
Modern Family: Genius

Gabriel is 5 years old. After he was born he was raised in an orphanage. He is what you would call a genius. On a fateful day when he was 5 years old, he started to see memories of another person. He saw them like it was a movie. He saw many things. Gabriel realized that these memories were probably from his past life. Through these memories, Gabriel realized how terribly he was treated in the orphanage. He ran away. Gabriel saw an abandoned house and lived there for a night. After waking up the next day he suddenly met the neighbors of this house Phil and Claire Dunphy, whom he realized were in the memories of his past life. Phil and Claire were worried after seeing how he lived and decided to adopt him. The young boy would slowly start to trust people again in the future thanks to his parents. The description isn't good. I know that. I racked my brain but couldn't find anything better. The world will be a mix of various different TV shows and movies. The MC will be a genius. Yes, I know it is incredibly hard to portray a genius character not being as smart as him, but I will try my best to narrow the gap with the help of the internet. Due to that, my updates will probably take longer than on my other novels as I need more time to research.

burakku · 电视同人
31 Chs

Paige Swanson and her problems

Today should have been a normal day in my life, I thought. But the result was different.

The day was supposed to go like this:

School-> Talking with Sheldon-> Researching things-> Looking at the companies production and any problems-> Sleeping

I woke up as usual in the morning, as I had planned.

After finishing everything, I walked towards Mr. Lecery's class. He was my math professor.

This part of the day went according to plan.

But suddenly, a little kid sat down beside me.

She seemed to be 10 or 11 years old.

"What are you doing here? This is a professor's lecture," I asked her. I didn't think she was a student since everyone should have already arrived.

"I know. I am studying here. I arrived a little late due to family reasons," the young girl said.

"How old are you?" That was the second thing she said to me.

"I am 10 years old, and you?" I asked, curious about her age.

"I am 11 years old," she said, seeming a little annoyed.

I knew she was probably annoyed that she wasn't the youngest in the class.

"What do you think about the formula of Schrödinger's equation?" the little girl asked.

I knew she wanted to know if I was as smart as her. She didn't really hide her intentions well.

"You should first introduce yourself. I am Gabriel Dunphy," I said, stretching out my hand.

"I am sorry. I am Paige Swanson," she apologized quickly, seeming a little embarrassed.

"About the formula. It is very interesting. ψ is the wave function of the system. ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, and Ĥ is the Hamiltonian operator. You probably know that already since you asked me about the formula. My opinion of it is very high. It symbolizes the bridge between Classical and Quantum Physics. It was revolutionary. Different from classical Physics, where particles have definite positions and velocities, in Quantum Physics, it introduces the wave function ψ. It doesn't embrace the deterministic nature of Classical Physics but something new in Physics. The probabilities of the position and velocity of a particle. This represents the new Quantum Physics' probabilistic nature," I said, with a little admiration. (I cant show the formula in here as Inkstone/Webnovel cant show fractional lines. The formula is in the comments)

The formula was amazing and revolutionary. Most people only know Schrödingers experiment, but no one knows this formula.

Not understandable for me, as the formula is the important part.

"Excellent," little Paige said, with a little hint of admiration.

"Do you want to play chess after the lecture?" Paige asked, with a little bit of longing in her voice.

"Of course," I replied. I knew she was just trying to find someone with similar or better intelligence than her. As well as someone who could understand her. She didn't really try to hide that.

The lecture passed quickly, and I invited Paige to my dorm.

"Let us go to my dorm. It isn't far from here, and it is a single unit one."

"Do you have a chessboard?" she asked.

"Yes. I have a classical and a 3D one," I said, remembering Sheldon didn't take the board with him.

"3D?" Paige got really curious.

"You will know."

My dorm wasn't that far away, and we quickly arrived.

Luckily I cleaned before.

"Wow. That is a small laboratory?" she asked.

"Yes. It is. I use it for some minor research," I replied.

"Is that the 3D chessboard?" Paige asked, seeing it on top of a table.

I just nodded.

"Let us first play the classical one and then the 3D one," Paige said, like a little kid wanting to play video games.

"Of course."

We soon started. It didn't take long, and I beat Paige easily. She wasn't as good as Sheldon. Well, she is younger than him and has less experience, though. If they were the same age, it would be hard to tell the winner.

"How did you do this?" Paige was devastated.

I said nothing and just pointed towards my brain.

"Now let us play the 3D one," Paige seemed to have found some motivation again after a little bit of sulking and wanted to play the 3D one.

We played, and I won even more easily. It isn't really surprising, though. The 3D chessboard needs even more calculation power than common chessboards, and I excelled at computing power.

There was another small factor, and that was me having already played 3D chess.

"Why are you so good?" Paige said, feeling lost.

"It is probably due to my experience," I tried to be mature and console her.

But suddenly she started crying.

"Why are you crying? Is it that bad? What's wrong?" I asked, with concern.

"It isn't you. It is just-", Paige said, hesitating at the last sentence.

"What is going on?" I asked. I wanted to help her.

"My parents, they- they divorced. I think it is because of me," she said, stuttering out the words while crying heavily.

I moved her towards the bed and hugged her.

"You aren't or can't be the reason, Paige. Your parents must have already had problems because otherwise there wouldn't be this situation. No parent would divorce only because of their child," I comforted her.

"Really?" she asked, forgetting to cry for a second.

"Yes," I nodded.

She stopped sobbing afterward. It was probably because she recognized me as more intelligent and believed what I said would be true.

After that, she thanked me for helping her and went to her dorm.

I was a little confused about the situation, as I only met Paige today, but she already cried herself out to me. I didn't mind it. It should feel weird, but I didn't have that feeling. I only felt natural when Paige did that.

It was probably just due to us both having similar intelligence.