
Gathering at the Trial Grounds

Gathering at the Trial Grounds...

In the mere flutter of an eyelash, three days vanished into the abyss of time.

Amidst the sprawling training grounds of the Star-Seizing Manor, the victors of the recent exchange congregated, representing the three dominant powers.

The White Deer Institute dispatched a delegation consisting of Qin Wentian, Bailu Yi, and a complement of ten additional cultivators – a total of twelve souls.

The Li Clan's trio from the Watermoon Mountain Villa was accompanied by eight other cultivators, rounding out to a force of eleven.

From the Demon Cult, the lone survivor of the young man's trio, along with six more companions, completed the ensemble, forming a group of seven.

Altogether, the amalgamated efforts of these three powers amounted to a contingent of thirty cultivators and six Divine Inscriptionists. Among the assembled cultivators, all were entrenched in the pinnacle of the Yuanfu Realm, well-versed in the arts of combat. Over the years, the White Deer Institute had amassed a roster of ten seasoned Yuanfu experts.

Bailu Jing, a prominent figure on the Heavenly Fate Ranking, had the honor of leading the White Deer Institute's team into the uncharted domain this time.

"Dear Qin, if peril were to cross our path within the secret realm, may we stand united in quashing it," suggested the Li Clan brothers, extending their courtesy after greeting Qin Wentian.

"Of course, I'll defer to Uncle Li's wisdom. As a young and unseasoned adventurer, I believe in the power of unity and cooperation," Qin Wentian replied, nodding amiably. The role of Divine Inscriptionists within the secret realm was simple: they would lead the charge, disarming traps, and dismantling formations. Their presence would undoubtedly smoothen the expedition's course.

"Excellent, all present and accounted for." Just then, a voice drifted over, drawing the collective gaze toward Yang Fan, who led a procession of nineteen formidable cultivators. Their auras radiated an undeniable sense of might, indicating that these individuals were the elite cadre groomed by the Star-Seizing Manor.

Strength, it seemed, was the currency of success.

In attendance was the same middle-aged elder, who, upon confirming everyone's presence, waved his hand and addressed the group, "With all assembled, it's time to commence."

"Absolutely." With synchronized movements, the collective ascended into the skies, trailing the path set by their Star-Seizing Manor guides.

The Secret Realm of Divine Inscriptions stood as one of the Grand Xia Empire's eighteen testing crucibles. Qin Wentian had already tread upon two of these domains – the Spirit Beast Testing Grounds and the Celestial Lake Refinement Grounds.

While multiple transcendent powers held claim to the Spirit Beast Testing Grounds, Fairy Qing Mei maintained control over the Celestial Lake Refinement Grounds.

As the Secret Realm of Divine Inscriptions occupied a niche within the Moon Continent, its dominion fell within the grasp of the region's four paramount powers. This quartet of dominators comprised the Star-Seizing Manor from the east, the Skyember Sect from the south, the Pill Emperor Hall from the central sphere, and the Hua Clan reigning over the north. Solely the western realm was bereft of a transcendent power.

Unveiling the entrance to the Secret Realm of Divine Inscriptions, nestled within the heart of the western domain, was a lifeless, blisteringly hot desert.

The sands of this arid wasteland shimmered in a lustrous golden hue, stretching to an unfathomable horizon. Wind howled, hurling the grains across the dunes. Amidst this desert grandeur, no human form graced the vista for miles – only a pervasive atmosphere of desolation.

A moment later, a quivering black orb, exuding an aura of obliteration, materialized from the distance. Swift as a heartbeat, the dot expanded, morphing into a tempestuous sandstorm of inky darkness. Even the skies surrendered their luster to this vortex, thrusting the surroundings into a shroud of shadow – a harbinger of apocalyptic gloom.

As the tempest consumed the golden sands, the particles rode the winds like ghostly apparitions. All knew this as the dreaded black sandstorm of the western desert. Local lore described its intermittent manifestation, wreaking havoc before relenting, only to rekindle the cycle anew.

Yet, amidst this grim spectacle, another assembly of figures pressed on, emerging from the fringes of the desert. Carving a path into the desert's heart, they strode toward the heart of the tempest.

"Of all the rotten luck, must we cross paths with this cursed sandstorm now?" someone lamented, exuding an air of dejection.

At the forefront strode a strapping youth, his physique radiating power and his demeanor dripping with arrogance. This individual was none other than Zhao Lie, a presence as fiery as his name. Seated at #28 on the Heavenly Fate Ranking, he hailed from the Skyember Sect – one of the four Heaven's Chosen. His temper matched his moniker, a blazing inferno in human form.

Within the quartet of Heaven's Chosen, Zhao Lie claimed the final rung. Yet, he was far from content with this placement. At this moment, his eyes blazed like kindling; he'd heard whispers that Yang Fan and Zhan Chen, fellow Heaven's Chosen, were also set to embark on this expedition. A burning desire seized him, yearning to witness the might of these peers who shared his lofty status. Had they already ascended to the Heavenly Dipper Realm?

"Regrettably, Hua Taixu couldn't grace us with his presence today. But worry not, Zhan Chen, Yang Fan, Bai Fei, and company will surely keep me good company." Zhao Lie's grin bore witness to his palpable excitement for this journey. Could this expedition offer him a chance to gauge his own strength against theirs?

Across the expanse of the Moon Continent, the Heavenly Fate Ranking harbored an assortment of names, spanning both youth and age. This upcoming expedition would undoubtedly draw in a plethora of ranked participants. Zhao Lie couldn't help but thrill at the prospect.

Emerging from the sandstorm, Zhao Lie quickened his pace, leading his party to a sprawling, ancient city nestled within the desert's bosom.

Manning the city's main gateway stood a cadre of formidable experts, unmistakably hailing from the four transcendent powers of the Moon Continent. Their mandate was crystal clear – ward off any intruders aspiring to breach the entrance to the Secret Realm of the Divine Inscriptions.

Directly before the gateway of the ancient city, a procession of figures materialized, each affiliation distinctly demarcated. A single glance allowed Zhao Lie to discern the composition of each contingent.

"Greetings, Zhan Chen, Yang Fan," Zhao Lie boomed with glee the moment they neared earshot.

Zhan Chen's smile mirrored his greeting, "Brother Zhao, how fare you?"

Yang Fan, however, remained enigmatically silent – a stoic presence whose air of pride matched that of Zhao Lie.

"Given your presence, it would be remiss of me not to join in the fun," Zhao Lie bellowed with gusto, loud enough to encompass the entire vicinity. His attention then shifted to the third group, zeroing in on their frontmost figure. "No Hua Taixu, but they send you instead, Hua Feng? Is the Hua Clan molding another Hua Taixu in secret?"

The Hua Clan's representative, Hua Feng, dipped his head slightly. His gaze, sharp as a blade, bored into Zhao Lie.

At the peak of Yuanfu, Hua Feng held the #60 position on the Heavenly Fate Ranking. His talent undeniably marked him as a notable figure in the Moon Continent. However, his brilliance paled in comparison to the resplendent sun that was Hua Taixu – a luminary that eclipsed all.

With Hua Taixu's radiance gleaming so brilliantly, any talent within the Hua Clan would inevitably become an ancillary component, augmenting Hua Taixu's illustrious shine.

"You're still spouting nonsense, as always," Hua Feng retorted with a measured tone, igniting a fiery spark in Zhao Lie's eyes. "Really? I excel in both spouting nonsense and combat. Would you like me to give you a demonstration?"

"Whenever you're ready," Hua Feng responded nonchalantly, shifting his focus elsewhere, his interest in Zhao Lie abruptly extinguished.

"Zhao Lie of the Skyember Sect, occupying the #28 spot on the Heavenly Fate Ranking. Hua Feng, second in the Hua Clan's younger generation only to Hua Taixu, and situated at #60 on the Heavenly Fate Ranking," Bailu Yi whispered to Qin Wentian from their spot within the Star-Seizing Manor Camp. Aware that Qin Wentian hailed from outside the Moon Continent, she felt compelled to furnish him with essential information regarding these pivotal figures.

These individuals wielded considerable power and influence within the Moon Continent.

Qin Wentian nodded, his head bowed slightly, as he surveyed these formidable figures, paying particular attention to representatives from the Pill Emperor Hall and the Hua Clan.

Zhan Chen, a prominent figure from the Pill Emperor Hall, clinched the #11 spot on the Heavenly Fate Ranking. Exuding an air of scholarly ease, he projected an affable charisma. At his side stood his companion, an enchanting woman who commanded attention.

Yang Fan, hailing from the Star-Seizing Manor, bore a reticent demeanor – a man of few words. The subtle pride etched onto his countenance served as an unapproachable barrier.

Zhao Lie's temperament, like an uncontrolled wildfire, raged with insolence.

As for Hua Feng, his mystique remained veiled. Yet, there was no mistaking the innate pride exuded by these Heavenly Fate Ranking contenders. Even the composed Bailu Jing emitted such an aura. Qin Wentian fell within this mold too; an inherent pride – or some might say arrogance – was a trait shared by these individuals.

This pride was a product of self-assuredness, and none among them lacked it.

"Hua Taixu and Hua Xiaoyun are no-shows, but Bai Fei from the Pill Emperor Palace graces us. Yet, where is Qingcheng?" Qin Wentian's disappointment was palpable. Throughout the journey, a flicker of hope persisted, kindling the anticipation of an encounter with Mo Qingcheng. Regrettably, Bai Fei stood in her stead.

Bai Fei was a familiar face, yet she brushed off the insignificant presence that was him. She'd once pronounced that he and Mo Qingcheng inhabited disparate worlds, urging him to confront reality.

Now, in the Moon Continent, he couldn't help but wonder how Bai Fei would perceive him.

"If all parties are assembled, let's not dally. We shall venture straight into the trial grounds of the secret realm," intoned the sharp-visaged middle-aged elder beside Yang Fan. The other powerhouses from the remaining transcendent factions offered their consensus through nods.

At this juncture, representatives from each of the four transcendent powers assumed positions before the main entrance. In their grasp, they held peculiar symbols, each unique in design. Infusing these emblems with Astral Energy, a dazzling radiance emanated, streaming into a seal etched upon the gateway. Instantaneously, a cacophony of resonant rumbles filled the air, and the door to the entrance creaked open.

Crossing this threshold ushered them into the heart of the ancient city. Their destination lay tantalizingly close – the Secret Realm of Divine Inscriptions!