
The Phantom Mutiny

"…You can't call a guild without a guild invitation! You must be a hacker in our system, there's no other way that you could-"

Before Zeus could finish his ranting, I was shown with an envelope between my index and middle finger.

The Guild Invitation is an envelope that all guild members have. You can type a message inside of it, and send it to all guild members to summon them to your location, healing them with their full health bar, and mana bar, even if they were on the verge of death in a fight.

"You were saying?" I responded.

"…This doesn't… i-it doesn't make any sense! I am a god, how can some insignificant player be powerful enough to kill the Holy Trinity? Athena… Apollo… and now… me?"

"You called us here to defeat some cattle in a lion's den, brother?" Floating next to me was a woman in a long dress, aesthetic blue hair, and horns atop her head. This was Astral_Wrath22, or should I say, Emerald Lionheart, my beloved sister to me, Maverick Ironheart.

Yeah, we were related in the game, but now that our souls are trapped here, we were related spiritually… or in coding. However, you wanted to put it.

"I say we smack the shit outta him and show 'em how the Phantom Mutiny rolls!" Someone with a fur coat, red eyes, and black hair with silver tips had walked in midair next to me on my left side. This was Wave_protocol, but his game avatar was called Crimson Argonaut!

"I agree with Wavarion, I say we pummel him to death." Another one of the phantom members stood next to Crimsom, punching their fists together with a determined look. Their skin color was golden brown, and they were a demon with curved horns, a floating crown above their head, and a long white dress. This was Anti_Zoed89, but her game avatar is named Lucienne Cifarelli.

"Stop with the random nicknames!" Crimson shouted.

"…I don't know the full story here, so I'll just watch and make up my own conclusion about what should happen to him." Standing next to Emerald on my right side was Kuma, he just started a week ago but now he was level 100. Emerald must've abused some glitches to get him there.

"How disgusting… are those truly the clothes befitting for a god? I detest you and your people's taste." A fairly tall man, with long blonde hair, a gauntlet on his left hand, and a long golden jacket was next to me. He was fairly feminine, this was Daddy_Ken1106… but his game avatar's name is Christopher. He stood next to Kuma.

"Fufufu..~ it doesn't look too bad, it's more on the Greek side, befitting for a peasant like Zeus." Proclaimed Emerald.

"You guys are being too harsh on him. If there's anything you should talk crap about, it's the scared face he's wearing right now! Ahahaha!" Floating next to Lucienne was Deep_Bluey01. An angel with long blonde hair, wings, a long white dress that stopped to their ankles, and golden eyelashes with silver eyes. Their game avatar was known as Angelica.

"Th-The Phantom Mutiny… here?" (Mage Class)

"No way, they're actually real?! I thought the guild was just some myth!" (Adventurer Class)

"…I did too, but that's definitely them alright. One human, one angel, one demon, one dragonic, one Human-Dryad hybrid, and a fallen angel. There were usually six members… but that one mysterious guy right there is new." (Mage Class)

"He didn't hide his name in settings. That mysterious fellow you're talking about is named Kuma_Vibes77." (Knight Class)

"Kuma? Is he hiding his game avatar name then?" (Adventurer Class)

"What a coward." (Knight Class)

"Be quiet." I could hear everyone talking from below, so I simply shut them up with a simple command, they were instantly hushed, "Insult anymore of the Phantom Mutiny, and I'll have your heads." Gazing down upon them, their face was sweaty, and their eyes were brimming with dread.

"Hey, uhhh, Light, they're escaping." Angelica spoke to me, catching my attention fairly quickly.

"Call me by my Game's name, not my actual gamer tag, Angelica-" Wait, escaping?

Who the hell was escaping…?

"Help me!! Please, help me! My lord, return me back to the heavens! Don't let me die here! Do not let me die on Terra! Please, someone!! Hades, Ares, Hermes, anyone!"

Zeus ran away, crying.

Tears masked his face as he looked up into the sky, shouting his lungs out.

"Should I kill you?"

A woman spoke in front of Zeus, it was Emerald Lionheart.

She used Spatial Warp to appear in front of him, taking him by surprise.

"No… you won't kill me! My master will make sure I survive!" Zeus held out his hand, "Light Impact!"

Utilizing elemental magic, Zeus used the Light attribute.

Light Impact was a powerful A-tier spell that fires a beam of light at light speed, incinerating the foe down to their data.


"Fafnir Scales!" Crimson appeared in front of Emerald, summoning a massive dragon scale that hovered in front of him.

This was one of Fafnir's scales that allows the user to protect themselves from any physical or magical attacks for five minutes in total.

"…Damn you!" Zeus yelled.

Attacking this scale with any magic below or equal to its magic rank such as B-tier magic, C-tier magic, and below, will simply be dispelled.

"Haaaaaaaa!!!" Zeus stretched his arm forward, summoning a powerful Epic Grade sword. He attempted to attack Crimson, but Fafnir's scale protected him, shattering the blade, "What?!"

If any physical weapons attacked the scale, then the weapon would break upon contact.

"He's… obtaining his lost mana points?" Zeus stood there in shock, watching as Crimson's Mana points returned.

The perks of Fafnir Scale also allow him to absorb the magic being used by the enemy when the scales are up, replenishing 10% of the mana points he used, in order to recuperate his lost power.

"How sweet, you were so determined to protect me, Crimson, I'm flattered." Emerald teasingly responded.

"Shut the hell up! I wasn't determined on protecting you, I just wanted to have a go at this prick's smug face!" Responded Crimson.

When it comes to physical capabilities, Crimson could fight with the scales, making it too tough for the opponent to endure the attack.

"Have a taste of this!" Wave reached forward to grab the Fafnir scale with one hand and arched his arm back before throwing it forward.

The scale spun around like a boomerang, slamming right into Zeus' stomach.

His body was lifted from the ground as he flew backward, coughing up blood.

"Now then. You were trying to ban my brother, right?"

Before Zeus could even recover, Emerald was floating above him with a nonchalant smile, rubbing the side of his cheek in midair.

"I-I wasn't… I was…" Zeus mumbled.

"That's strike one for your lie!!" Emerald cocked her fist back before slamming it in his face, altering his course downwards rather backward.

All of Zeus' momentum was switched in an instant.

His body collided with the ground at heavy force, sinking beneath the pavement.

He was buried fifty meters inside the earth.

Everyone just watched…

"Should I move onto strike two?" Emerald kindly asked.

"…I…can't… win against them…" Zeus was buried underneath the ground, twitching in his muscles.

"Kuhahahahahaha!" I laughed at it all, "What a shame! You attempted to ban me, but I'm above such authority. The Four Great Kings are important figures in this world, our title reigns supreme over the admins! It's why banning doesn't affect us!"

"That's impossible… the four great kings can't be banned? D-Did my master… know this?" Zeus painfully asked himself, "Did he know that a great king would be in the main lobby… before we attacked? No… that can't be it… maybe he was just unprepared. Yeah, that's it… he was unprepared. If he truly knew that one of the Great Kings would be in the main lobby, then he would've given us even more powerful equipment."

"Incubus Touch." Even underground, Zeus wasn't safe from the wrath of the Phantom Mutiny.

Christopher unleashed his attack, as a user of Debuff magic.

His attack became intangible energy as it traveled underground.

Incubus touch unleashes a malevolent force that torments the opponent, draining their life points while granting healing and restoration to the user's allies, giving them the strength to endure and overcome.

"…Aaaaahhhhhh!!" Zeus screamed as his body was engulfed in pain, "M-My life points… they're being reduced? My health bar is going to reach zero!"

Incubus touch reduces the enemy's life points each passing moment until it caps at 30%.

In return, we gain his lost 30% life points into our health bars.

"…I can't… take anymore…! I'm…" Zeus would clench his fists.

His body was brutally beaten and battered, yet, he gained immense willpower to fight back.

"I'm not gonna lose to a bunch of scum!!"

Zeus, enraged, would launch himself out of the hole, bringing himself back to the surface.

"You'll meet my wrath!!! The wrath of Zeus!!"


Zeus suddenly fell to the ground, kneeling before me.

"…Emperor! You… you'll pay!! You'll pay for killing Athena and Apollo!!"

I slowly hovered to the ground as my black suit fluttered around me.

Approaching Zeus, each step I took felt like an eternity.

That rage he had, would now become fear.

Dread… dread… dread, dread, dread, dread, dread!!!

"…Stay away from me…!" Zeus exclaimed, but I didn't listen.

I continued walking forward and stepped on his shoulder, sinking him into the ground with my foot.

"Kufufufu, is this the god you players worship?! The god you receive your blessings from?" I turned to face the group of players watching this display, "Tell me, who follows Hellenism?"

In this world, it had religions, and Hellenism was one of them. It focused on worshiping the Greek gods.

"I…I do!" (Adventurer Class)

"M-Me too…!" (Knight Class)

"Same here!" (Gunner Class)

Eventually, dozens of people raised their hands… and those dozens became hundreds.

"I see, we have quite a bit, don't we?" I turned to face Lucienne, "Calamity, kill them."

Lucienne's nearly emotionless face became a sinister grin, "About time I get in on the fun!" Lucienne would drop to the ground, standing 6ft tall as she approached the group of players who raised their hands, "No hard feelings, it's orders from Emperor."

"K-Kill us?! W-W-Why?! Wait… no, we'll die forever if you kill us! Please, wait a second!" (Gunner)

None of them could talk their way out.

Before they could say anything else, their heads were severed from their bodies, dancing around in the air.

Blood spilled on the ground as data particles floated into the air from the disappearances of their avatars.

It was a massacre.

People screamed, and flames were heard incinerating their bodies from Lucienne's power.

She was truly a Living Calamity, as her title suggests.

"As of now, there will be no more religions. Those who worship the gods will be punished by death. Can't you low-class fools see that the gods are now our enemies? They betrayed us. What was done now, was merely a warning. But I am not finished." I took my foot from Zeus' shoulder.

"H-He's not finished?" (Archer Class)

"…I have a bad feeling we're gonna die… please spare us…" (Assassin Class)

"Two years from now, I will enact Ragnarok."


"What's Emperor talking about? What's Ragnarok?"

"I-I don't know, but it sounds dangerous since it's coming from him."

"I will kill every single player in Isekai World Online during Ragnarok. Prepare yourselves, grind until you can't anymore, and join together as a team. After the time is up, we'll be coming for all of you."

"...." (Everyone)

Every single player in the Main lobby grew quiet.

They had no words, they were all too scared.

They felt belittled, threatened, and dead already.


Upon my command, the barrier around the Main Lobby was destroyed.

Everyone could now be free.

"…Kuhahahahaha! Run, run like the weaklings you're! The clock is ticking, you rarely have time!!"

They all scattered from my words, running outside of the Main lobby. Some tripped over one another, and some panicked in alleyways, restaurants, inns, and inside the houses they bought here.

The Phantom Mutiny will let their presence be known, across all of North Continent.