
Money, Power, Girls

I have read many reincarnations novels and fanfictions. I have read about ROBS and Gods. Truck Kun and bad luck. I have imagined if I ever got into that scenario what I would do. Would I go for cosmic powers or would I go for nerfed powers? Would I have a choice or not? What kind of cheats would I get? Would I try and get Nakama or would I be a lone wolf? But most importantly where would I go? Well... Let's find out?

KnightShade420 · 作品衍生
10 Chs


Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

As I was reading this I got a shiver in my soul due to the excitement of finally being here. I smiled and kept on walking. Through these doors, also flanked with goblins, is a vast marble hall long counters stretching along its length with doors leading off to the vault passageways with around a hundred goblins sitting at them.

I could just imagine the vaults extending for miles under the city accessible through rough stone, complex and interconnected passageways by means of magic carts that are operated by goblins. Dragons and other mysterious beasts lurk in the depths as additional security devices. I got rid of my drifting thought and concentrated in going inside and finding a goblin who could find out my family bloodline.

I looked around and stood behind the shortest line I could find. After almost waiting an hour my turn came. The goblin was looking down at me impatiently to tell him what I want so I looked back and said, " Mr Ummm..." "Botrot" the goblin replied to my unasked question but the voice was even more impatient to finish with me. "Mr. Botrot my name is Johnathan Azreal Mykael and I would like to take a bloodline or Heritage test. I know I am a pureblood and that I should have an account here but not much more than that." Botrot looked at me suspiciously and said, "It will cost 5 G per generation and we charge upfront." I smiled at him and said, "That's fine as long as you accept muggle money." "You will have to change it first before the test."He replied back. I gave him 25 pounds and got 5 G back. I still had 40 pounds left for the cab ride back home.

I was directed to follow a goblin who took me for a 15-minute walk and left me in front of a door with a giant ax as a decoration on it. I knocked on the door and went inside when I heard someone inside say come in. I went in and saw a goblin sitting in front of a truly massive desk inlaid with beautiful designs made of white gold and dark copper. The goblin had a monocle on and was reading some documents. On the right side of the goblin was a tower of documents, reports, contracts, and who know what else.

As I was observing all this he was observing me. "What do you want boy, as you can see I am incredibly busy here so tell me what you want or get the hell out of here." I replied, "I need a heritage or bloodline test done. Just one generation." The goblin raised an eyebrow but then shrugged apparently not caring enough to ask questions and barked something in gobbledegook. It is a harsh, rasping language, which makes it sound distinctly inhuman.

In less than a minute a goblin ran in gave a bowl to the goblin I was speaking to and then stood back, my best guess to take the bowl back once we are done with it. The goblin who I spoke to originally and still didn't know the name of said to give him my hand and when I did he cut it with a ritualistic knife.

The blood spilled into the bowl and the goblin brought out a gold inlaid feather quill and dipped it into the bowl and then pointed it at a empty piece of paper. The quill jumped from the goblin's hand and quickly wrote something for a little while and then stopped and fell. The goblin who was probably waiting for this moment came clicked his fingers and vanished the blood in the bowl and then took it with him.

I was passed the parchment that had all the information I wanted and saw written:

Mr Johnathan Azreal Mykael,

Heir to the minor noble house of Mykael,

Father: Brandon J. Mykael

Mother: Susan B. Mykael nee graham

Main Vault: 10,000 G

After looking at the amount of money I calculated that as 1G was worth 5 pounds so that means this should be worth 50 thousand pounds. Well, this doesn't make me rich or anything but it's definitely not something for me to sneeze at. I looked at the goblin and asked him, "Sir, how much of this money am I allowed to take out?" "All of it" "Sir do you know what the tuition of Hogwarts is?" He sneered at me and impatiently said, "It's free. Your Ministry pays for your tuition but You have to pay for your books and supplies." "Oh! great. Do you know how much money I should take out for that?" His right eye twitched in irritation but he replied suppressing it, "It should cost 100 G or so." saying so he scribbled something on a piece of paper and popped out a money bag. "This is 110G and the money pouch costs a further 5 wich I took out of your account. So if that everything..." he said in a sweet voice while his eyes was saying if you don't leave in the next second you might never leave.

I was out the door and saw a goblin waiting to take me out to the lobby. within 15 minutes I was out of the bank and ready to start my wizarding story.