Dead. Read the other Isekai World Online in my author page (Original Works)
Everyone left the Main Lobby, and not a single player was in sight. The only thing left was the Phantom Mutiny, who watched them all runaway.
Emerald tried killing them, believing they deserved to die for worshiping the gods, but I stopped her.
I knew that some people refused to raise their hands when I asked the question of who was religious.
"Why did we have to kill them? Couldn't we just have told them to leave their religion rather than shedding their blood?" Angelica asked me.
"We killed them to prove a point. Fear is the most powerful force, so I used it to scare the other players."
"…There could've been another way, Emperor." Proclaimed Angelica.
"I have to admit, it's pretty cruel to just kill them off, rather than giving them a warning. Just saying!" Crimson said with a shrug.
And they were right.
It was cruel to kill those innocent players.
Sure I may be tyrannous, but I do have slight empathy when it comes to this kind of stuff.
"We killed them off, but they do not have to stay dead. It was only to show the other players that I am no one to take lightly, and that my words have meaning behind them."
"Hm. I see, so you killed the religious players to show that you're no one to joke around with. Once that was done, you enacted Ragnarok. It makes sense from that point of view; if you didn't kill the players before you enacted Ragnarok, they wouldn't have taken it so seriously."
Emerald instantly understood my way of thinking.
I mean sure, she's my sister, but that was unexpected.
"…Oh… yeah, you got it right, Emerald."
("It's like she's reading my mind, holy hell.")
"So, if it was a fear tactic, then allow me to bring them back! You said they don't have to stay dead, right?" Angelica walked forward and held out her palm, "Sacred Restoration!"
A white light was cast from her hand.
Those who had died from Lucienne would return back to life.
Sacred Restoration revives any ally who has died. Once this is activated, any ally who dies even if not in her line of vision or she is unaware of it, will be returned to life and with a condition better than before.
Though, of her own volition, this can be used on others who weren't in alliance.
The people who gruesomely died would have their data particles reformed from the database, which acted as the afterlife.
Their Game avatars slowly emerged back into existence with higher life points and higher mana points.
They powered up a few extra levels.
Angelica was incredible when it came to supporting, I had to admit.
"There, all done," Angelica smiled… but then that smile became a menacing glare, "Now leave."
She commanded the revived players to leave.
They didn't even have time to thank her or ask what was going on. They were just scared from her glare alone, and seeing the other Phantom mutiny behind her.
They ran away, escaping the Main lobby either through teleportation potions or spatial warp.
"Now that's done, what's the next plan, Maverick?" Floating down next to me was Christopher.
"We wait. We act as watchers, see what the players do, and wait. As of now, the Phantom Mutiny will become the 'Bosses' of this world. Think of us as some MMORPG event that every player in Isekai Online has to work together to beat."
"…Bosses? Aren't we a little too overpowered for that?" Angelica asked.
"…Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. We don't only have one Great King in our group, but two. That's Maverick and Angelica." Kuma levitated to the ground, standing right next to Christopher with his hands in his pocket.
"Maybe we can get the other two Great Kings to help the players." Lucienne walked up, recommending a solution.
It could work… but we would make enemies with powerful players.
"That's something you shouldn't say so lightly, Lucienne. The other Great Kings are as strong as me and Angelica, and you guys are no match, as much as I hate to admit it."
I focused my eyes below, staring at the ground in thought.
"But, despite being no match to them in terms of power, you all possess something that they don't have. Crimson, you have the willpower, Emerald, you have the wits, Kuma, you have guts, Lucienne, you have the determination, and Christopher, you have the skill. Combine those together, and you have a true monster. If all of you worked together without me and Angelica to help, I'm sure you could take on one of the Four Great Kings."
Angelica crossed her arms, smirking, "Hmph. Of course, if there ever comes a time when we have to face off against the other Great Kings, me and Maverick will be there to protect you all. Just count on it!"
"I admire your words, Angelica, but if another Great King wishes to battle me, I will be the one to fight them, solo," Emerald responded to Angelica with her confident tone.
No surprise there.
"Confident as ever…" Crimson muttered.
"Alright. It's no longer wise to stay here, we should leave and let the other players have time to strategize. The reason for Ragnarok is to have the players level up and prepare for the future against the gods. We were betrayed by divine intervention, so now it's time we all rebel against them. That is my plan! To scare the players just enough until they're ready to fight back." I was passionate about this plan, my face could say it all with my crazed grin.
Everyone looked at me with a smile, having faith in my words.
I shall not fail them.
And I shall not fail this world, and the lives of the players.
Far away from the North Continent, was the South Continent.
This is the land where the abnormal race lives.
In Isekai World Online, there is the Humanoid race. They're a group of judicious creatures, often similar in biology, which allows them to interbreed with other humanoid associates. The known Humanoid races are:
Dark Elf
Opposite to the Humanoid race, is the Abnormal race. They're a group of inhuman or monstrous species. They have evolution traits that humanoid races lack and possess powerful intrinsic skills. The known Abnormal races are:
The Great King in this land was known as the Demon King, he ruled over the South continent, and his hate for humanoid races was great.
He despised all humanoid races! Elves, Dragonics, Humans, Orcs, Goblins, and more.
He wouldn't hesitate to execute them if he saw any of them in the South Continent.
He was cruel.
He was racist.
He wanted to change the world in his image and create his own race.
I'm not gonna lie… the guy reminds me of that one Austrian painter who failed art class.
"So, we've all been trapped in this world, from who again?"
The Demon King, Lucifer, sat on his throne, glaring down at an elf who was shaken up.
She could barely stand, she was bruised on her face and dirty all over her body. Most of her clothing was ripped in certain sections, and her eye was swollen.
She was abused, hungry, and tired.
"Th-The… the creator, Lord Lucifer. They said that the creator of Isekai World Online trapped us here! S-So now our real bodies in the other world are already dead and gone. We must live in the game world from now on…" She lifted up her arms to cover her face, scared she would be hit again by the demonic brute standing next to her.
"I see. So the creator isn't a dev, but an actual god who created this game, and brought it to our real world so he could entrap us inside of it, and use our souls for his personal desire."
"Y-Yes… th-that may be exactly what happened! W-Whatever you say is true… Lord Lucifer…" The elf was suddenly smashed in her face by the brute next to her, sending her body skidding across the floor.
She was knocked out… dead.
"What did I tell you about killing the Elves, Beelzebub?" Lucifer exclaimed.
"Sorry, my lord, she was talking so silently, I couldn't hear her. When someone talks to you, they must speak in a concise fashion. She lacked that trait."
"You belligerent fool. I was going to save her as one of Cerberus' snacks! He likes it when his victims are alive and screaming, not dead and shallow. Revive her, and send her to the pits where she belongs."
"Yes, your majesty." Beelzebub walked towards the dead elf, holding out his hand to resurrect her with celestial magic.
Her eyes opened wide, and she could see the large brute standing over her.
"Off to the pits you go," Beelzebub grabbed her by the hair, dragging her across the floor.
"No! Please, Lord Lucifer! Please, I went to the North Continent just like you said, and I relayed the information! Spare me, my lord! Spare me!!!"
The elf's voice would fade outside of the throne room, leaving the demon king's presence.
"What a pity, I liked her loyalty, but she's a humanoid. Ever since the NPCs in this world disappeared from that bug, I sent her to the North Continent to check the Main Lobby and see if it was the same for them, but misfortunately enough, she got caught in one of the most unpredictable events one could call for."
Lucifer leaned back into his throne.
"I suppose this means… my true identity is Lucifer. I am no longer the person I was in the real world, I am something grander… something more sinister."
He looked at his hands, clenching his fist.
"Is this who I really want to be from now on?"