
Modern Family: Genius

Gabriel is 5 years old. After he was born he was raised in an orphanage. He is what you would call a genius. On a fateful day when he was 5 years old, he started to see memories of another person. He saw them like it was a movie. He saw many things. Gabriel realized that these memories were probably from his past life. Through these memories, Gabriel realized how terribly he was treated in the orphanage. He ran away. Gabriel saw an abandoned house and lived there for a night. After waking up the next day he suddenly met the neighbors of this house Phil and Claire Dunphy, whom he realized were in the memories of his past life. Phil and Claire were worried after seeing how he lived and decided to adopt him. The young boy would slowly start to trust people again in the future thanks to his parents. The description isn't good. I know that. I racked my brain but couldn't find anything better. The world will be a mix of various different TV shows and movies. The MC will be a genius. Yes, I know it is incredibly hard to portray a genius character not being as smart as him, but I will try my best to narrow the gap with the help of the internet. Due to that, my updates will probably take longer than on my other novels as I need more time to research.

burakku · 电视同人
31 Chs

Skipping grade

Today is my first day at school.

I am excited. So many new books to look at. I must learn a lot of knowledge.

First of all the teacher introduced me to all my classmates.

"Hi, my name is Gabriel Dunphy. You can call me Gab or Gabi if you'd like it", I said to my classmates. 

Here are your books. My teacher said while giving me 5 books.

"Why so few? Where is the rest?", I asked curiously. I didn't know much about school from the memories of my previous life.

"Few? These are all you're books Gabriel", the teacher said confused. She had never heard of a student thinking the books were too few.

"I want to skip grades then", I told the teacher. The knowledge here was way too few to keep me entertained for even one lesson.

"I need to talk to the director about that after school", the teacher said.

I went towards my seat.

I read all the books and memorized everything after about a quarter of an hour. The knowledge was already something I knew.

I didn't even need to learn it.

The class quickly passed and I went towards the director's office with my teacher.

"Good morning Mrs. Jennifer. Hey little Gabriel, everything alright?", the director asked me.

"No, the knowledge of the books here isn't challenging at all. I want to skip grades", I told the director my intentions straightforwardly.

"As much as I want this. This sadly isn't possible Gabriel. You need to be more than half a year in a grade for us to be able to evaluate whether you can skip a grade."

"It isn't even half a year and you won't be able to skip grades this year. If your grades are excellent enough you can skip the 2nd year and start directly in the 3rd year. If your grades are excellent enough in 3rd year you can skip grade to 4th year in about half a year. But you won't be able to skip to 5th year the same year."

"This will continue until you finish all 12 classes in our school system"

"This means that you would be able to finish all 12 classes when you are 11 years old if you are smart enough", the director said this with a laugh not believing I could do this.

The director destroyed my mind. 11? That is way too long. 

"Can't it be any quicker?", I needed to know.

"You can take a special test that lets you skip a year in middle school and high school too. Which means you would be 10", the director said thinking I was overestimating myself. He probably thought that I would be thinking that 12th grade would also be 1+1 or something similar.

"Ok. Mr. director. Thanks for helping me"

"No problem, Gabriel. If you have any problems tell me", the director said.

After that, my life of getting full points and skipping grades started.

Nothing special happened in my life until it was 2004. This would be the year I graduated from high school. The year before Grandpa divorced Grandma.

I was already excited about college. I didn't worry that I wouldn't know enough about it as I visited the library every time I could.

Luke is currently 5 years old. Alex had her birthday a few months ago in January and is 8 now. As for Haley. She is already 11 years old. 

In the show Modern Family Haley had her first kiss at this age, but I managed to avoid Haley kissing everyone she sees and being in a relationship every time.

She hasn't had any relationship yet and I will enforce that.

Besides I kinda had a crush on Haley

That sounds weird, but we weren't really siblings and didn't think of each other as that.

It was currently July and the last day of school. I had already passed the SAT with a full 1,600 points and graduated with a 4.0 GPA, which was the highest possible in California.

I already got a full college scholarship. 

It was the same college Alex went to in the series and in which Sheldon studied for his graduate and his Ph.D. 

It was Caltech. It was near my home and I could study from home if I wanted to.


Short question for the following plot:(comment which you think is best)

-Should MC meet young Sheldon in 3 years

-Should MC meet young Sheldon as a 14-year-old right away(MC is 11 and Sheldon 14)

-Should MC meet adult Sheldon

-Should MC not meet Sheldon