
Without Much Fanfare

"Never thought this time would come, eh?" Responding to Valyr's question, You gave the young man a grim smile as he began to flare out his aura. "Call it your just deserts."

"My just deserts? You two?" Taking out a stamina potion from his spatial bracelet, Valyr downed it in one gulp as he scoffed. "Do you really think I'd pay attention to you two if not for the fact that you two insisted me on joining your War Squad?"

"You better be thankful we're allowing you to join our War Squad!" exclaimed You, letting the fury and shame he felt do the talking. "If not, you'd just be some no-name guy who wouldn't amount to much on the battlefield!"

"Some no-name guy, huh?" Sensing the aura You was giving off, Valyr felt a hint of amusement at the man's words as he affixed his spear behind his back.

Then, taking out the magic staff he'd recently forged, he spared a glance at Zuo, who seemed to have different thoughts regarding the situation.