
Monster Trainer: Eclipse of Monster

The Monster who once use to fight humanity became their weapon against the opponent, Taming a monster one need to have 3 basic requirement ★ The person had to be above 10 years old at least or he/she will not be allowed by the federation. ★ One must hire a Monster Catcher with him to be able to capture that beast. ★ One must be recommended by some professor, whose written agreement will be passed down to the Federation. For childhood, this kind of thing we're told to everyone who wanted to become a Monster trainer, one of the greatest professions present in the world of Ragdoll, Monster trainers are those guys who explored this world which has been unexplored by any person in the existence of the history. They participate in the tournament to get money and material to train their monsters, usually, these Monster trainers, work in a group of 5. this group of five are divided into two different professions one of them is Monster trainer who is the leading party member, another one is a Neutralize whose work is to to create a nutritional diet for every single monster of the trainer, Promoter is a guy who deals with the promotion of the trainer another word he is the one who deals with the financial things, then there is also a profession called Healer where I don't think I have to explain what these guys do and at last but not the least there is a hunter, if you want to ask what Hunter do well they are responsible for the survival of the whole team in areas like a forest where it is very hard to find food and other necessities. When listening to the above one must have thought that how easy it is to become a Monster trainer, well that's what I used to believe too but as time passed I started to realise how hard it was to become a Monster trainer. With My tenacity and wit's I was able to reach the pinnacle of this world in the future that was not because I was the strongest trainer but because all the strongest trainers were dead, was it luck or anything but for me, it was hell as I walked down the dissolute world with no sign of humanity. Finally, I'm at a legendary monster whose smile seems to be mocking me but I was able to see sympathy in its eyes. Then next thing I remember I was back at the period when I was just a child...

IwanttoKill · 奇幻
5 Chs


It was going to be fine, given he had the knowledge but he didn't know about but what was the calamity, even though he knew the future, he was not sure what to do about that calamity and we gonna be facing no matter how he gonna do it, so no matter he had to be stronger than he was now.

Given he had a lot to say even though he doesn't have strength, that he was quite an in hurry to get his first Monster. After all, he had to work hard even though he knew.

While he was planning what to do, that person had come.

A simple man with uncommon dresses came into his house, he was tall and broad with strong muscle but was looking like a fool. His eyes were vacant like blank but were not moving like a robot, it was an artificial intelligence robot created by his family.

These robots do quite a good work, since they are properly designed like a human, and had human-like emotions too but they were like this so that they do not this obey their order.

Given he remembered that a Monster with flying type attribute which had a lot of potentials and was obtained by a family member of his, given it was alone a flying type nobody had picked it up and the last one got it, when it was trained for 2 months it is started to reveal its talent, and that boy become the star talent of their house.

Alex did not hesitate at all, while he picks up the flying type as his first monster, at which Latia was a little confused, since normally all the newbie trainers, usually pick out elemental type Monster which has a higher diamond rate and damage rate.

The diamond rate determines the potential and physical strength of the Monster the person has caught. The damaged rate has also a similar definition to them which determined the elemental attack power of the monster.

Beginner monsters are divided into 5 ranks from the first being the highest and the fifth being the last.

After Alex hack using his first monster, the robotic guy mood out of the house, leaving behind the box which was sent by the family for Alex. Alex opened the box and found his gears.

There was a Federation Scanner Pod, which usability e lies inside recording the data collected during the Monster fight, this kind of thing is usually produced in a low number, and only those with the family background can get them or access them.

Scanner Pod is something that cannot be bought with money and can only be found inside Dungeon and ancient temples, according to a famous professor, the so-called dungeon and temples are usually laboratories of ancient times.

A professor or a specific professional experimented or create this kind of thing in the ancient period, and a basic example should be those hidden families, who are still new the method of making them and send out to help the Federation.

He placed the tiny ball over the scanner screen, which bugles inside while the data related to the Monster, he had chosen was scan inside it.

Alex then took out ten similar kinds of balls, which looked like crystal jelly balls, the size of this ball is around 10 cm in diameter and given with bracelet inside which he can put around 20 of these balls.

Alex took out the hand sign book and smiled with nostalgia since, how many days he had practised accessing the hand sign, the ball which has been put inside the bracelet can only be accessed by making a few hand signs. At the sign of one, the firstborn will come out in an enlarged shape of a ball, which is big enough to cover the whole hand.

The smaller size ball is useless since it is not able to access the location where the monster has been placed when the enlarged ball came out of the bracelet. The Monster ball observes the space energy surrounding it, which is abundant according to observation.

The connection of ball and isolated place is formed and due to this, Alex will be able to call out the monster he wishes to fight with.

If one had a good practice overhand sign, can access out more than 5 monsters in a second, which was the highest record set by him in the previous life.

Alex miracle hand sign of number 1 at which the first Monster ball which was the flying type, came out and according to the detail this master was also known as flaming Fierro.

The second still one wish to have as and Monster Trainer, Is to be able to cast out Spatial Seal, whose Guide book was given inside the box. For Alex, it was pretty much useless given his talent in Spatial Seal and Spatial Energy, which was considered to be top-notch.

That was the reason, why he was able to reach the apex of this world, at the future timeline, was his abilities to sping out a lot of Spatial Energy, but what he left was control over it.

Spatial Energy can help a person to make Monster Ball with the size of a mountain, on the other hand with good control, the person has a limited amount of Spatial Energy.

It was not like Alex did not try to practice the control, but due to his relaxed and spoilt nature, at the most critical period, he lost the perfect time to train it.

Shaking his head and putting All the complicated things, Alex looked at Monster Ball, clutching it tightly he started to move out of the house. After, coming out of the house. Alex threw The Monster ball in the sky when it left the hand, it suddenly started to grow while a beautiful bird with a red, orange and black coloured feather, flew out of it.

After coming out of it, it flew over the sky and dance around enjoying, it when it's all the hand band over Alex's hand, and felt the connection between it.

Fierro let out a cheerful chirp and descended over the shoulder Alex. Alex patted the tiny head of the bird, given the little guy was a very smart type. Fierro looked around the area proudly, given it was showing that he was here.

Alex looked back at Latia, she stood there looking at Alex happily. Alex spoke out loud in an ordering voice: "Prepare, everything for our journey, both of us will be leaving tomorrow to travel around in search of a new adventure."

Latia was shocked, usually Master would let them go and would not think about their tiny existence, but Alex had said that she would also be going with him on his journey, which is more like caring a dead weight around.

For some reason the serious look on Alex's face, she was not able to disobey him at all, Latia nodded her head, where she didn't even realise her worth. Given she turns out to be a great Monster Trainer in the future, and many organisations work their hardest, to ask her to join them.

On the other hand, Latia refused everyone to offer and joined Alex side, till the very end. That was why he had a very complicated feeling inside him towards her.