
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · 漫画同人
371 Chs

Demon King!?


27 chaps ahead on Pat..reon! pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Give your stones to raise the Demon Lord from his slumber, we shall rule over the heavens themselves!


The crew look at Rayleigh, who was laughing evilly. Luffy said with a betrayed look "WHY?! THEY WERE YOUR FRIENDS!" Rayleigh laughed and said "Why?! Because! They were necessary sacrifices! The Evil Roger pirates wouldn't be complete without their captain!"

He clapped and 8 more cloaked figures appeared in the room. Rayleigh said "Start the ceremony!" The cloaked figures started chanting something and made hand signs.

A purple rune circle appeared on the ground and a crack appeared in the middle, Rayleigh laughed wildly and a hand came out, along with a bunch of wind.

The crew watched in shock and terror as the cloaked people were revealed!

Shanks, Buggy, Shakky, Douglas, Oden, Toki, Hiro, and Zerotwo were revealed!

Luffy was omega stunned and Isabella said "MOM, DAD!" Hiro and Zerotwo didn't answer and Rayleigh sneered "They're just clones! Shells of their former selves! Their only purpose now is to plunge the world into darkness! Arise!"

The 8 shouted "Arise!"

The hand grabbed the ground and a man came out of the crack, he had a black cloak, a long moustache, an evil grin, and long demon horns coming out of his forehead. The crew was stunned into silence, that was only broken by Ace, who shouted "DAD?!"

Roger laughed evilly "WAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally! A plan 20 years in the making has come true! This time we'll rule the world!" the 9 others shouted in unison "Yes, Captain!" Roger laughed evilly and said "With Straw Hat finished, nobody can stop us! Wahahahahaha!"

The crew was dazed and Luffy shouted "ROGER?! YOU'RE ALIVE!?" Roger grinned evilly, saying "Of course! The entire death was planned so I could harness the powers of the demons in Hell! I have become a True Demon King! Wahahahahahaha!"

The crew was aghast and shouted "No! Impossible!"

Roger pointed his sword forward and said "Kill them! We'll start our Rule with the island prepared by the Oni! The demon sacrifices have enriched the island! It's perfect! Wahahaha!" The group turned to the crew and were about to move when an Ice wall appeared and blocked them.

Kuzan stepped in front and said "You're not gonna succeed, Roger!" Roger laughed "Wahahaha! Ice brat! You know nothing! Kill him!" Kuzan punched the ground and said "Run, Straw Hat! I'll stall them!" Luffy smashed on the glass and shouted "ICE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" as the ground under the crew opened up and they all fell down disappearing.

The last thing they saw was blood splash and Kuzan falling to the ground as the rest attacked him.

The crew was separated into 7 groups.

The 9 'Evil Roger Pirates' separated and went after them.

Luffy was fighting Rayleigh.

Yami and Yachiru were against the Hiro clone.

Isabella, Robin, and Katakuri were against the Zerotwo clone.

Ace was fighting Roger.

Yamato and Zoro were fighting Oden and Toki.

Brook, Franky, and Usopp were fighting Shanks.

Chopper, Jinbe, Nami, and Sanji were fighting Buggy and Douglas.

Luffy cried and said "How could you, Uncle Rayleigh!" Rayleigh just cackled "It was all a ruse, Luffy! You were meant to take out the other Emperors for us! Your time is up!" as he slashed at him, Luffy dodged and said "Then I'll just kick your ass and bring you back to normal!" Rayleigh cackled "YOU CAN TRY! MWAHAHAHAHAH!"


Yami and Yachiru looked at Hiro, who looked robotic and punched out mechanically, blasting a massive pillar of black energy at them. Yami and Yachiru dodged, Yami said "Kill him." Yachiru looked troubled and Yami said "Kill him." she sighed and took out her giant axe, saying "Alright, love."


Isabella cried and said "Mommy... why..." Robin gave her a slap and said "We have bigger things to worry about!" Isabella sniffed and Robin shouted "That's not your mother! WAKE UP!" Katakuri was currently fighting Zerotwo, who punched out with pink flames covering her fists and feet. She was barefoot with a sports bra and compression shorts.

She assumed a fighting position and kicked at Robin and Isabella, who rolled away and dodged. Isabella wiped her eyes and roared "I'll never forgive you!" as the space started freezing. Robin crossed her arms and got serious, while Katakuri made rings of Mochi with black arms coming out.

Robin clones appeared around the room and they all crossed their arms, arms grew out from everywhere and turned black, punching at Zerotwo, who jumped out of the way and dodged everything.


Ace looked at Roger and clenched his fists, Roger sneered "What? Can't hit your father?" Ace flashed and punched Roger, who blocked with a palm. Ace burst into white flames and said "Opposite. I've been waiting for this for a long time." Roger's grin twitched and Ace attacked again.


Yamato looked at Oden in awe, she ran over and held out a book, saying "Please! Please! Can I have your Autograph!? You're my Idol! I love you!" Oden was stunned and said "What-gosarou!?" Toki kicked Yamato again and snorted, a bit angry. Oden started sweating and said "I didn't do anything!" Tokin looked at him and snorted again.

Zoro looked at Yamato on the floor and sighed "Why did I get stuck with the moron..." Yamato got up and said "Even Lady Toki is strong! I'm so happy!" Toki was actually angry and she used her devil fruit, flickering around and beating the shit out of Yamato.

She was going 1 second into the future and at a different location. Yamato was having trouble before she transformed into her fire dragon hybrid form and said "Sorry, Lady Toki!" before attacking.

Zoro stopped Oden, they were both holding Enma and the sword itself was confused. Zoro looked at Oden and said "Heh. Nice sword you got there..." Oden said "Looks just like mine-gosarou." Zoro grinned "That's because it is!" as he slashed out "PURGATORY!"

He was enveloped in purple light and an Asura appeared behind him as he shot towards Oden.

Oden cross slashed and said "Where did you get that?" Zoro said "Hiyori." Oden turned green and Toki froze, Oden said with a trembling voice "She didn't happen to tell you what that meant did she-gosarou." Zoro blinked and Oden said "That... If she really did give you that sword... That means you're my son-in-law-gosarou."

Zoro was stunned and Oden attacked him, shouting in rage "HOW DARE YOU! THAT'S MY BABY-GOSAROU!" Zoro's eye widened and he said "Aw fuck..." as he dodged the slashes, Toki tripped but recovered, what a strange thing! Fighting her son-in-law... Jeez...


Brook, Franky, and Usopp were fighting Shanks, who grinned and slashed out saying "That's the face! The same face Yasopp looked at me with, when he was sacrificed!" Usopp turned white and said "WHAT?!" Shanks cackled and slashed out, releasing his Conqueror's "They were just sacrifices for the plan! Mwahahahahaha!"

Brook and Franky were stunned and Usopp trembled in rage. He shouted "NANA-HEBI!" His slingshot slithered around his waist and the slingshot part split into 7 heads.

Usopp was crying as he said "HOW COULD YOU!" while pulling the slingshots extremely fast, firing 7 at a time while Franky and Brook protected him. Shanks chuckled evilly and said "Don't worry, you'll meet him soon..."


Chopper, Jibe, Nami, and Sanji were looking at Buggy, who was split apart and cackling while Douglas made a rock armor for Buggy to control while coating himself in haki and using his devil fruit on himself, looking like a Gear 4 Luffy but different.

Buggy cackled "You damn witch thief! I won't forget how you stole my map from me!" Nami yelped and jumped out of the way, shouting "That was like 3 years ago!" Buggy roared "THAT WAS MY FUCKING MAP, BITCH!"

Sanji kicked him and said "Oi... Don't call my Nami-chwan a bitch, you stupid clown." Chopper and Jinbe fought against Douglas, while Sanji and Nami fought Buggy.

It was a Straw Hat/Roger Pirate palooza!

Shakky was connecting something and muttered "Why the fuck did I get this job.. I just wanted a vacation..." she sighed and connected it finally. A cloaked figure appeared and said "Good job." Shakky rolled her eyes and said "Yeah, yeah..." the cloaked figure laughed and the TV turned on, it stopped laughing and cackled "HELLO, PUNY MARINES! GEHAHAHAHAHAHA"

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Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts