
Four Pillars: A New Frontier

"That was a shorter journey than I initially thought."

After deciding to head to the center of the city ruins just after sunset, Valyr expected their journey to take quite some time.

Of course, the reason for that was not because of the lack of sunlight. Something like that could be easily solved with a simple spell.

Instead, it was because they were going to tread deeper into the city ruins themselves in order to get to the center.

Which meant that they would have to face primitive humanoids at every possible moment along the way.

With that in mind, the trio remained vigilant as they headed deeper into the south quadrant, choosing paths and streets that reduced their exposure towards the primitive humanoids.

Though there were a couple of times where they were forced to fight against the primitive humanoids to move onward, it was as if the majority of their journey towards the center had become smooth sailing.