
The Players Arrive


Feeling as if he'd been staring at a multitude of colors for minutes upon end, a man that had both dark brown hair and eyes immediately let out a wide sigh of relief the moment his surroundings changed…

Only to feel a wave of nausea hit him a few seconds later.

"…Urgh." Trying his best to not let the nausea get the better of him, it took the greater part of a minute for the man to eventually recover from the sensation, letting out a low sigh after the feeling of nausea was gone.

Taking in a few deep breaths after that, the man then began to look at his current surroundings in earnest.

"So, this is Greater Beyond, huh? They definitely improved the graphics compared to the beta."

With the name 'Tianshen01' hovering above his head, the man continued to admire the sights in front of him, only to then proceed moving his body according to a few set movements he had in mind.