
-- Chapter 1: Robbery --

"But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten; things that require a smaller, more honest soul..."

- Ozma,

The Undying Wizard


It was a wonderful evening...

The sky was dyed with the beauty of the night, it sparkled in its astral grace --

a magnificent view to look at.

The streets of Vale were silent and peaceful; though it was dimly lit and hard to see, specially in the alleys-- the comforting glow from the shattered moon made the dark path more clearer to see.

(A/N: The moon does not produce light!)

--[×The Suffering Moon×]--

In the middle of the dark road-- a woman clad in white walks through with an arrogant smile; her hips swaying side to side while she swung around the cane on her gloved hands.

Her mesmerising green eyes glows dangerously as she walks. Her long orange hair flowed down her back, with a black bowler hat on her head. Her bangs covers her right eye.

She was a beauty!

--if only not for the men who was surrounding her.

Behind her was her henchmen, walking in a swaggering manner-- holding their menacing weapons which easily inflicted fear to the bypassers.

After a short while, the little group's leader stopped walking and tapped her cane against the ground, making her henchmen also stop.

"So... this is it..."

In front of her was a small shop which sells dust, a naturally occurring energy propellant that can be triggered by the Aura of a person -- called "From Dust Till Dawn".

Chuckling seductively, she licked her lips and smiled.

"Let's get to work, boys~"

"Yes, madam."



A dust shop. Various of colorful crystals were neatly arranged and stored to the shelves. Supplies of dust were stocked to glass canisters safely, only waiting to be selled.

The store though small -- it was like a treasure chest; filled with precious, hidden wonders.

A man in his sixties could be seen on the front desk, waiting for costumers to enter his shop. With a bored expression, he stared up the ceiling.

"...I have never been this bored in life..."


"Gah-- what the heal--!?"

The old man yells in surprise as armed men barged inside the shop. Panicking, he stumbles on his chair and fell to the ground.


In a dazed state, he clutched his head in pain.

Giggling, a woman grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up to her face. One of her henchmen pointed a gun to the poor old man's temple.

*High-tech Noises*

"Ufufu~ do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop... at this late at night?"

*High-tech Noises Intensifies*

Once his vision became clear; he was finally able to see the gun barrel pointed at his head, making him sharply gasp and fluster around, only to fall once again to the ground.

"R-Romania Torchwick!!"

(Romania Torchwick! 27 years old.

A well-known terrorist whom is feared by many. Though beautiful, she is dangerous for her brutality. Her name is infamous enough to scare the wits out of people.)

In an act of fear, he backed away... only to hit his back against a shelf...

"P-Please just take my lien (currency) and leave!!"

"Shush. Calm down, old man~ we're not here for your money." Romania look up at her henchmen and coldly said. "Grab the dust."

Nodding, her men grabbed their own containers and started robbing the shop.

*Intense High-tech Noises*

"Crystals... burn... freeze... and uncut... oh, there's some paralyse crystals too..."

Meanwhile; on the back of the store, a pair were casually doing their own things, oblivious to the fact that they were being robbed.

Both were sitting next to each other on a bench, the girl resting her head on the man's shoulder while sleeping; though they looked like siblings or close friends -- they didn't even know each other.

A comfortable silence envelopes the two -- a peaceful expression on their faces as they cuddled.



"Alright, you two! Put your hands where I can see them."


"Hey, I said hands in the air! You got some death wish or somethin-- a shit. They're sleeping..."

Hearing the loud yelling of the thug, the man was the first to wake up. His eyelashes fluttered as he opened his eyes; revealing his sharp penetrating dark E/C eyes.

He was dressed in a black trench coat and a black combat pants, a foldable scythe slung besides him.

He rubbed his eyes gently before blinking, noticing the sharp object pointed at him.

Sleepily, he slapped his own face. He widens his eyes in shock.

"Uh... what? That hurt..."

"You're being robbed, sir." The hooligan said; now with a softer, polite tone.

"A robbery..? In a dust shop..?" He yawns. "Why would you even rob... a cookie..."

The thug gulped, nervous and intimidated. Cold sweat ran down his spine as the man dressed like a grim reaper stares at him.

«This dude is not to be angered...

He has the eyes of a man who kills without mercy... Even his voice is so menacing... I can't offend him.»

"Sorry for waking you up, sir, but will you please put your hands in the air? It's going to be quick, please kindly understand."

"I... see... then go ahead and hurry up... I... still need sleep...." He yawns, before silently patting the girl besides him.

"Young lady... please wake up... we need to put our hands in the air...."

"Hrm... what..?" The girl opens her eyes, revealing her bright silver orbs.

"Robbery. We're being robbed."

"Eh?" The girl in red looked up innocently at the thug, before glaring at him suspiciously. "You... are robbing me..?"

"Yes!" Annoyed, the thug raised his voice.

"No, me too." The grim reaper boy interjected.

She squints her eyes, trying to look menacing. "Oh."

--to be continued--->