
Monster Hunter: Nargacuga Life

Matthew was a scout for the Pokke village branch Hunter's Guild. However during a scouting excersize with his students they encounter a threat that ends Matthew's life. Waking up as a monster he is forced to adapt and accept who he is and move forward finding new goals along his journey.

Randomystic · 游戏衍生
20 Chs


Lucius observed his opponent and upon closer inspection he noticed the Teostra was likely blind. A claw like scar ran across its face, one of its eyes was closed while the other seemed cloudy. Although it may be blind, an elder dragon is still an elder dragon.

Releasing his breath attack Lucius attempted to gauge his opponents strength. Even though his attack contained the dragon element, against a truly powerful Elder Dragon the sealing powers are nothing but a slight hindrance.

As if on instinct, the Teostra looked straight at the attack and countered with its own. A powerful flamethrower erupted out of its maw intercepting Lucius' attack. Both collided creating a massive explosion.

Out of the dust cloud, Teostra lunged towards Lucius preparing to rip him apart. Using his nimble body, Lucius stayed out of reach as a game of cat and mouse ensued. If any of Teostra's attacks hit Lucius, he would be severely crippled or injured for the rest of the match. Luckily, Lucius was too nimble for Teostra to hit with a clean hit.

Realizing he was at a severe disadvantage Lucius had to come up with a plan quickly. 'Crap, I don't have any surefire way to beat him. This better work or I'll have to make some sacrifices to survive this.'

As he dodged attack after attack, Lucius fired razor sharp scales at the Teostra. Being blind it struggled to dodge the small fast projectiles, but its hide was too thick for the scales to do any real damage.

The match dragged on longer and Lucius started to get tired, the constant dodging was taking a toll on his energy. However his efforts didn't go fruitless. The Teostra was covered in small lacerations. The hundreds of scales slowly cut through the tough hide. Each of his scales contained the dragon element and every cut weakened the Teostra ever so slowly.

Rage over not being able to catch Lucius built up in the Teostra until it reached critical levels. The already reckless Teostra lost all sense of caution. Each strike with its paws carried his entire mass, and each breath was fired as if there was no tomorrow. This caused exhaustion to set in very quickly. Its movements slowed down, its fire became weaker, and the ambient heat and embers cooled.

'Almost there, just have to hold out a little longer.'

While everything was going according to his plans, Lucius still suffered injuries. Just being near the Teostra's flame caused burns all over his body. While he had avoided any major injuries, the heat was taking a toll on him.

Soon the Teostra started to show the signs Lucius was looking for. Blood loss from the cuts, dragon seal, and finally exhaustion. It slipped and struggled to get back up. It very lightly swayed in place and was taking heavy and labored breaths. This was his chance.

Believing that it was finally time to end this fight Lucius went in for the kill. Firing a breath attack again the Teostra countered with its own. The explosion was huge but a dust cloud wouldn't help because the Teostra blind. Lucius had figured out that the Teostra was tracking Lucius by sound, and devised a plan to get close without being noticed.


Before the Teostra could understand what happened it was wrestled to the ground. Lucius had jumped off the arena wall and glided above the Teostra. Using gravity Lucius plummeted toward the ground striking the Teostra with a tail whip. With the entire weight of Lucius falling from the sky focused on one point, the strike shattered bones.


It roared in pain as Lucius continued his assault. He latched onto its throat and bit through its thick hide. The blood flowed into his mouth and something strange happened. Power coursed through his body. It felt like magma flowed through his veins, pumping his heart, revitalizing his muscles. In his sense of euphoria he loosened his grip.

Feeling Lucius weaken his grip, the Teostra flung Lucius off. Coughing up blood and bleeding out by the second it was cornered. Faced with death, it prepared a suicide attack.



The famous supernova. An insanely powerful attack capable of blasting through the toughest of shields. However, this Teostra was already at death's door. It's gonna put everything into this attack and Lucius knew this.

Unsure if he could stop it in time or how big the explosion was gonna be, he ran. If he failed to stop the attack he would receive it point blank. The safest bet he had was to get as far away as possible.

A vortex of fire consumed the Teostra as it flapped its wing and rose into the air. In a flash of light, the column of fire condensed into a small sphere around the Teostra and the ensuing explosion was huge. The explosion was so unprecedented huge, it shook the foundation of the arena causing cracks to radiate through the entire facility.

The entire underground complex felt tremors and even above ground felt the Earth shake. Lucius was lucky to escape into the corridors of his cell and avoided the epicenter of the explosion. Monsters escaped from their cages as the complex crumbled.

The ceiling was caving in and guards were frantically running around. No matter how many guards gathered there was no way to stop the stampede of monsters. On his way down the corridor Lucius ran for his cage. The girl was scared and before she could react he grabbed her with his tail and put her on his back.

'Grab on tight'

Even if she didn't understand what he said, she had an idea. WIth his cellmate safe, it was time to leave before the entire underground complex collapsed. Running through the corridors following the rest of the monsters they rapidly ascended. Sunlight was visible and it brought profound joy to Lucius' heart. The monsters poured out of the exit and ran into the forest. Lucius noticed the forest and immediatly dashed towards home. He felt happy to finally be free from the dark dungeon cell he was confined to, but upset he hadn't acheived his revenge. He also had this girl.

'You have been through so much and deserve to live with other human beings. You'll have no problems becoming a hunter and earning wage. I'll take you to the village and the cheif will take care of you.'

After hours of travel through the forest trees, Lucius finally reached familiar territory. Quickly heading towards the village, he jumped through the trees. Approaching the front gates Lucius put the girl down.


Guards would definantly check out the roar, confident the girl would be taken care of, Lucius left.

I've been having motivational problems aka procrastination so this chapter is late. I'm going to try and finish this novel within 10 chapters or so just because I can't see myself dragging it to be any longer. This will be finished eventually, so it's probably best if you forget about this novel for a while. I will try to not rush the ending, but I will cut out some of the extra stuff I had initially set up. I hate it when author's drop a novel and dont give it an ending, so I'd prefer a rushed ending than no ending at all. Srry if this is dissapointing, I will try my best to give this novel the best ending I can.

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