
Monarch of Solitude: Daily Quest System

Waking up with grave dirt in his mouth, his new life started with death. Rino wakes up as a lich in the afterlife. The once-respected court magician took a while to understand that his newly found immortality came with a strange responsibility. Marked by the Gods managing the world he destroyed, they sent him to another world with the powers of a lich, doomed to work for all eternity. "Build us a kingdom and we will let you rest in peace," the Gods told him. Given a daily quest system to assist him with his kingdom building project, the rebellious Rino built it one body at a time. "Nobody will disturb my idle days," Rino vowed. "Not humans, nor birds, nor Gods." Can he successfully thwart all attempts to work? Read to find out. Note: NO ROMANCE! === Cover: Not my original. Edit help by Truedawn. Support me: https://www.patreon.com/destinyaitsuji Check out my other works: www.destinyaitsuji.com Stalk me on IG @destiny_aitsuji Watch my live streams on YT Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/UrtDMXn

Destiny_Aitsuji · 奇幻
248 Chs

Blast It All

Successfully completing his daily quest a few hours before the deadline, Rino claimed his reward without checking the skill. There was still some work to be done.


Daily Quest #28 (complete)

Objective: Create Blacksmith Workshop

Time Limit: 7 Days

1/1 Stone Forge

1/1 Stone Quenching Basin

1/1 Stone Hammer

1/1 Stone Anvil

1/1 Wooden Tongs

1/1 Ceramic Metal Bar Cast

Tutorial here.

Reward: Alloy Smelting Recipe

Claim your reward here.

Penalty: Deduct 24 hours of sleep upon failure and [Curse of Overtime] until quest is forcefully completed.


"Put this over there," Rino told the trolls who fitted the detachable hammerhead from the waterwheel's axle.