What happens when you get summoned by accident to another world alongside the heroes only to find the unique skill you got is the same name as your favourite MMORPG? and the real summoned Heroes are all Trash trying to ruin the world?
Hours passed by as the sun rose higher into the sky the former captives turned freed villagers and merchants were all running around under the resurfaced Raisa's leadership and orders tearing down and burning the Goblin settlement structures, while gathering up any goods or materials that would be brought back to the city.
Everything progressed before my eyes as I sat atop the peak of outcropping overlooking the village from the mountainside watching the works progress below.
I had offered to assist but Raisa shoo'd me away so fast stating that the others would only move slower if "The One" got anywhere near them since they'd all be self conscious about my Divine summoning, or rather my connection to it coupled with the fact that some of these ladies had been through severe trauma and just by being a male I should keep my distance for their own sake. Thankfully she's kept word of us clearing the dungeon a secret so far.
So here I sit awaiting the signal for the start to our return towards the city, of course I could leave on my own especially since Raisa's level rose so dramatically that she could single handedly handle anything the journey could throw at them, but even she seems shocked by how strong she is now course she still hasn't realized just how much she's grown.
But since I have a partnership with her and we left on a job together its best if we return together as well, plus it's not fair to here if I pass the "blame" for all our successes onto her shoulders, so we will split that blame instead as equal partners.
While I sat waiting I manipulated my menu to learn more about my new classes abilities and limitations in this new world, thankfully when I ranked up my current attributes all remained so if it's like the game then the only thing that should change is how much each attribute increases from this point on. Skill wise I gained a new ability called <Summoning> which is similar but different to my Monster book thru the <Gamer> skill.
Now I have a limit of 6 summons I can have out at a time, but these can belong to the monster book, or magical summons I only tested the new skill a little but I managed to magically summon a mouse even after trying to summon something larger I failed this is probably because my summoning skill level is too low starting at level 1, if I level it up I should gain the ability to summon higher class summons, and perhaps it will also increase the amount of summons I can have at once as well, the largest advantage i could see was that my magical summons granted me a buff the single mouse caused my mana capacity to increase but at point I dispelled it the value returned to normal.
Next up I gained basic spell casting which had unlocked the Magic tab of my menu, since I'm only level one of my new class I possess only 3 spells at the moment: Summon, Magic Hand, and Bolt.
Magic Hand is a form of telekinesis that allows me to move small objects without actually touching them, meanwhile Bolt is a form of attack magic that strikes in a straight line like a bolt of lightning, or rather a magic missle.
The biggest worry for me would be the major restrictions the game held for all classes which was that a class cannot wield a weapon designed for other classes, since a Conjurer is a Magic Attack/Support class type they cannot wield most weapons since their own equipment is staves, wands, orbs, and simple weaponry.
I confirmed this restriction myself since I could hold a sword and attack normally but if I tried to wield a second blade and swing it the blade would fall to the ground resulting in me only wielding a single one, thankfully I can still wield some of my other equipment as well mainly my dagger, but with the restriction dual wielding is now out, along with shields, bows, and all other weapon types are no longer equipment I can use at all.
Satou (Kokei) Ekiken Age: 27
Race: Human Level: 1/30 (31)
Class: Conjurer
Titles: From Another World, Dungeon Conqueror (54-Pale Grotto), Dungeon Master (54), Muscle Memory (Skinning)
Health E Mana E
Strength F Dexterity F
Vitality F Intelligence E
Agility E
Skill: Gamer: Yggdrasill, Magic Hand (1), Bolt (1), Deception (1)
Summon (1): Beast G, Insect G
Professions: Alchemy (2), First Aid (2), Herbalism (2), Mining (1), Scavenging (1), Skinning (3), Tailoring (2), Treasure Hunting (1)
'Flash Flash'
"Oh there's the signal seems there finally ready to set off" <Satou>
Standing up and dusting off my pants I dashed off the side of the precipice and slid down the rocky surface all the way to the bottom leaving behind a rising cloud of dust, and tumbling smaller rocks kicked loose by my rapid descent.
Once I landed at the bottom the first person, or rather thing I came across once I entered what formerly was the Goblin settlement was Ruby standing like a guard, when I approached she leaned from side to side to look behind me.
"Huh, oh you're looking for Kurama aren't you, I unsummoned him for a bit so's he could rest after our expedition underground was over" <Satou>
"Are'…" <Ruby>
[Shenron how long would a summon take to recover?] <Satou>
[[While I know admittedly not much about summoning magic itself, I would assume it could be instantaneous or perhaps recovery is impossible it's too uncertain since the stone golem pair recovered with potions before you had dispelled them before?]] <Shenron>
[Well guess we won't know until we try huh, and worst case I'll just need to have some potions handy just in case] <Satou>
"Summon Kurama" <Satou>
A quick flash of white light illuminated before dissipating leaving a fox-like kobold standing exactly where my outstretched palm was pointing.
"Wait… huh!?" <Satou>
An uncontrollable response of surprise launched forth from my mouth, as I stood there staring at the summoned kobold. Kurama the summon whose accompanied me the most so far out of all my summons was different.
Before it was a child sized fox kobold with Orange Fur, and Yellowy-Orange eyes, white fur like boots encompassing its paws, and along with the tip of its tail.
But now the newly re-summoned Kurama was totally different. Standing before instead was still a child sized fox kobold, but it looked more like a human girl than the creature it was before. Fully digital hands, instead of paws, and foot like appendages as well instead of paws.
The Fox girl standing there in simple clothing matching the clothing and armor Kurama wore except that it was much tighter fitting due to the increase in both form and height, tilted her head at both me and Ruby who were just standing there like empty shells unable to comprehend what in the hell just happened.
[Why is there a foxgirl who looks to be 7-8 years old standing where Kurama should be… --- … Don't tell me this is because of my Class choice!]
"Ugh, you are Kurama right?" <Satou>
"Mhmm" <Kurama>
The fox-kid gave a grunt of acknowledgement after which she smiled at me, after which she once again turned to the still stunned ruby.
"Ruby!" <Kurama>
Running over and tackle hugging her.
"Well they are the same as ever… wait hold on a second did Kurama just speak!" <Satou>
[[Indeed Master that He or rather she did]] <Shenron>
[So I was right my class choice affected my summons, I'm lucky I didn't choose a fighter class I'd have most likely lost all ability to summon anything, except for you Shenron] <Satou>
[[Quite possible Master but if your choice now affected Kurama what's going to happen if you rank up again? ]] <Shenron>
[Hmm that right since I chose conjurer I only get 3 choices for my next rank up to progress my class evolution and well Conjurer is pretty neutral on the Karma scale but if I proceed with my typical character build things could get pretty bad, I mean even I would call myself a demon lord or similar at that point] <Satou>
[[Indeed, but at least we should have a good bit of time before we'd need to think about our next choice]] <Shenron>
[Fair enough, for now let's just finish the job we're on we can worry about the rest later on] <Satou>
"Aro" <Ruby>
"Are" <Kurama>
Ending my mental conversation with Shenron I carried on to stand there watching a conversation between Kurama and Ruby, well I say conversation but it was all just barks, and woofs to me aside from the occasional single word spoken from Kurama's new mouth.
"Seems the only word you can speak at the moment is Ruby huh Kurama" <Satou>
"Aro!" <Kurama>
Pumping a fist in triumph into the air.
"Alright guys the signal was given so we'd best be getting over to Raisa otherwise we might get left behind when they leave for the city" <Satou>
With that the 3 of us hurried off towards the former main entrance to the village where an assembled convoy of makeshift sledges and carts piled high with goods, and the children while the adults took up positions to pull or push.
"Ruby! Satou! Hey over here" <Raisa>
Hearing the clear voice rising over the chatter of the others assembled my eyes turned to the leader of this group the ever energetic Raisa waving her hand in a wave above her head to draw our attention.
Seeing that we made our way over to her.
"Just where have you been, I know I asked you not to get in the way but you didn't have to go and run off! 'geez'" <Raisa>
"I just went off for a bit of meditation I kept view of the village the whole time" <Satou>
[Sheesh girls are the same in every world it seems, doesn't matter if you listen or not you're always in trouble] <Satou>
"That's no excuse, and besides that.. just whose the little girl hiding behind you, you didn't do anything improper did you!" <Raisa>
"Wah how could you say something like that out loud! Also can you not tell this is Kurama?" <Satou>
"WHAT!! Nuh uh Kurama is a cute little kobold like Ruby, not some cute little gi...rl..." <Raisa>
Turning my head a bit I noticed why she couldn't tell since Kurama formerly so full of pride and running up to Raisa was instead cowering in fear behind me, perhaps she's worried Raisa won't accept the changed her.
Instead I brought an arm behind me and slowly ushered Kurama forward guiding her to stand in front of me with both hands resting on her shoulders.
"Cmon what a cruel thing to say, after all the hard work she did to level up enough in that place just to evolve and become more human so she could be more like her favorite person and you go and say a thing like that I mean look how scared you've made her, and you call me a beast" <Satou>
Patting Kurama on the head, when she turned around and buried her head in my stomach during my declaration. Not sure if she's just adding to my statement for greater effect but if she is it's a great act.
"Huh.. but.. what!" <Raisa>
Still dumbfounded finally a look like she was struck by lightning hit her and she jumped down from the cart she had been standing atop before dashing across the short distance between us and dropping to her knees in a full bow head on the ground.
"I'm sorry Kurama, truly I knew you were amazing I just didn't realize just how much more amazing you could become enough to even transform. Can you ever forgive me, I don't want to lose a friend like you, and I know Ruby would come to Hate me forever for what I just said before!" <Raisa>
Her heartfelt plea pouring from her lips as her face was buried in the dirt, it took just about everything in me to refrain from laughing, since the moment her eyes were down Kurama had dropped the act and was just standing there hands on hips like a mom before her begging child soaking in the apology.
Finally granting mercy Kurama tapped her furry hand onto of Raisa's head. Lifting her head tears and snot streaming down her face. Kurama meanwhile extending her other hand towards me.
"Huh.. Oh yeah of course" <Satou>
Retrieving a strip of cloth from my storage I handed it over.
Kurama took the strip and started rather roughly rubbing it all over Raisa's face to mop up the rather unsightly look on her face.
When it was over and Kurama released her grip Raisa's face was rather red, be it from the rubbing or from embarrassment I don't think anyone will ever know, and even if they were to question the bloodshot eyes one would assume she'd been crying from the rather rough facial she received.
After that everyone jumped into action either becoming passengers or packmules as the convey set off, into the forest headed in the direction the city of Bobel.
Along the way Raisa and I attempted to teach Kurama further words but nothing was achieved in the hours that passed.
On the other hand Raisa declared once she got home she would share some of Ruby's clothes with Kurama, which I tried to decline since I knew we could always just purchase our own, or get some gear from my game store, but she insisted seeing as how only some light mending would be needed to adjust them to fit Kurama's new size.
Finally after hours of walking at a fairly slow pace we reached the grasslands with view of the city walls, having not encountered any monster attacks along the way.
Having probably been startled by the convoy appearing out of nowhere a team of armored men rushed out from within the gate and stopped our advance towards the city in the field.
"Halt you approach the City of Bobel what are you doing here!" <Guard Leader>
"Really Jaquin it's only been what 2 days since you last saw me, and that's what you have to say" <Raisa>
Raisa kicked off a sarcastic remark towards the captain of the guards.
"Lady Raisa!" <Jaquin>
The other guards present all lost the serious look on their faces and relaxed at once.
"Uh.. er sorry I didn't see you there, can you explain just what's going on here?" <Jaquin>
"Oh well sure, you know how we set off on a subjugation request before?" <Raisa>
"Well yeah of course" <Jaquin>
"Welp this is the result, we found a goblin village, then subjugated it and found these people within the village as captives since we're not monsters we took them with us since they'll be safer in the city than just sending them off to wander the wilds looking for sanctuary" <Raisa>
Puffing her chest out after finishing her one woman monologue recapping the last couple days events with muddied details per my request.
"An actual established Goblin Village!" <Jaquin>
At that word one of the guards took off running back to the city, meanwhile we agreed that the remaining guards could talk to the others we'd brought along as is their duty before anyone is allowed inside the city walls.
These talks took place as we trundled our way towards the gate, a few more guards took off running along the way, after the final entrant was verified as a non-criminal by way of a justice orb which could only inform whether or not one had committed crimes established by the gods and entered the city I handed them the final small pouch containing a handful of silver coins since me and Raisa we're the technical owners of all the looted goods, but we both agreed sending all these kids, and women penniless into the city was dangerous so I proposed a sort of welfare where upon we'd disperse the money we'd found among them all equally seeing as neither of us would actually need the money itself.
(Justice Orbs were low level magic items similar to Oracle stone which are high level, except that they can only read whether or not a person had committed crimes established by the gods of this world;
(1) Murder – This was a rather loose term since agreed upon duels did not count, nor did it if a high ranked person killed a lower rank (i.e Noble killing a commoner) Killing bandits was permitted, and killing in self-defense was also allowed.
(2) Theft – Removal or taking of firmly established property of another, Masters can take the property of Slaves or Serfs that they are responsible for or in charge of since by proxy slave property belong to their master/s
(3) Rape/Sexual Assault
(4) Kidnapping – Removal of any underage (<15)minor from the territory of their guardian without a firm transfer of authority taking place (aka gaining permission from the guardian)
(5) Arson – Only occurs if you burn down someone else's property, or cause it to become burned.
(6) Assault – Instigator of a one sided fight where one side wishes for the fight but the other refuses until the only choice becomes self-defense, street brawls do not count
(7) Infidelity – Earned if you go against the god/s you've been baptised towards after having received their blessings.
I on the other hand would take in any material I could use for crafting and Raisa would profit from selling the rest along with my manufactured goods.
"Ah good to be back in the city!" <Raisa>
Stretching her arms high above her head.
"Yes it's certainly been a long couple of days so I look forward to a nice bed myself" <Satou>
A loud shrieking voice rang out halting our progress down the main street, a short ganglish looking man made his way over to us wearing rather fine looking purple clothing with yellowish embroidered patterns.
"Where is the Divine Beast!" <???>
"Huh…" <Satou>
Was all i could state as this ugly man shoved a finger into my face almost coming into contact with my nose.
[Great the rumours are already spreading]
"Don't you play dumb you simpleton, a divine beast appearing is a sign from the gods and it should be greeted by those of proper standing not one so lowly as yourself!" <???>
"How dare you speak to Satou like that!" <Raisa>
"Be quiet you harpy, just because your daddy's powerful doesn't mean you can just mouth off to anyone, I'm sure you know whom I represent!" <???>
With that Raisa lowered her head and became rather quiet, and even shrunk hiding behind my back.
[This is troublesome I doubt it'll end well either way what do you think Shenron?] <Satou>
[[Well if I present myself now and defend you, life is going to get unceasingly difficult you know]] <Shenron>
[Isn't there a way you could I don't know cast an illusion only he could see as if getting an oracle from the gods or something declaring divine punishment or something for claiming rights to a divine beast?] <Satou>
[[Not sure but I can try, if you keep him busy for a bit]] <Shenron>
"Just why are you coming after me for the divine beast, it's not here not and it flew off during our mission in the forest" <Satou>
"Don't give me that you trollop, everyone knows you spoke to it and were on friendly terms, this land is governed by the Count and for a divine beast to appear and not present itself before his honor is a slap in the face of the highest degree" <???>
"And it's my fault he wasn't worthy of that honor?" <Satou>
"UUrgh!!!" <???>
"Satou you took that one to far I think…" <Raisa>
Whispering a quiet remark on my question.
"How dare you, you will pay dearly for tha....." <???>
Stopping mid sentence everyone watching this scene unfold held their breath, meanwhile the gangled man in front of us, contorted slightly his eyes started streaming tears and foaming at the mouth.
"Uwwwwwaaaaaaa!!!" <???>
Finally the silence ended with the man taking off running at full speed still looking as if he'd gone rabid, the surrounding lit up with questions and rumors asking what had just happened, Raisa on the other hand looked over at me.
"That was your doing wasn't it?" <Raisa>
"Nope, not mine" <Satou>
Pointing a thumb at the coiled up serpent on my neck
"Ah so it was his doing, well that's to be expected I'd suppose." <Raisa>
Our walk through the evening city streets after that was anything but pleasant it seems the entire city was in an uproar having heard the inflated story from those we'd rescued both Raisa and I had become celebrities.
Weapon and Armor workshops we passed begged and pleaded on their knees for us to check out their wares, citizens came up to me and prostrated themselves in prayer, the guards on patrol on the other hand kept stopping us to check out Kurama, since most had gotten used to Ruby, and Kurama's kobold forms but now that she was a Fox-kin she stood out all the more.
And worst of all we had to deal with another two public outbursts from messengers of nobles at the gate was the Count, then followed a Baron's and Lastly prayer group sent by a bishop.
"Dealing with nobles sucks" <Satou>
"Oh trust me if you're this worn out already you won't survive this is only the beginning afterall" <Raisa>
"Huh" <Satou>
[Seriously, we had to deal with that arrogant douche from the Count first, then that pompous oaf sent by the Baron, and worst of all was that party of clergymen from the church who demanded we hand over Shenron which wasn't even visible and when we said we couldn't they threatened to brand us as heretics who mingle with demon folk as they pointed at Kurama and Ruby i mean i know they're technically monsters but come on]
"If it's this much trouble perhaps it's best I just leave then, life's no fun if you're always looking over your shoulder, or having someone try to steal your friends or possessions just because they want them" <Satou>
"What! Leave, you can't do that Satou, I know it's tough but I'll protect you, and Daddy will too I'm sure instead of at the warehouse you should come stay at our place we can keep everyone from bothering you." <Raisa>
I agreed to the move in our accommodations since Raisa wouldn't let it go, no matter how many different alternate plans i proffered, plus staying at her mansion would offer me a much better bed than the basic ones I had at the warehouse, or inns.
Once we'd made it back Kurama and I went straight off to the room we were pointed at and went to sleep the fatigue built up from the last few days as the excuse but really I just needed to rest my brain from having to deal with all the stupid nobles and rumors flying around.