
Challenging the Hierarchy


After Noel had told Valyr that he'd be fighting against a Shadow Canine, the two proceeded to move through the vast forests of the Shadow Plane, darting at speeds that were impossible for a normal human to unleash.

While they were doing that, the old man gave Valyr a quick rundown on the hierarchy of the Shadow Plane, making most out of the time they were taking to find the young man's next foe.

"We've already become acquainted with the prey of the Shadow Plane before," said Noel as he began his explanation. "The mammoths, bears, lions, and tigers."

"Though these beasts would be considered to stand at the apex of the food chain in Veldanyr, these beasts are merely livestock in the Shadow Plane, prey made both for the predators and the Shadow Serpents to consume."

"After that, you have the middle-ranking beasts." At these words, Noel glanced at Valyr, who nodded back to show that he was still listening.