
Guilty of The Same Crime

Guilty of The Same Crime

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Within the expansive dominion of the Royal Sacred Sect, many factions coexisted, each respecting the autonomy of the others. Calling it a sect was almost a misnomer; it was more like a harmonious alliance.

This unspoken truth resonated within every faction of the Royal Sacred Sect. Among them, the Core Faction reigned supreme, the undisputed masters. The other factions were subordinate, their existence entirely dependent on the Core Faction's good graces. In fact, if it were a traditional sect, Elder Li might not have needed to extend an invitation to Qin Wentian to join the Core Faction.

The Core Faction, with its unrivaled power, was the backbone of the Royal Sacred Sect. Throughout its history, weaker factions had been replaced or purged, deemed unworthy of the Royal Sacred Sect's prestige.

Yet, the essence of the Royal Sacred Sect rested on the principle of strength. Although the Core Faction held sway, they occasionally required the support of the other factions. But this matter was never delved into deeply by the higher-ups.

The old man, burdened with grief over Quinn's death, understood the consequences of rebellion. It would bring an unprecedented calamity upon the entire Battle Sword Sect. Their only recourse was to endure this anguish. Zai Qiu had slain one of their most promising geniuses, yet they couldn't touch him. Moreover, the Core Faction would now remain wary of them.

Meanwhile, Qin Wentian remained blissfully unaware of these developments. He was en route to the Sacred Royal City, and the reason for his prolonged absence was the absence of a guide. He had to navigate the vast Illusion Mountains for several days before emerging from their labyrinthine depths. Locating the immortal palace was an arduous task, but escaping it was relatively straightforward. The palace was a mere speck compared to the vast external world, and as long as one moved in any direction, they would eventually find their way out.

Qin Wentian's heart was set on returning home, and his speed reflected his eagerness. Just outside the city gates of the Sacred Royal City stood a breathtaking figure, her gaze fixed upon the horizon as if awaiting someone's return.

Behind her, several silhouettes radiated an extraordinary aura. These were the maidens of the Medicine Sovereign Sect, a presence that turned heads and captured attention.

"Who could the Holy Maiden of the Medicine Sovereign Valley be waiting for? She has been standing there for over two days," murmured the crowd, puzzled by her steadfast vigil.

"The only person worthy of the Holy Maiden's wait, besides the top-ranked Immortal Martial Realm warrior, Qin Wentian, would be...who else?" A knowing smile crossed someone's lips. Yet, the reason for Mo Qingcheng's prolonged vigil remained a mystery. It had been nearly a year since the conclusion of the Immortal Martial Realm, and though Qin Wentian had become a topic of discussion after his awe-inspiring victories, he seemed to have vanished into thin air when the Core Faction of the Royal Sacred Sect extended an invitation. Perhaps he had ventured into secluded realms or embarked on a distant journey.

"If the Holy Maiden pines for me like this, I'd willingly risk it all," sighed another bystander, lost in the romanticism of the moment.

In truth, Mo Qingcheng had no alternative but to wait at this location. Given the Royal Sacred Region's vastness, if she waited elsewhere, she risked missing Qin Wentian's return. She was aware of Quinn's demise and the impending danger Qin Wentian faced. Her only recourse was to wait for his return, prepared to confront the Royal Sacred Sect directly should they dare to act against him.

As another day inched past, the city gates remained a hubbub of ceaseless activity. Mo Qingcheng's unwavering gaze remained locked on the city's entrance. She wasn't alone in her vigil; several scouts from the Battle Sword Sect were also stationed nearby.

The harrowing events involving Quinn, Qin Wentian, and Fan Miaoyu were still fresh in memory. Zai Qiu's hatred had driven him to murder Quinn, leaving the Battle Sword Faction grieving and bereft of justice. Zai Qiu's significance stretched beyond the Core Faction; he belonged to the lineage of the Sacred Emperor, bestowing him with immense privileges and authority.

The Zai name held an exalted status within the Royal Sacred Sect. Those bearing this name enjoyed preferential treatment and virtual immunity from reprisals. Zai Qiu's audacity in acting without approval was rooted in the knowledge that no one would dare to lay a finger on him, not even the Battle Sword Faction. To challenge him meant gambling with the lives of every member in their sect.

Just outside the Sacred Royal City, Qin Wentian soared on a sword formed of his own sword Qi, racing toward his destination at breakneck speed. His white robes fluttered, and his hair danced in the wind as he stood with hands clasped behind his back. Confidence radiated from his eyes, and his recent experiences in the immortal palace had honed his combat prowess to its pinnacle, hovering at the cusp of the Celestial Phenomenon Realm.

Not long ago, Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns had seemed an unreachable dream. Now, he was on the verge of breaking through to the next stage. The passage of time during his ardent cultivation had felt like a fleeting dream.

The ancient city soon loomed into view, and Qin Wentian's countenance brightened. The radiant smile that crossed his lips was a testament to his joy. Despite his eagerness to return home, he couldn't help but appreciate the unwavering presence of Qingcheng. She had been waiting outside the Sacred Royal City for his return.

"Qingcheng." Qin Wentian accelerated, transforming into a streak of light that landed beside her. Their hands intertwined, and Mo Qingcheng leaned her head against his chest. After a moment, she pulled away, a bewitching smile gracing her features.

"I'm back," Qin Wentian murmured softly. Their separation had spanned over half a year, a fact that weighed heavily on his conscience. Mo Qingcheng was his beloved, yet their time together was overshadowed by their time apart.

"Yes," Mo Qingcheng affirmed, her nod brimming with affection.

"Let's return to the Royal Sacred Sect first," Qin Wentian suggested with a smile. But then he noticed Mo Qingcheng's expression shift dramatically, sparking his concern. "What's wrong?"

"Wentian, accompany me to the Medicine Sovereign Valley, please?" Mo Qingcheng's eyes held a watery glint as she locked her gaze onto Qin Wentian.

"Qingcheng, what happened?" An unsettling feeling gnawed at Qin Wentian.

Mo Qingcheng sighed, her head bowing slightly. "Quinn is dead. He was killed by Zai Qiu and the Core Faction members of the Royal Sacred Sect. I heard that both you and Quinn had offended Zai Qiu."

"Quinn is dead?" Qin Wentian's heart convulsed, his complexion draining of color. "He was killed by Zai Qiu in the Royal Sacred Sect?"

Though Qin Wentian and Quinn had not interacted extensively, he had admired Quinn's straightforward, honest, and unrestrained personality. He believed they would have become close friends in time. He had even planned to share a few drinks with Quinn upon his return. But now, Mo Qingcheng had just informed him that Quinn was dead, murdered by Zai Qiu.

The jubilation of his return abruptly dissolved, replaced by an overwhelming surge of anger and heartache.

"Qingcheng, tell me everything," Qin Wentian implored, his heart heavy with grief. Despite his imminent breakthrough to the Celestial Phenomenon Realm and the strength he had amassed, he couldn't remain detached from the deaths of those he held dear. His heart was a tempest, churning with vengeance.

Was it truly because of his surname, Zai, that Zai Qiu could act with such impunity, trampling on justice, and blaming Quinn unjustly?

The revelation struck Qin Wentian like a thunderbolt, leaving him seething with rage. That Zai Qiu, simply because of his surname, believed he could snatch lives at will? Was it a crime to save Fan Miaoyu because of their friendship? Did saving her mean they had to meet the same fate as Sun Qing?

These absurd notions infuriated Qin Wentian to his core. His body quivered involuntarily, exuding a palpable aura of chilling intent.

With Quinn's demise, could he, Qin Wentian, be the next to face death's cold embrace?

Breaking the silence, Qin Wentian turned to Mo Qingcheng and declared, "Qingcheng, we must return to the Royal Sacred Sect." His words left Mo Qingcheng momentarily stunned, her expression tightening in response. Qin Wentian continued, "There's a strong possibility that our movements are being monitored by spies. If I try to flee, it will only make it easier for them to frame me for Quinn's death. Let's return openly to the Royal Sacred Sect."

Mo Qingcheng nodded, though her worry was evident. Hand in hand, they soared into the sky, their connection palpable. As they ascended, countless onlookers couldn't help but envy the couple, viewing them as a match made in heaven. Little did they know the storm that awaited Qin Wentian.

Throughout their journey back, hidden eyes watched them closely, but no one dared to act.

Meanwhile, within the Royal Sacred Sect, the news of Qin Wentian's return sent shockwaves through the palace of the Battle Sword Faction. It wasn't due to Qin Wentian's status; rather, it was the sensitivity surrounding Quinn's death, which placed Qin Wentian under an intense spotlight. Numerous pairs of eyes tracked his every move, waiting to see Zai Qiu's next move. Would he attempt to pin Quinn's murder on Qin Wentian as well, ending his life?

"You shouldn't have returned," the voice of the Battle Sword Sect's ancestor whispered into Qin Wentian's ear. As the words hung in the air, figures appeared in rapid succession, descending upon the scene. Leading the group was Xia Sheng, who fixed a stern gaze on Qin Wentian.

"During our expedition to the immortal palace," Xia Sheng began, "you defied orders, resulting in Sun Qing's death. Subsequently, you tried to ensnare a member of the Royal Sacred Sect, luring a buried immortal to her demise. I command you to report to the Core Faction and seek forgiveness from Junior Sister Shang. No one will protect you, and if you attempt to flee in guilt, you will be shown no mercy."

With these words, Zai Qiu and his companions departed, leaving behind a faction seething with anger. Zai Qiu had not needed another excuse this time, nor had he resorted to subterfuge. He employed the same direct tactic as before: summoning Quinn to the Core Faction, shifting the blame onto him, and executing him. Zai Qiu's arrogance knew no bounds as he declared that any attempt by Qin Wentian to escape would be deemed an admission of guilt, sealing his fate.

This blunt approach left no room for debate. With Quinn already slain, it was a foregone conclusion that Qin Wentian would meet the same end. And as for escaping, it appeared nearly impossible for him to leave the sect now that he had set foot inside.