
Chapter 5 - Section 3: ??? POV (Cont)

"What are you and your knights even doing Knight Commander, how hard is it to round up the remaining heretics while keeping the capital's vicinity safe, need I remind you just how many people live within the capital and depend on food delivered from the surroundings?" <Pope >

"Our apologies your eminence, we had focused too greatly on the case of the heretics that the security of the surroundings has slipped but we are re-dispatching some teams to mop up the monsters who've gathered to restore peace once again while we redouble our efforts against the heretics.



Merchant caravans began coming under attack on the main road today, we knights were dispatched to investigate but aside from signs of combat having taken place by the time we arrived no signs of the assaulting force were witnessed.

From the amount of blood sighted at the scene of the attack, it's presumed the entire merchant force was slaughtered.

These vile monsters are just as bad if not even worse than those bloody heretics who dare spit in the face of our gods.


The monster's attacks have been increasing as of late, it's been days now since the capital saw a single merchant arriving at its gates, are they staying away to avoid being attacked or have they all been attacked and turned away by the monsters?

The knight commander has meetings with the captains and his eminence regularly and the look on his face darkens more and more as the days pass.

multiple companies have been dispatched into the forest to deal with these goblins and orcs who've taken up residence, some have managed to be slain but the numbers lost on our side are most distressing.

We are the proud white knights how could we possibly lose to goblins?


These peasants dare speak out against the failures of our knight order, how dare they. For centuries we've protected them from harm, and now just because their food has decreased for the first time they take it out on us?

What are they doing to solve the problem? We knights are doing all we can to get rid of this menace looming over our city.

Our proud capital shall not fall to the likes of these monsters, the territory armies will arrive soon to save us.

It would be nice to see meat in our rations once again.


Out of bread... the city has been without resupply now for half a month it wouldn't matter if this was wartime as we could have drawn in supplies beforehand to withstand a siege but this is wartime!

We stopped getting meat not too long ago and now we've been told we're out of wheat, they've been giving us a form of cracker in place of bread and it's awful, all it's good for is filling your belly and making you feel ill.

The peasants have been rotting more often as well resulting in our monster subjugation attempts to slow down further as we need to reinforce the guards to maintain order within the city while failing to kill those beasts who still linger outside our gates.

Please Your Majesty return and save us, or at the very least Goddess send a hero to save our souls.


Salt soup.... salt soup was all we received today, the citizens have been trying to leave the capital don't they understand we're under siege if they leave they'll die!

Maybe it would be better that they did, more of what's left behind for the rest of us who are loyal to the kingdom!

Since we ran out of fodder, the knights took to killing their steeds which was a bit of a godsend as we saw meat in our meals once again, but only for a day and now there are no more horses to eat.


Ugh, I'm so hungry I don't even want to write anymore, I think it was yesterday a mass of 10,000 citizens forced the gate open and tried to escape only to witness the monster forces emerge ever so slightly from the forest brandishing their arms.

Of course, those stupid citizens closed the gate right after, we're surrounded you morons, we can't tell how many there are because of the forest but there must be 20,000 of them at least to completely surround us like this.

Maybe it's because of the lack of food but the sanitation in the city has been going downhill lately as well, there is a distinct smell of filth in the air.


Ugh I can't take it anymore, I need clean air, I need meat. I don;t even care what kind of meat it is, I'll eat a rat at this rate!

I've been starving now for so long I can see the bones of the face in my polished blade, but the commanders still look alright.

Those bastards their eating well, while the rest of us are all starving to death!

At least the citizens have settled down, well not like they have the energy left to complain everyone is just locked up at home withering away.

But all the while the streets are becoming disgusting, filth is piling up and the toilets are also failing to dispose of the waste, we've started using chamberpots even.

What is happening in the capital or we cursed? How have we angered the goddess so to give us such trials.