
Monstrous Footballer Awakening System

This world where football and money dom inates everything Ace Vanguard of Korea is the only one with no talent potential or others think so that way Ace Vanguard who doesn't have any talent for football and is always abandoned by everyone finds a system. But watch your steps ace because your dark past will cling onto you. Do you want to be a monster of football (Yes/No)

Lacoste_ace · 竞技
23 Chs


Recap : The battle between the two players continued which caused mass destruction to the surrounding, Aezra noticed the destruction and challenged Ace for a taiketsu duel, an ancient technique used by players for battle.

Current scenario :

Aezra " Hey we don't have all day tell me fast, will you accept the duel or go to the P. A. F. "

(PAF: Players Action Force)

Sanjoo " What are you even thinking kid? You are no match for him, you should find a way to escape, or you're doomed "

Ace " I know that I am no match for him right now, but still even if I have the slightest chance I would want to try this out "

Sanjoo " Are you crazy? You haven't even recovered from that last blow and you want to fight that beast, you can even lose your life "

Ace " That's the main point, except of my pathetic life I have nothing to lose! "

Aezra yawning " Stop talking to the air and answer my question "