

This part of hell is spesificly for people who use other people's wifi too much, that sin can only be erased if only they confess their crush and embarassing secrets about their childhood, the purgatorium has a numerous amount of angels guarding each passage, they all judge your answer so hard, harder than the high school bully that usually judge you. Oh... and the last angel Is your bully from every school you attend to, this part of hell can be escape from, but your answer has to be embarassing and hillarious, yet true, if it's not..... straight to hell. This part is also known for it's lack of snakes and fire, but you will feel how many gigabytes of other peoples wifi without permission you used, and it acts as a weight on your shoulder, and in every stage you will find your ex complaining, bragging, and slapping you about that time you did something bad to them, and it also depends on if you're an introvert or not, if you're an introvert, your punishment will be less cruel, but you have to attend infinite halloween parties. For extroverts, your punisment is more cruel, and you can't attend any activities with your friends because you have infinite chores, that's only limbo, and that's when things get mildly annoying for some people.