
Molecule Girl

Sally gets to have the X gene of molecular manipulation and she is going to have fun

Allen_Danels · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Goal In Life

It has been seventeen years since Sally had been reborn and she had decided to embark on her journey this early. She stared at the foster house she has lived in for the last ten years and sighed deeply. Even though she hated saying it, she loved everyone in there to the point she felt hollow leaving the place.

"Your kindness will not be forgotten," she said, in nastolgia. She then got on her chopper motorcycle, put on her helmet, revved the engine then rode off, not looking back one bit.

She had a goal in mind and the best city to reach it would be Metropolis. There was news about there been a vigilante already active that could lift cars, fly, ran faster than a car and shoot lasers from his eyes. That would be Superman and he was a newbie too, which was good news for her. Lex was the biggest threat to the boy scout but she wanted to go down in history as the greatest threat Superman has ever faced. Why? Because of her powers, molecular manipulation.

Basically, she could manipulate molecules to the point it was almost like she was warping reality. All her clothes were made out of vibranium but if anyone looks at them via a microscopic they would look like cotton. The bike itself was made out of damascus metal but it would look like iron and steel to anyone else. She had basically done all the side quests to the point she had maxed out her level and now she was going to her first main quest.

"Perhaps I can even be the one to make Injustice Superman," she laughed to herself. There was a reason why she was not afraid of Superman or even evil Superman. The reason been, Captain Man. Yes, the goofy Nickelodeon character, Captain Man. He was basically indestructible, like literary. To the point he ate a nuke and all he got was probably indigestion; that Captain Man.

She had managed to make her cells and basically her entire body like his. Now, even if she falls into a black hole she would come out unscathed! Also, to prevent someone from drowning her or anything, she borrowed a trick from the plants, specifically photosynthesis! Her cells were basically just making energy for themselves. Now, she did not need to eat, breath, shit and the best part was she cut out her menstrual cycle. It was hard and probably the grossest thing she ever done to herself but it was worth it.

"Metropolis 112m away," she read a sign as she sped past it.

Besides just nerding out and adding weird organs in her body so that they can produce chemicals to enhance her strength and speed, she had been doing her best to be a foster sibling to the other kids. One of the kids wanted to be singer but had the worst voice ever, so she tweaked her vocals and lungs and now he had the voice of an angel, literary. He was in the church choir and basically everyone was enthralled by his singing.

Another kid had been hit by a speeding vehicle and now his left leg and eight arm were dead. So, she worked hard and got telepathy. She proceeded to wipe everyone's memories about his accident then fixed his injuries. Another got her teddy bear stolen so she tracked the thief down, animated the bear to be a three and a half metres murder bear out of hell that mutilated the thief and her family before cleaning itself and went back to its owner, changed to be the adorable teddy bear and the girl never let go of him ever again.

That was the day she came to know she might be a psychopath! To test it out, she headed to hospital then proceeded to light an invisible flame with the flick of her hand. By the time someone realized something was wrong, the fire had surrounded the entire building and nobody survived! All the while, she had a sadistic grin on her face watching the flame in front of her like she was seeing her favourite celebrity smiling at her.

Due to this, she became more interested in her biokinesis and this led her to produce the most fucked up diseases ever seen. She had even inverted a zombifying virus which she destroyed. Why? With no humans left then she would be bored! The world did not know how close she came close to destroying it that day.

But with inventing new diseases came the part of testing it and her teleportation came in handy. She would teleport all over the country, stalking anyone she would seem worthy to get the disease then kidnap him or her, take them to the subterranean lair and proceed to torture them. But, that became boring quick and then her ambition to became a supervillain grew when the news brought the picture of the Watchmen memorial.

She remembered coming very close to the screen, staring straight at Dr Manhattan's picture and grinning so widely, she might have shifted her muscles so that the grin reached her ears, the famous Cheshire grin. A kid got in at the moment and the kid was now braindead! That prompted her to leave the foster earlier than she wanted but her plan was still going great.

"Welcome to Metropolis," she read the sign in front of her and nodded to herself. "You made it, Sally. You made it to the city you will be immortalized in the annuals." She got off her bike, took off her helmet and stared at the city in front of her.

"Metropolis, in the future your threats might have been aliens or Lex Luther but now, they are nothing compared to the terror I am bringing. I will turn your sunny hero into a hero darker than the Dark Knight himself, bring him in and out of madness so often he will want to kill me and then finish himself later on. Ohh, the games we are going to play!" She let out an evil laughter which left her feeling embarrassed at the end. Promising to practice it more, she got on her bike and rode to the Metropolis, a crooked smile hidden behind the helmet.

This character is going to be the joker in Superman's life, only the joker will be even more unhinged and more clever. I'll try to make sure there is no edgy parts as often as possible.

Anyway, if you like the story then leave a comment and a power stone cheers.

Allen_Danelscreators' thoughts