
Monsters vs Humanity

Roy lived peacefully in his village for all eighteen years of his life and planned to spend another hundred like this. Unfortunately, his village was attacked by an unknown to him back then race - humans. He was the only survivor who escaped thanks to a system that helped him get out. After leaving it, he just wants to live his life peacefully, aware that he doesn't stand a chance in a fight against humanity, but the system pushes him further and further onto a way of no return where he meets new friends and enemies. With his baggage of new experiences, Roy slowly changes from a lazy young adult who just wants to read books into a leader of monsters and starts a war against humanity!

OIdMan · 奇幻
5 Chs

Entering the human world

Huff! Huff! Huff!

Roy desperately gasped for air while hiding behind a tree. He was covered in sweat as he looked fearfully behind to see if someone was following him. The sound of his friends and family screaming and everything around exploding still reverberated in his head and would be engraved in his soul forever.

'What! The! Fuck!'

Just a few hours ago, he was living a safe life in the only village in the world. He slept for half of the day while lazing around and reading books the other half. His eighteen years of life could be easier to describe than what was happening right now.

Since morning, everything was as always. Everyone beside him woke up, and they started living their lives. Bakers started baking and so on. Until they couldn't do it anymore because they were raided by another race they didn't even know about!

In a matter of seconds, their lovely village turned into a battleground and the peaceful villagers Roy knew his entire life turned into killing machines, engaging in a fight with other killing machines! He knew they were strong and that he was the only one who had no power, but it wasn't what he expected!

As if it wasn't enough, no one turned around and run away. Even the kids were throwing spells all of a sudden! He was the only weird one, or rather the only normal one who didn't do such things! He wanted to run away, so he ran away until he reached the tree that he always hid behind when he was a kid. All the way till here, the scenes of his family and friends fighting to the death were playing in his head.

Was it an appropriate decision to turn around and run? But what else could he do? He would only make things harder for them!

While fighting with himself, Ron heard a voice in his head.

The Monster Saving System has awakened!

In case of extreme danger, some chosen monsters will awaken this system to help them. All of them became the hope of the monster race, but since you gained it, it means that all of them died.

The Monster Saving System has detected a lot of terrible emotions filling the host's mind. The amount surpassed the safety limit. Please choose what to do.

Option 1: Let the system control your emotions.

Explanation: By choosing this option, you will be calm most of the time, but when too many emotions gather at once, they will destroy the barrier that the system created and surge all at once, making it impossible to control.

Option 2: Have control over your own emotions.

Explanation: By choosing this option, you will need to deal with all your emotions by yourself, affecting your thinking all the time, making survival harder in the current situation.

Which options do you want to choose?

Although it seemed as if the voice he heard was talking slowly, all these sentences passed through his head in the blink of an eye. As soon as he regained his senses, he looked all around himself and noticed a tall man standing right in front of him.

He was tall and had dark short hair. His limbs were thin and his skin was hard and dark green. All in all, he looked exactly like Roy except his face. Where Roy has his light green eyes, the mysterious man had two square blue holes.

Seeing this weird being gave Roy quite a start. It was his first encounter on the way out of the village.

'Why are you still looking at me? Choose an option or the humans will catch up to you and kill you.'

Roy heard the voice in his head once again. Unlike its words, it was soothing.

Then, he looked at the weird man right before him and saw him showing a kind smile while opening his palms and displaying the two options lying in them.

Feeling overwhelmed by all the things that were happening, Roy took the first option without a second thought.

As soon as he touched the palm, he felt a wave of calm, warm feeling spread through his body. In a matter of seconds, he felt like nothing that happened a moment ago was real. He closed his eyes and opened them only after a dozen seconds passed and looked at the creature that was standing before him once again.

"Who are you?"

For the first time since their meeting, Roy said something. His voice was filled with wariness and aggression.

"I'm The Monster Saving System! Now, here is the map to the emergency exit! We need to get out of here before humans search for you. As long as you are still here, they know that someone got away."

This time, it was the figure standing before Roy talking, or at least, the voice came from his direction; he didn't open his mouth at all, which made it super weird.

Roy felt chills seeing this uncanny scene, but ignored it and just focused on the map. Since he had his own emotions under control now, it was easy to understand his current position and see in which direction he should go.

"So, what is this emergency exit you are showing me. I have lived in this place for eighteen years and had not even once seen an exit."

While making his way through the forest to his new destination, Roy asked the floating guy right beside him.

"It's an exit that humans created in case something went wrong. Although they test how strong the monster's liar is before entering it, it's still better to be safe than sorry. No one is guarding that exit on the inside, and it throws you out somewhere in the proximity of a kilometer from the place where the exit is. In short, you don't need to worry about anything and just leave this place."

Although it has only been a moment since Roy met this weird copy of him and everything it has done since its appearance was weird, all the things he said turned out to be true. Based on this, he nodded and didn't talk until he reached the exit.

It wasn't a door or just a sudden change of environment, instead; it was a chaotic oval-shaped blue hole filled with weird fluid that seemed to contain immense energy in it. Based on the aura it was giving off, Roy was 100% sure that it was stronger than all the spells that people in the village were throwing.

"What are you waiting for? Don't you want to stay alive?"

Seeing his hesitant expression and sudden stop of the movement, the system provoked Roy towards the right decision.

Roy gulped, closed his eyes, and pushed his arm forward. As soon as it entered the fluid-like substance, he felt a great suction force and his arm being ripped apart and being reconstructed at the same time.

He felt like he was dispersing into the air and all his senses went away. He couldn't feel, smell, see, hear or taste anything. At once, it felt like a second and an eternity passed. The next second, he saw a giant wall right before his face.

While still in a state of daze, he looked up and down the wall made from a material he never saw before and then closed his eyes and opened them extremely quickly. Then he looked at his hands. Unlike before, his skin was human-like, similar to the one that humans he encountered had.

His eyes widened, and he wanted to scream, but he quickly controlled himself and didn't let even a sound out.

"Since surviving won't be easy in your monster form, I gave you a human-like appearance as a gift. It can repair itself but has one major drawback. You can't use your powers while you are in it."

Thankfully, the weird know it all guy was still with him. He even gave him a gift!

Roy couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Now, since you are already in the human world and you owe me your life, human-like appearance, and many more things, you will listen to my orders."

The good know it all guy showed a wide smile and opened his palms on which quests appeared.

Quest 1: Find a part-time job.

Description: To blend into society, you need to behave like a human and live like a human. To fulfill the requests of the mighty Monster Saving system, you need money. This is what you call striking two birds with one stone!

Conditions: Find a part-time job without systems help

Time limit: 23 hours 59 minutes 43 seconds

Reward: System's recognition, lucky draw.

Penalty: System will take away the human appearance.

Quest 2: Enroll into the best university in the country

Description: You are eighteen! It's a great time to enroll in the university! There, you can learn new things about your power, create an alibi, and learn more about humanity! Know yourself, know your enemy, and you will not lose for a hundred fights!

Time limit: 6 days 23 hours 59 minutes 43 seconds

Reward: Lucky draw x3, super awesome pill x2.

Penalty: Death.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please vote for my novel with your powerstones and add it to your library! I would appreciate if you pointed out mistakes in case there are any : )

OIdMancreators' thoughts