my human friend and I'm ain't in a state to leave him alone when he's actually seeming scared. I stared at him and Milton rushed away from there after giving me a death glare.

I sighed in relief and turned to Kim Erik Taison who just looked at the floor which showed his guilty. All the others took there gazes away from us after noticing my deep glare.

I'm not used to be like this. But this raven haired man just changed me. I cleared my throat " Let's move inside. It's getting late " he nodded and without answering he just followed me. I came back to my last bench.

He stood in front of me hesitantly looking around. I noticed his innocent eyes and gave a seat. He sat there and gave a nod with visible fear.

" There's nothing to be scared of, Im Natasha Dark " I introduced myself to him. He looked at me " Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Erik Taison " he said in a polite tone.

But that deep voice sounded good again I could here my mind's voice without my conscious . He cleared his throat to pull me away from my thoughts " Ahm.. c-ca-can you be m-my f-f-friend? " he stuttered a little.

After some kind of thoughts I stretch my hand towards him and he looked at it with a question.

" No need to ask. We are friends " I said with a smile. He shook my hand with his .

" And.. can I ask you something? " I looked at him and he nodded

" Ahm.. The name Kim sounds strange. And your name Eri- " before I could finish he cut me off.

" Im a half Korean. That's why My name seems strange " he said politely

" Oh that's good. But how could you get a half Korean and half foreign name? " I couldn't hide my curious. Uff his lips curved to a thin line called smile

I'm acting like I haven't seen someone smile at me. But yeah that's true though. An unknown hadn't smiled at me in all my life time as everyone around me we're werewolves, beside Reena when she met us.

" If you don't want to share. That's okay " I interrupted before but he refused with the same thin smile " No I do want to share. My Dad is an Korean where my mom is an American. So I'm a Kim and also a foreigner Erik Taison. "

" Thanks for sharing And don't hesitate to ask me something. After all I'm your new friend and may be one and only friend here "

" Yeah. While I entered into the college, All of a sudden everyone's eyes were on me  And you are right. You are my one and only friend " he said slowly

" Its okay And yesterday I saw you in my friend's house at night. Do you know her? " I tried to recall that scene but he shook his head.

" No I didn't know her until yesterday. I met her in an orphanage. She helped me to find this college. When its almost night she called me for a dinner and before I could refuse she brought no! literally dragged me to her home. " I noticed his smile extended remembering of Reena. Yup my sister in-law is realy a kind angle. He continued

" After a short dinner I got ready go back to my home when I met you. But I'm a bit shy and scared to talk with new one's very soon. For that so I relieved myself before You and I think he is your friend to talk to me " ahh I didn't know that he would talk a paragraph. But that's nice he is not a moody type i think so

" Oh yeah. Reena is always kind to whoever she sees And he is Daniel Dark my big brother . Haa are you telling me that you are shy and scared. But you were just telling me a whole history man." I can't resist the smile which appeared in my face

" Oh.. ahm.. yes I'm shy. But Im not scared of you, Since you saved me from that man " he said sheepishly

" Yeah yeah. I would save you anytime as you're my first friend and I like the way you talk politely. So don't get scared of anyone . I'll be there to protect you " I said as a promise he looked at me with his goggly happy eyes. I chuckled at that

" Thank you so much " I think he is little sensitive too. " Hey it's okay that's my priority to protect my friend And tell me which type are you and which pack are you in " I asked to clarify that he is only a human and not a wolf

" I'm just a normal human. " he said and I sighed peacefully " which wolf are you Natasha " he asked I shook my head " I'm also a normal human " he nodded

" I thought you as a wolf . Because Reena was an omega " Erik said

" Oh yeah. She is an omega. But my family members all were just humans expect my sister in-law and grand father " I said

" Sister in-law? I knew that wolves love and marry humans too. But I didn't hear of a wolf that marry a full human " he asked with a raised eyebrow

What.. is that true. If it's true then would Reena leave my brother? No. I knew her. She would never do like that.

" Hey.. what happened? " he shook his hand in front of my face

" No-nothing Erik. But I think my brother isn't a full human. Because our grand father was an alpha. So that can be a reason for my sister in-law to chose my brother " I said that as I'm just believing that is could be the reason

" You are right. It also can be the reason " I nodded. Soon our professor entered and began his class

Honestly I'm bored. But my friend Erik. Ha he is such a nerd. He was marking everything which the professor utter. Even the professor's name may be

But I feel happy to have a friend. At last I too have a friend. I need to tell this to Dan and Reena. They will be happy.

3rd Person POV

Daniel was in his office while checking the same file for the 9999999997th time and he's still not bored

Suddenly his heart felt a change and his brown sharp eyes began to glow in a rare green colour may be emerald

He tilt his head and glanced at the closed door. " Come in Ms Reena " He said casually after clearing his throat.

With in some seconds. Reena entered in with rolling her eye balls. When her eye balls reached his piercing greeny eyes it automatically shifted to a blue shade

Daniel is an Alpha. Not a human like Natasha thought.

Both of their eyes and the wolves were in joy but not them.

" I need answers right now " Reena said in a stern voice without breaking the eye contact.

" There's nothing here " Daniel answered with out looking away

" There it is. Why don't you tell your little sis that you're a wolf rather than a normal human " Reena directly pointed the matter. Daniel's fist tightened and now he pulled his eyes away from her

" There's nothing like that Reena. Don't make me furious "

" Okay fine. Let me ask one thing Mr Dark. Do Natasha is also a wolf and Are you guys, are just hiding it from me ? " she asked and the next second Daniel said " She isn't. She's a normal human "

Reena was shocked by his answer. Reena thought that the two siblings were just hiding it from her for some reasons. She didn't think Natasha as just a normal human even though Daniel lied that their whole family members were humans expect their grand father

" Don't ask any other questions. Move away from here before I could shift into my wolf Reena!! " Daniel yelled suddenly which caused Reena to startle.

Reena didn't move even an inch. Daniel dragged her out of his cabin and shut the door on her face with a great thud

To be continued

I hope it's fine. I'm looking ahead for your comments. Thank you so much again.
