
Reinhart Tower

"Teacher, why did not you give Micheal permission to enter the secrete library? You know he deserved it after he saved us?" Raina asked a minute after Micheal left.

Both of them are a little angry with their teacher. They are very well aware of how important the knowledge is for the host of Celestial Inheritance and giving it Micheal not only would have a lesson the burden of favor Micheal did for them but also would have created a good impression in Micheal's heart for their organization.

  "You girls still do not understand the might of Celestial Inheritance." Their teacher said. "We can not afford to give him a single advantage before he joined us formally," 

"Seeing his strength and what he is able to do, I am guessing he is already very close to creating Tyrant Inheritance, and if we give him what he needs, then he might as well finish Tyrant Inheritance, and we can't have that." He added with a sigh.