

Recruit . . .

Dongsheng Ting's pronouncement hung in the air like a heavy cloak, casting a shadow over the assembled participants. It was a moment of profound disappointment for many, their once-buoyant hopes dashed against the jagged rocks of reality.

Amid the crowd, hearts still clung to the thin thread of anticipation, desperately wishing for their names to be etched among the illustrious top twenty. With each passing moment, tension coiled tighter, anxiety building like a thunderhead. But as the final seconds ticked away, a curveball of staggering proportions hurtled from left field—Dongsheng Ting, in an audacious twist, proposed an amendment to the roster. Hua Taixu and Ruthless, the personal disciples of immortal kings, would now take the coveted spots, displacing the last two would-be contenders.

Of all the thirteen prefectures, only the pinnacle of the Jing Prefecture failed to secure a place in the top twenty. The top rankers from the other twelve prefectures marched triumphantly into the illustrious circle, a testament to the efficacy of the earlier preliminary rounds.

However, it was a harsh reality for most second and third-rankers. The selection process proved merciless, offering only a scant twenty positions. Many gifted prodigies, brimming with potential, fell short of this golden opportunity, their dreams brushed aside like fleeting dust.

"Indeed, your Highness," remarked an elder from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, echoing the sentiments of Princess Glaze. "The remaining contenders would undoubtedly stir controversy and discord if chosen for the top twenty. None among them possesses the unassailable strength to sway the consensus. In light of this, I wholeheartedly support your Highness's proposal to include Hua Taixu and Ruthless in the top twenty."

"I concur," added the Myriad Incarnations Immortal King with a serene smile, her gaze resting upon Hua Taixu, her prized disciple.

"Agreed," the Undefeatable Devil King intoned, his presence a brooding force akin to a devil-god's. Ruthless, his disciple, exuded a similar aura, a testament to their shared path of indomitable power. Many such masters chose disciples in alignment with their own nature, crafting a legacy that mirrored their own essence.

The collective agreement of the immortal kings resounded like a harmonious chorus, and Dongsheng Ting beamed with satisfaction. "Since our esteemed seniors have no objections, we shall proceed accordingly. The twenty top rankers shall comprise those nominated by Princess Glaze, along with Hua Taixu and Ruthless."

A sigh escaped the lips of Mu Yun, descendant of the Idlecloud Immortal King, seated in the Cloud Prefecture's section. His eyes betrayed the deep disappointment he felt, having harbored hopes of breaking into the top twenty, only to find his name conspicuously absent from consideration.

Elsewhere, Zuyu of the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor clenched his fists until they creaked with tension. His formidable combat prowess had shone brightly earlier, yet Princess Glaze's gaze had never once grazed his direction. It was as though he existed in a realm of invisibility, overlooked and ignored.

Mu Yun and Zuyu were not alone in their dejection. A multitude of hopefuls, their dreams now fading like distant stars, shared in this bitter moment of realization. The crucible of the selection test had condensed 160 contenders into a mere twenty, with two of those slots now claimed by Hua Taixu and Ruthless. For the majority, the path forward would be that of ordinary core disciples.

"Four from the Cloud, three from the Western Desert—impressive," remarked one immortal king, a hint of satisfaction coloring his tone. Even the Eastern Prefecture, renowned for its prowess, boasted only two survivors in Gusu Tianqi, the top ranker, and Xia Jiufeng, the second ranker.

Yet it was the Cloud Prefecture that truly turned heads. Beyond their top ranker, Gu Zhantian, three additional luminaries emerged, all bound by a camaraderie that defied even the formidable Deepflame Immortal King. Their unyielding unity and fearless defiance spoke volumes, challenging even the mightiest figures in their midst.

As the weighty verdict settled over the gathering, a bittersweet smile graced the lips of Ghost Saber Mu Yan, standing beside Qin Wentian. Despite his extraordinary talents, he had reached the limits of his journey, halted at the gates of the elite twenty. The selected eighteen participants were nothing short of prodigious, each a demon-level character boasting unparalleled talent across the thirteen prefectures.

Qin Wentian, with warmth in his eyes, extended a reassuring smile toward Mu Yan. "Your performance has been outstanding," he commended, acknowledging Mu Yan's remarkable journey. The sentiment was mirrored by his companions.

Mu Yan, raising his wine cup in a toast, offered a heartfelt sentiment. "Seeing the formidable trio that you have become, I couldn't be prouder. May your paths lead to greater heights and ultimate success."

With a shared clink of cups and hearty laughter, they celebrated the bonds forged through trials and triumphs.

Yet, amidst this camaraderie, a storm brewed in the form of Zuyu, the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor's chosen one. His gaze, infused with anger, bored into the quartet. His combat prowess was formidable, and as a heaven-chosen disciple, he had every right to expect a place among the top twenty. However, the reality was a harsh slap in the face. The manor had a vendetta against Qin Wentian, who had previously slain many of its prodigies.

Jun Mengchen, cold and unyielding, directed a dismissive look at Zuyu. Qin Wentian's voice cut through the tension. "Mengchen, we needn't stoop to engage with individuals like these. True dragons ascend to the heavens, while snakes remain confined to the earth."

Zuyu's rage surged, and he pointed an accusatory finger at Qin Wentian, his fury uncontainable.

Jun Mengchen, his eyes filled with contempt, scorned Zuyu. "It seems you're incapable of shame."

Such a retort left Zuyu seething, his status and power notwithstanding.

While many watched this spectacle, the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor and other major powers from the Cloud Prefecture could only grit their teeth in frustration. Their resentment toward Qin Wentian was palpable, overshadowing any desire to curry favor. If not for their deep-seated grievances, they might have sought to ally themselves with him.

The respite came with Dongsheng Ting's announcement, as he acknowledged the participants' fatigue and called for a four-hour rest period, permitting them to recuperate.

"The immortal banquet shall continue," Dongsheng Ting proclaimed, his gaze sweeping the assembly. "Rest assured and make yourselves at home. Should you require anything, the servants are at your disposal."

With this, he made his way to Princess Glaze, wearing a warm smile. "Princess, what are your impressions of these exceptional talents?"

Princess Glaze returned his smile, her eyes assessing the array of prodigies before them. "They are truly outstanding, with numerous remarkable individuals among them."

"Indeed," Dongsheng Ting agreed. "Do you have any favorites among them, Princess? Any predictions on the top three rankers, the future Sage Children of my Eastern Sage Immortal Sect?"

Princess Glaze, her gaze shifting between participants, maintained an enigmatic smile. "That, my dear Dongsheng Ting, will depend on the unfolding journey. I shall be watching closely to see if the information my royal father shared has any connection to these remarkable participants."

"Let's steer clear of that topic," Dongsheng Ting interjected, his tone shifting to one of admiration. "I, Dongsheng Ting, have long held the White Emperor in high regard, yet our paths never crossed. If the opportunity arises, I hope, Princess, you might introduce me to the esteemed White Emperor. It would be an honor to pay my respects." Dongsheng Ting was a master of eloquence, subtly paying homage to the White Emperor through a few well-chosen words.

The immortal kings present, seasoned and astute, remained unperturbed by Dongsheng Ting's artful flattery. They were, after all, wise old foxes who knew exactly what Dongsheng Ting was up to. In the vast expanse of the immortal realms, encounters between them were rare. Thus, despite any lingering grievances, they chose to set them aside for the moment, embracing the reunion like old friends, engaging in light-hearted conversation and shared laughter.

"Myriad Incarnations, you grow more beautiful with each passing year," complimented the Undying Immortal King, a warm smile on his face. The Myriad Incarnations Immortal King indeed exuded an elegant charm. Despite her many years of cultivation, her status as an immortal king preserved her youthful appearance. Her strength and grace only served to enhance her allure, commanding respect and admiration akin to a goddess. She was a figure beyond reproach.

"You have a way with words, Undying Immortal King," Myriad Incarnations responded with a laughter that mirrored her own grace.

"Beauty aside, your disciple possesses remarkable strength. I've heard that Hua Taixu ventured into the samsara world for tempering. Both of you exhibit audacity that's rare to find. Few can survive that place, and even fewer emerge with their sanity intact," praised the Undying Immortal King, casting a meaningful gaze at Hua Taixu. Yet, Hua Taixu's demeanor remained calm, a testament to his exceptional mental fortitude.

"Haha, his strength is the fruit of his hard work," Myriad Incarnations Immortal King replied, her pride evident.

"You have a commendable temperament. Contrast that with the Deepflame Immortal King, whose anger seems capable of reaching the heavens," observed the Undying Immortal King, shaking his head with a smile. His gaze shifted to the Deepflame Immortal King, who was intently focused on a lower level. Following his line of sight, they found it fixed upon none other than Qin Wentian.

A supreme immortal king from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect stood beside Qin Wentian, who was in the company of Jun Mengchen, Zi Qingxuan, Mu Yan, and Gu Liufeng. The Idlecloud Immortal King promptly rose and introduced, "Allow me to present Senior Supreme Mystic Immortal King from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect."

"We pay our respects to Senior," the Cloud Prefecture representatives chorused in unison, their expressions respectful. The Supreme Mystic Immortal King waved off their formalities with an easy gesture and a warm smile, his gaze settling upon Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen. He posed a question with a knowing smile, "Do the two of you feel confident about securing two of the top three positions?"

"We shall give it our all," Qin Wentian replied politely, sensing no ill intent from the Supreme Mystic Immortal King's warm demeanor.

"Indeed, if the two of you secure places in the top three, you will become direct disciples of his Eastern Sage Majesty," the Supreme Mystic Immortal King affirmed. "However, I must clarify that his Majesty's schedule is typically quite demanding. Even for personal disciples, the time they receive his guidance is limited. Most of his disciples cultivate within the sect independently. Nevertheless, if you wish, you may join my tutelage during your time in our sect. I'll do my best to assist you both. Becoming Sage Children is not the only path to excellence. As long as you are willing, you can enter my guidance when you join our sect."

The Supreme Mystic Immortal King's words hung in the air, leaving the experts of the Cloud Prefecture utterly stunned. Their gazes upon Qin Wentian underwent a profound transformation. A supreme immortal king from the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect had personally come to court them as potential disciples. This implied that, even if they didn't attain the status of Sage Children, they could still become personal disciples of an immortal king.

This development sent shockwaves through many of the major powers in the Cloud Prefecture, filling them with apprehension. They feared that Qin Wentian might rise to astounding heights. However, the Idlecloud Immortal King couldn't have been more delighted. Grinning, he said, "Qin Wentian and Jun Mengchen, the Supreme Mystic Immortal King is an immensely powerful senior among immortal kings."

"Supreme Mystic," a disruptive voice interjected. It was none other than the Deepflame Immortal King. He addressed the Supreme Mystic Immortal King with a tone of skepticism. "Supreme Mystic, I'm afraid your hopes may be in vain. They are unlikely to become Sage Children, especially Qin Wentian. It's an impossibility."

"Deepflame, aren't you being a bit narrow-minded?" The Supreme Mystic Immortal King furrowed his brows. He expected a war general under his Majesty to comport himself better, but Deepflame was making these comments publicly.

"Humph, do you know the story from back when his Majesty visited a particle world to recruit a disciple?" Deepflame Immortal King inquired.

"I've heard of it, but the details elude me," the Supreme Mystic Immortal King replied.

"In that case, let me enlighten you," Deepflame continued, pointing at Qin Wentian. "During that event, this young man nearly became his Majesty's disciple. However, he refused to accept the conditions his Majesty had set forth, rejecting his Majesty's benevolence. His audacity led his Majesty to change his mind and abandon him."

The Supreme Mystic Immortal King's expression shifted rapidly upon hearing this revelation. Deepflame's animosity toward Qin Wentian, which had been evident all along, suddenly became clear.

"Though he has managed to reach this point, securing another chance won't be so straightforward for him," Deepflame Immortal King declared, sneering at Qin Wentian with icy resolve.